Chapter 142 The Wind Rises

"When you start construction, the most taboo is to dig something."

Si Qian recalled, "I went to consult the master at that time, and the master said that this thing is evil and difficult to deal with."

Later, the master came to him and said that he had a way to solve it, but eliminating the evil energy would cause great damage to his body and required 1000 million cash.

Si Qian showed a bitter smile. During that time, he seemed to be bewitched. He never doubted the master at all, and secretly took cash from the project fund to the master.

"Afterwards, the master appeared again and told me to move into the villa as soon as possible, and never said anything else."

And then, it's a nightmare!

That day, at three o'clock in the morning, Si Qian seemed to have had a dream, and he couldn't recall the details.

When he came back to his senses, the room was covered in blood, his wife had been stabbed to death, and his son and daughter, who had just uttered a few months ago, were not breathing.

Only the eldest son took the wrong medicine because of his love for fun, and he was always asleep and escaped.

The robbers who wanted to rob the house were also frightened crazy.

And he held a knife in his hand, blood spattered all over his body.

"I don't even remember what I did? I..."

Si Qian hugged his head tightly, his headache was about to split, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked very frightening.

Cen Yanyu stood in front of Cen Shu silently, feeling a little emotional in his heart, then the man with the knife he saw just now seemed to be in an illusion, it turned out that he was not a gangster, but Si Qian!
Cen Shu took out a talisman from her bag, and slapped it on Si Qian's forehead.

Make a lot of noise.

Cen Yanyu frowned, he felt pain even hearing it.

Si Qian fell silent instantly, staring blankly at Cen Shu, a tear rolled down his dark cheek.

"Are you awake?"

Cen Shu's voice was a little cold.

Si Qian nodded.

"Master, I can't turn myself in, I can't go!" Si Qian cried with a headache, he hasn't found out yet, the lives of his wife and children, he can't go!

For so many years, he was like a mouse who couldn't see the light, hiding in this dark place, having nightmares every night.

"I'm full of karma, even if you didn't mean it, you can't deny the fact that you killed someone. Every fruit has a cause, this is fate!"

Cen Shu scolded in a cold voice, looking at Si Qian who was weeping bitterly, her thoughts drifted away.

In the previous life, the old Taoist once said that metaphysics can change or kill a life.

Once you get started, you must follow the three nos, don't speak in vain, don't act in vain, and don't leak secrets.

Si Qian is obsessed with the study of Feng Shui, but he is only superstitious and not objective, so he loses himself, is used by others, and causes a catastrophe.

It's life!
"But, I'm not reconciled!" Si Qian roared in pain.

He has always wanted to find that master back then, but suffered from not having a formal identity.

"last question."

Cen Shu stared at him coldly, her red lips parted slightly, "What was the name of that master back then?"

Si Qian was stunned, gritted his teeth and said:
"I will never forget his name. His name is He Yong, and everyone on the road calls him Master He."

【Fuck! 】

The melon seeds in Xiaohua's hand shook all over the floor.

Are you sure this is the Master He it knows?

Xiao Hua only felt an inexplicable chill all over her body, not everyone felt the chill.

Cen Shu's apricot eyes slightly narrowed, and there was a dark gleam of unknown meaning floating in the bottom of her eyes.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from nowhere, carrying a hint of coolness.

The sunlight outside the window was blocked by a huge dark cloud, and the bamboo leaves in the courtyard rustled.

got windy.

(End of this chapter)

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