Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 146 Women can hold up half the sky

Chapter 146 Women can hold up half the sky

Sorrows and joys came faintly, with a little sadness.

"Shu Shu, this is?"

Before coming here, Cen Yanyu didn't know Cen Shu's purpose, but now he seems to have guessed something.

"Let's go."

Cen Shu's voice was very low, and she walked further into the village.


"Village chief, please come and judge. We know it's not good to make trouble now, but this land will be re-divided soon, we are in a hurry!"

"That's right, that is, there is no place where a daughter's family can be allocated land, and her name Xia Qing is not on the genealogy at all!"

"Look, there are girls in every family. They are 30 years old and haven't dated yet. Poor old man Xia. She died alone at home. This daughter is not filial!"

As soon as Cen Shu and Cen Yanyu walked in, they heard a commotion.

Many people surrounded the door of Xia Qing's house, talking in a hurry, with a little aggressiveness.

"What are they doing?" Although Cen Yanyu was not taken by Xia Qing in high school, he had heard of Teacher Xia Qing's name. Seeing so many people gathered around Xia Qing's house, he frowned.

Since it's a funeral, so many people are making noise around here, aren't you afraid of disturbing the rest of the dead?

Xia Qing was surrounded by this group of people, and couldn't speak at all.

The people who came today are all old people from Xia Qing's father's generation.

During the National Day holiday, Xia Qing's vacation was only three days, and it would take nearly a day to commute back and forth. Xia Qing planned to go home to spend time with her father during the Chinese New Year.

Unexpectedly, in the early morning of the third day of National Day, I received a call from my cousin, saying that my father had passed away suddenly.

The moment Xia Qing received the call, she was stunned, and hurriedly bought the earliest ticket and rushed back.

Xia Qing's mother died early, and Xia Qing lived with her father since she was a child.

Back then, some matchmakers in the village came to persuade Xia Song to find another one to have a son while he was young, but Xia Song refused.

Xia Qing's father, Xia Song, was also a teacher when he was young. He was influenced by Xia Song since he was a child, and Xia Qing also determined to be a good teacher.

Xia Qing is the only student in Xiajia Village who has been admitted to a prestigious university.

When Xia Qing's grades were known, Xia Song was very happy. Xia Song, who had quit drinking for many years, drank several Erguotou at once.

Later, Xia Qing went out to go to college and work, and the time to come back became less and less.

It was at that time that various opinions arose in the village.

Xia Qing had heard a few words before, but didn't take them seriously.

But at this moment, Xia Qing couldn't help but blushed when she heard those chattering words.

For so many years, she has devoted herself to her work, but she has forgotten her father who has supported her since she was a child.

Listening to the side, Cen Yanyu understood now.

To put it bluntly, it is for the land.

The rural land is divided according to the head of each household. Now that Mr. Xia Qing's father has passed away, Mr. Xia Qing's family only has Mrs. Xia Qing's daughter.

They believed that girls could not enter the family tree or participate in the division of land.

"What age is this, and there is still such a thought!" Cen Yanyu couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

What happened to the girl?
Women hold up half the sky, haven't you heard of it?
The people in the village were not very polite when they spoke, and some people even brought up the things about Xia Qing's failure to go home during the Chinese New Year in the early years, as if they wanted to poke people's spines.

Seeing someone pushing and shoving, the situation became serious.

Cen Shu frowned, her voice was not too loud, but it was enough for everyone to hear.


(End of this chapter)

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