Chapter 154 He Will Be Very Happy

"Mr. Xia, just send it here, we'll wait for the bus here."

After breakfast, Cen Shu bid farewell.

According to the customs of the village, today is the day for Mr. Xia's funeral, and Xia Qing still has a lot of things to do.

Next to the road at the entrance of the village.

Xia Qing glanced at the slowly approaching bus in the distance, looked at Cen Shu, and said sincerely, "Chu Shu, thank you for coming."

Cen Shu's lips curled up, "Mr. Xia, the whole class misses you very much, especially Gu Huo, who specially called me to come and see you."

"Gu Huo?" Xia Qing was a little surprised and nodded, "Okay, I'll go back when the things here are done, Shu Shu, please help me convey my thanks to Gu Huo, and I will definitely thank him when I go back. "

A smile flashed in Cen Shu's eyes, she nodded, "Well, good, he will be very happy."

"Okay, let's not say goodbye. Shushu, you have been absent from class for several days. Tomorrow is Friday. You can't ask for leave for the last day of class this week."

Xia Qing was not a person who liked to be sad. This time, it was because of Xia's father's death that she was sad for a few days. Now she is much better.


As if suddenly remembering something, Cen Shu took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Xia Qing, and took out a pen from his strap, "Mr. Xia, if you don't tell me I almost forgot, please sign it here. "

Xia Qing took it suspiciously, and opened it to see that the three large characters of "Leave Request" were particularly conspicuous.

Xia Qing: ...

Seeing Xia Qing's silence, Cen Yanyu craned his neck and glanced curiously.

Cen Yanyu: ...

"Ouch! Vomit!"

Getting off the bus, Cen Yanyu leaned on the wall and couldn't help retching, his face ashen.

He knew he would get motion sickness, so he didn't eat much breakfast, but he couldn't help throwing up.

Cen Shu stretched out her hand and patted Cen Yanyu on the back symbolically.

"Are you okay?"

Cen Yanyu vomited so loudly that the pedestrians at the bus station all walked around Cen Yanyu after seeing him.

Cen Yanyu didn't eat anything at first, and all he spit out was acid water. After rinsing in front of the faucet and rinsing his mouth, he came back to life a little.

Glancing at Cen Shu's wrist, she gave a soft 'huh', "Shu Shu, there is a bead on your bracelet that has turned darker!"

Cen Shu glanced at it, reached out and stroked the beads, "Your vision is wrong."

is it?

Cen Yanyu frowned, and just about to think about it carefully, he saw Cen Shu abandoning him and walking towards the exit by herself.

"Shu Shu, you didn't wait for me!"

Cen Yanyu followed quickly.

It was already evening when the two got off the taxi and walked into the Cen's villa.

"elder brother!"

When Cen Xue just came back from school, her eyes lit up when she saw Cen Yanyu, she got off the nanny's car, walked quickly to Cen Yanyu's side, and kept Cen Shu aside.

"Brother, where did you take your sister to play again? You didn't come back all night, and you didn't answer the phone, so you sent me a text message, which made me very worried."

Cen Xue hugged Cen Yanyu's arm and said coquettishly.

Cen Shu gave Cen Yanyu a self-seeking look, and looked sideways at Zhao Lijuan who was watering the flowers in the small garden.

Zhao Lijuan has worked in Cen's family for nearly 20 years, and Lin Lan didn't treat her like an outsider. Her salary and benefits are very good. Even when she was sick and hospitalized, she was paid the same salary and gave her a lot of supplements.

After being discharged from the hospital, Lin Lan specially allowed her to rest for a few more days.

Now I just do some light work of watering the flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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