Chapter 148

Xia Song looks a little thin, with a kind smile.

On both sides of the portrait, there were two white candles. As the wind blew in, the flames of the candles swayed slightly.

In front of the table, there is a stove with a lot of incense sticks on it, and the cigarette smoke curls up.

Hazy Xia Song's smile on the portrait.

"Cousin, take a break, let me come." The mourning hall was relatively deserted, a woman in plain clothes about 40 years old knelt on the futon, and kept throwing paper money and ingots into another brazier.

"Who are these two?" Cousin sister-in-law has only been to the market in the town the farthest, and she has never seen such a beautiful person, as if she walked out of a painting.

Xia Qing poured two cups of tea for Cen Shu and Cen Yanyu respectively, and took the paper money, "Cousin-in-law, this is my student, I heard about my father and came to express my condolences."

"Hi everybody!"

The cousin's voice was very thin, with a little timidity, and her eyes were bright.

"Hello cousin." Cen Yanyu followed suit.

Cen Shu nodded slightly, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "Hello."

The sister-in-law has a simple personality, and she smiled happily when she got the response from the two of them.

"Qingzi, I'll go to the kitchen and make some good dishes for them. You watch here, your cousin will be back soon, and you'll go to sleep when he comes back. You haven't closed your eyes for several days. "

The cousin got up and patted the ashes off her body.

"Okay, thank you cousin."

There is a custom in the village that the paper money must be burned all the time without stopping, so that the deceased relatives can travel unimpeded all the way and will not be embarrassed by errands.

Xia Qing threw a few paper money into the brazier.

Cen Yanyu sat on the stool beside him, holding the teacup in both hands, and stood up quickly when he heard his cousin's words, "Cousin-in-law, we can eat whatever we want, and if you need to do some work, won't it be a waste of help if we come?"

The cousin fetched a bucket of water in the yard, and was about to bring it to the kitchen, "It's okay, if you don't eat, we will do the same. It's just a few more dishes, it doesn't matter."

"Okay, then we won't refuse, thank you cousin."

Cen Yanyu has been a kitchen killer since he was a child, so he didn't dare to say that he would help, because he was afraid that he would blow up Mr. Xia's kitchen.

The candlelight was faint, and the atmosphere in the hall became cold for a while.

In the yard, dirge music played from the stereo.

"By the way, Cen Shu, I haven't congratulated you yet. You got the first grade in the monthly exam."

The paper money in the brazier was burning, illuminating half of Xia Qing's face.

Cen Shu curled her lips and said nothing.

Cen Yanyu shook his hand and almost missed the cup. He looked at Cen Shu with a calm expression in surprise, his eyes almost popping out.

"Shu Shu, you got the first place in the exam?!"

Then why didn't you say it when you were at the dinner table?
Cen Shu raised her eyes, "What's wrong?"

And... what's wrong?
Hiding merit and fame, isn't it?

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Cen Yanyu would have yelled out.

"Mr. Xia, what do you think about that piece of land?"

Cen Shu looked at Xia Qing and asked.

Xia Qing was slightly taken aback, then shook her head, too many things happened recently, her mind was very confused.

"Mr. Xia, you can't back down. If you're not here, even if you're not here, isn't your cousin in the village? Giving up the land to them is better than giving it to others."

The other people in the village didn't care about it, so this matter is still easy to handle.

Xia Qing thought for a while, then nodded, "I'll think about it."

Originally, Xia Qing thought about not wanting it at all. Anyway, she will rarely come back in the future, and the reserved land is of no use to her, and it is impossible for an outside company to contract a piece of land alone.

If she doesn't need it, she can only waste it.

Looking at the kitchen, Xia Qing's eyes flashed with determination.

(End of this chapter)

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