Chapter 141
【Oh!Big melon! 】

In the space, Xiao Hua, who was still trembling, regained her spirits in an instant, moved out the small bench, and looked radiant!

The homeless man lay flat on the ground, a trace of scarlet flashed in his eyes.

Blood, fire, screams.

Like a lingering nightmare.

Cen Yanyu kept looking at Si Qian vigilantly, for fear that he would do something unfavorable to Cen Shu.

Si Qian turned his head and looked at Cen Shu, his voice was cold, "Who are you?"

The girl in front of her looked no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, her eyes were dark, as if she wanted to see through others.

Cen Shu's almond eyes narrowed slightly, and a glint of light appeared in the bottom of her eyes. She didn't answer Si Qian's words, and said, "You should turn yourself in."

Cen Yanyu was speechless in astonishment, Si Qian is not dead!
Then what happened to the rumor that all five members of the family were buried in the flames?

Shu Shu said that what he meant?

Si Qian laughed terribly, the laughter seemed to be coming from his throat, it was sharp and unpleasant.

"Little girl, aren't you afraid of death?" Si Qian suddenly stopped laughing, his eyes were cold.

Cen Yanyu was startled, and subconsciously came to Cen Shu's side, "What do you want to do?"

Cen Shu took out a bag of pure milk from her bag, inserted a thin tube, and said seriously, "You can't kill me."

Cen Yanyu: ...

"You've been here for almost 20 years, who are you waiting for?"

Cen Shu took a sip of milk and looked at Si Qian.

Si Qian slowly turned his head to look at Cen Shu.

Cen Yanyu was stunned to see traces of helplessness and despair on his pitch-black face.

"Where is my son?" Si Qian sighed, sat up from the ground, sat cross-legged on the ground, his voice choked slightly.

"You can turn yourself in at the police station and make a missing child notice."

Cen Shu bit the thin tube, her voice was a little muffled.

"Little girl, this matter is not as simple as you imagined, before you get into it, leave as soon as possible."

Si Qian sighed deeply, and said in a low voice, "This is beyond what you ordinary people can solve. The police can't do it, and neither can you."

Cen Shu finished drinking a bag of milk, stood up and stretched her feet, "It seems that we can't reach an agreement."

Cen Shu slightly twisted her wrist, making it crackle.

Cen Yanyu was stunned, "Shushu, do you want to do something? Just lighten up and let me do it."

After finishing speaking, Cen Yanyu rolled up his sleeves and grabbed Si Qian by the neckline, "Be more honest!" He is so fierce!
Cen Shu: ...

"Twenty years ago, as the largest developer of the villa, the Si family should have made a lot of money." Cen Shu's voice was calm, "But you suddenly withdrew a large amount of cash from the project fund, which caused the project to be delayed. .”

"In less than 20 days, your family moved into the first phase of the villa, and within a week, a massacre occurred that shocked the whole country."

Cen Shu lowered her eyes sharply, and looked straight at Si Qian, "Who did you give that cash to? Is he also the person you have been waiting for all these years?"

Cen Yanyu almost stopped waving the flag and shouting, Shushu is so amazing!
This reasoning is solid.

"Hehehe!" Hearing Cen Shu's words, Si Qian was silent for a long time, and suddenly laughed, the laughter was shrill, "Little girl, you are very good, you can find so many things..."

Si Qian is a real estate entrepreneur, and he is very particular about Feng Shui. From site selection to the start of construction, he will invite masters to sit on the site.

Back then, workers suddenly dug out a strange box from the construction site. The wooden box was sealed with pulp and could not be opened at all.

(End of this chapter)

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