Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 155 1919 Platinum Eyes People's Livelihood Chapter Group

Chapter 155 1919 Platinum Eye People's Livelihood Program Group
Zhao Lijuan kept secretly looking at Cen Xue from the corner of her eye. Seeing Cen Xue acting like a baby, she couldn't help showing a smile.

Suddenly meeting Cen Shu's gaze, Zhao Lijuan was startled, her face turned slightly pale, and she hurriedly staggered away.

Absently watering the flowers with a watering can.

Cen Shu raised her eyebrows slightly, and the corners of her lips curled up, with a bit of playfulness.

Cen Xue was still pestering Cen Yanyu, Cen Shu glanced and walked straight into the villa.


The next day.

Wrapped in a quilt, Cen Yanyu knocked on Cen Shu's door with a disheveled face.

"Cough, cough, cough! Shushu, you won't be going to those strange places today, will you?"

After tossing and tossing for several days, Cen Yanyu managed to get himself caught a cold, but he was still worried, so he suppressed his drowsiness and came to Cen Shu.

Cen Shu looked at Cen Yanyu's blushing cheeks, raised her hand, and put the back of her hand on his forehead to measure, "I have a low fever, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Cen Yanyu shook his head, "It's okay, I have rough skin and thick flesh, it's okay, I'll be fine after taking the medicine and sleeping."

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Seeing his insistence, Cen Shu nodded, closed the door, and was about to leave with her bag on her back.

"Wait, Shushu, you have to promise me that my parents will be back tonight. If anything happens to you, my parents will kill me."

Cen Yanyu stepped sideways in front of Cen Shu.

Cen Shu raised her eyes, looking at the stubborn Cen Yanyu, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

Pursing her lips, she said, "Okay, I promise."

Cen Yanyu couldn't believe it, "Really?" So easy to talk today?

The corners of Cen Shu's lips sank slightly, "It's cooked."

Cen Yanyu: ...


Xuancheng TV station.

Located in the downtown area of ​​XC, the building looks like an arch when viewed from the outside.

It is a special landmark in XC City.

Cen Shu walked into the lobby with her bag on her back, the reception desk was on the left.

"Tang Yun? I don't know him, but most of the interns recruited by TV stations recently are either on the tenth floor or the fourth floor. You can take the elevator up from there and ask."

The front desk pointed to the elevator next to the gate.

Cen Shu glanced and nodded, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The lady at the front desk had a sweet smile, which made people feel good.

According to the guideline, Cen Shu walked into the elevator. On the upper right side of the elevator, she wrote down the floors where each program was located. The tenth floor is the group of anecdotes and strange events, and the fourth floor is the group of the 1919 Platinum Eye Livelihood program.

Cen Shu decisively pressed the tenth floor.

The elevator door closed slowly, and suddenly, a figure not far away rushed over at a speed of [-] meters.

"and many more!"

At the moment when the elevator door was about to close, Cen Shu pressed the door open button, and the girl squeezed in, her bangs on her forehead were all messed up from running.

The girl crossed her hips, panting heavily, "Miss sister, thank you!"

The girl raised her head, glanced at Cen Shu, and froze in place for a moment, what a, what a beautiful girl.

Xu felt that it was not good to stare at others like this. The girl looked away, but she couldn't help but glance at Cen Shu from the corner of her eye. She glanced at the elevator. It's a pity that such a pretty girl went to the group of strange news and weird things. .

'Ding' The elevator door opened slowly.

The girl walked out, but out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the pretty girl in the elevator also coming out.

She was a little puzzled, she just saw that the elevator was on the 10th floor...

The girl picked up the work badge hanging around her neck and was about to swipe it when she heard a cool and pleasant voice.

"Tang Yun."

Tang Yun froze for a moment, then turned her head to look at the pretty girl with a confused look on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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