Chapter 147

Xia Qing was helpless, when she heard this voice suddenly, she froze slightly and raised her head.

He saw Cen Shu standing outside the crowd at a glance. He didn't know how long she stood there and how much she heard.

"Cen Shu?"

Xia Qing came to Cen Shu through the crowd, glanced at Cen Yanyu, "Why are you here?"

"Hello, Teacher Xia." Cen Yanyu called out loudly, as if on purpose.

When the villagers saw foreigners, they stopped making trouble and started whispering together.

"Teacher, I'm on leave. When I heard about your father, I came here to see you." Cen Shu's lips curled slightly, looking at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing was wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and a white sackcloth. There were many tiny ash stains on the shirt, her face was pale, and her eyes were bloodshot. She looked like she hadn't had a good rest for several days, and she was very haggard. .

"Okay, folks, please be quiet and listen to me."

At this time, a gray-haired man in his 60s with a cane in the crowd glanced at Cen Shu and the two spoke.

"Village Chief, please be fair."

"Yes, village chief, we will listen to you."

"You come to judge!"

The village head coughed softly, and said: "Everyone has seen that, Xia Qing is the only child in Xia Song's family, and now Xia Song's body is not cold, is it not good for you to make trouble like this?"

"But the village chief, Xia Qing is just a girl, how can she divide the land! Doesn't this mean that the family rules of Xiajia Village are all messed up!"

Someone yelled in dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, this matter is also the first in Xiajia Village, everyone, don't worry, discuss it slowly, and wait for Xia Qingbaby to deal with her father's funeral, then we can sit down and discuss it together, okay? "

The village chief stroked his beard, and he kept looking at Cen Shu and the two from the corner of his eye.

He had heard a long time ago that this baby Xia Qing became a high school teacher in the city, and the students were all dolls from powerful and wealthy families.

In case, this matter becomes serious, he, the village head, will not be able to handle it.

"Okay! We'll just listen to the village chief and wait until Xia Qing's father's funeral is over."

The villagers also knew that such a disturbance was not good, and under the dredging of the village chief, the surrounding crowd dispersed.

The village chief tremblingly came to Xia Qing with a cane, "Xia Wa, please finish your father's funeral first, and let's talk about the local affairs later. You have been outside for so many years, and you don't know what is going on in the village." rule."

"Anyway, you can ask your cousins ​​and sisters-in-law if you have anything to do, they know." The village head sighed, and said: "If there is anything you don't understand, you can come to me, and I can help you as much as possible."

"Okay, thank you, village chief." Xia Qing thanked him full of gratitude.

"Okay, okay, go get busy." The village chief waved his hand and left with a cane.

Xia Qing quietly wiped her eyes where no one else could see, and said with a smile to Cen Shu, "I'll show you a joke, come in quickly."

"No way, Mr. Xia, we came so suddenly and disturbed you."

Cen Yanyu smiled, trying to adjust the atmosphere.

"Come in quickly, the roads in this village are not easy to walk, you don't get motion sickness, do you?"

Xia Qing led the two into the living room.

There is a coffin in the middle of the living room. The coffin is set up with several benches, and a table is placed in front of the coffin.

There was Xia Qing's father's portrait. Xia Song hadn't taken many photos in these years, and the photos he used were taken more than ten years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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