Chapter 151 I'm Dead

An old voice sounded in the living room.

The candle flickered and the wind whimpered.

A transparent figure suddenly appeared beside Cen Shu, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The figure is not tall, about 1.7 meters tall, very thin, with gray hair, slightly sunken eye sockets, and wearing black framed glasses.

It is exactly the same as the old man on the portrait.

"A 30-year-old girl should treat herself better and find someone to take care of herself. I used to be able to say a few words about caring, but now that I'm gone, I don't know who can care about this silly girl."

Xia Song was talking on his own, but his eyes were fixed on the wine glass on the ground, and he smacked his mouth.

"That girl thought she hid it well. In fact, I already knew that the key was on the cupboard. But this wine, I'm going to drink it when the girl gets married. Who knows how good luck makes people..."

Xia Song sighed, and drank it if he knew it earlier, it was better than not being able to drink it now.

Hearing Xia Song's chatter, Cen Shu opened her eyes and chuckled, "Want to drink?"

"Oh! You scared the old man to death." Xia Song was taken aback suddenly.

Cen Shu looked at him sideways, and curled her lips, "You are already dead."

Xia Song patted his chest, froze for a moment, "Oh, yes, I'm already dead."

Then she looked at Cen Shu in surprise, "Little girl, can you see me?"

Xia Song was a little happy, he had been here for six days, seeing Xia Qing haggard, and seeing the villagers making things difficult, he felt powerless.

"Want to drink?" Cen Shu raised the cup and shook it in front of Xia Song.

Xia Song was instantly distracted, nodded, thinking!Been thinking about this for years.

Cen Shu hooked her lips and poured the wine into the brazier. When the flame touched the alcohol, it swelled several times in an instant, and then gradually recovered.

"Hey!" Xia Song felt distressed watching from the side, why did such a good wine be poured.

At this time, a wine glass appeared in front of Xia Song.

The faint smell of wine exudes, tickling Xia Song's heart.

Xia Song was startled, and tentatively reached out to touch it, only to find that he could touch the cup!

"Little girl, thank you!"

Xia Song thanked him with a smile, raised his cup and drank it in one gulp, smacked it a few times, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"That's the smell, I've thought about it for a long time."

Xia Song drank a glass, and Cen Shu poured a glass until the whole bottle of wine was poured out.

Xia Song hiccupped and laughed, and his gray beard trembled.

"It's been a long time since I drank so happily. When I was not dead, I had all kinds of taboos. I was afraid that this disease and that pain would come to my door. No one would have thought that I would die of a heart attack. This life is so magical. Life?"

Xia Song felt a little emotional, life is really strange.

Cen Shu glanced at Xia Song, her lips curled slightly, "The old man thinks so thoroughly, why don't you go to the reincarnation?"

Xia Song sighed, sat on the floor, looked at the closed door, "I don't worry, Xia Qing is very stubborn, she has a sense of responsibility since she was a child, she accepts death, and she must do her best when she does something."

"The little girl is Qing girl's student. Tell me, is this girl a glutton? She doesn't eat according to the order every day. These days, I see this girl not eating or resting well. I am so angry." I want to hit her with a cane."

(End of this chapter)

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