Chapter 150 He's Here

"This photo was taken when I just graduated, and I took him to the park in the town. After taking several photos, he said it was not good-looking, and he blamed me for being ugly..."

Xia Qing said, and finally couldn't help crying in a low voice, "He has been here for so many years, but I didn't stay with him well, it's all my fault, all my fault!"

The backlog of emotions reached a certain level, and even Xia Qing pretended to be strong, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

[Woooooo!Host, the teacher is really pitiful! ] In the space, Xiao Hua bit her handkerchief, humming.

Cen Shu looked at Xia Qing who was crying, her eyes dimmed, and she sighed almost inaudibly.

At the end of the cry, Xia Qing couldn't speak at all, but sobbed softly.

The wind squeezed in through the crack of the door, making a sound like a baby crying.

Cen Shu handed the milk to Xia Qing, "Teacher, take your time after drinking it, crying too much is bad for your eyes."

After crying, Xia Qing slowly regained her composure. She took the milk and drank it in one gulp. The warm milk flowed down the esophagus into the stomach, and her body instantly warmed up.

"Student Cen, let me call you Shushu." Xia Qing's eyes were red, "Sorry, I made you laugh."

"Teacher, if you cry, you will feel better."

Cen Shu shook her head with a soft voice.

"I..." Xia Qing pressed her temples, only to feel dizzy before her eyes, and Cen Shu in front of her eyes turned into several people, "I'm a little sleepy."

Cen Shu hooked her lips, "Teacher, if you are sleepy, go to sleep, I will watch over for you."

As soon as the words finished, Xia Qing fell limply to the side.

Cen Shu reached out to catch Xia Qing, looked down at the tears on Xia Qing's face, and pursed her lips.

With a light force, Xia Qing was picked up.

There is a small room next to the living room, and Xia Song has been living in this room during his lifetime.

Putting Xia Qing on the bed and covering her with the quilt, Cen Shu closed the door and exited the room.

On the second floor, Cen Yanyu lay on the bed for a long time, but still did not fall asleep. He yawned and walked down the first floor, looking for some water to drink.

Seeing that Cen Shu was burning paper money, most of her sleepiness went away, "Shu Shu, why are you here? Where is Teacher Xia?"

Cen Yanyu squatted aside, also wanting to help, but was stopped by Cen Shu.

"Ms. Xia is too tired and is resting."

Cen Shu glanced at the room next to her, "Brother, go to bed quickly, I will go to bed when Teacher Xia Qing wakes up."

Cen Shu's sudden words made Cen Yanyu confused for an instant, without thinking too much, Cen Yanyu nodded, "Then you should rest early, don't tire yourself out after a long journey."

Cen Shu nodded and responded softly.

Seeing Cen Yanyu go upstairs, Cen Shu looked up at the portrait, got up, and came to the cabinet.

The surface of the cabinet is very clean, and it can be seen that it is wiped frequently. Cen Shu stood on tiptoe and raised her hand to touch it.

The position of the key is very conspicuous, Cen Shu raised her hand and found it, and opened the cabinet.

A strong aroma of wine came to the nostrils.

They are all good wines to collect.

Cen Shu picked out the most expensive bottle and took it out.

Re-lock the cabinets.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Cen Shu took a transparent cup, filled it with a small cup, and put it aside.

Immediately, he closed his eyes and began to rest his mind.


The burning candle flickered slightly.


The door of Xia Qing's room was blown shut by the wind, and the sound of the lock cylinder and the latch being combined could even be heard.

"Xia Qing, I've been afraid of the cold since I was a child, and I tend to kick the quilt when I sleep, and I'm going to catch a cold again later."

(End of this chapter)

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