Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 152 If I leave, who cares about her?

Chapter 152 If I leave, who cares about her?
Immediately, as if thinking of something, Xia Song fell down again.

"It's a pity, when I was alive, I was old and useless. After death, I can't do anything."

"Little girl, I can't see Qing girl getting married. When she gets married, you can boil me a pot of wine and make me, an old man, happy." Xia Song was a little disappointed.

"You said, if I really leave, who cares about her."

Xia Song lowered his head, his voice was a little deep, with strong reluctance and attachment.

Cen Shu didn't speak.

Looking at the elegiac couplet on the wall, I was a little absent-minded.

Suddenly, it occurred to her that the old Taoist asked the staff to take her down the mountain, and she didn't even have time to see the old Taoist for the last time.

I don't know how the old Taoist would react if he knew she was dead?
Fate is sometimes quite magical. If you accidentally turn a corner, someone will never get out.

"Little girl, Qing girl has a hard life. She lost her mother when she was born, and I am a man, so I can't do many things. But Qing girl lived up to her expectations, got into a good university, and became a good teacher. She is an old man. The pride of my life!"

Xia Song looked up at the yard, through the window, he could faintly see the sun rising in the sky, and sighed softly, "By the way, little girl, I ask you one thing."

Cen Shu nodded, "Say it."

Xia Song moved his lips, looking a little embarrassed.

"I'm a person. I have a hobby, which is to write a diary, occasionally to record some important events..." Xia Song rubbed his hands, "Ten years ago, a matchmaker in the village told me a matchmaker. In fact, I was very tempted at that time. Yes, but thinking of Qing girl, I refused."

Mr. Xia looked a little embarrassed, always feeling embarrassed to say this in front of a teenage girl.

"I was young and ignorant at the time. I felt it was a pity at the time, and it was not easy to tell others. I wrote it in a diary and put it in the room. You will quietly tear it up for me later. I am afraid that it will be sunny. The girl will laugh at me as an old man when she sees it."

He also wants face!
'Oh oh oh~'

With the sound of a rooster crowing not far away, Xia Song's figure gradually became transparent.

Xia Song was worried, and asked again, "Little girl, you have to remember, there are still..."

In the sun in the sky, a 'carp' jumped up from the horizon.

Xia Song reluctantly glanced at the door of Xia Qing's room, and his soul slowly dissipated.

in the room.

Xia Qing had a dream. In the dream, Xia Song took her to play on the mountain.

She is very happy.

She gradually forgot that she had to go home, until she heard Xia Song calling from the foot of the mountain, Xia Qing hurried home.

But when she got home, Xia Song was gone.

The room was pitch black, Xia Qing was very scared and kept calling Xia Song's name.

Just when she was about to cry in fear, Xia Song appeared at the door.

His figure was hidden in the darkness, and his voice was particularly deep. He said, "Girl Qing, take good care of yourself, father is leaving."

After listening, Xia Qing panicked inexplicably, and stepped forward a few steps to hug Xia Song.

However, she was in vain, Xia Song was nowhere to be seen in the shadows.


Xia Qing cried and woke up from the bed, the sunlight outside the window through the frosted glass still dazzled her so much that she couldn't open her eyes.

Xia Qing was stunned for a moment, and then she came back to her senses.

Feeling the wetness of the pillow, he froze slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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