Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 156 Seems like I've seen it somewhere

Chapter 156 Seems like I've seen it somewhere

"Are you calling me?"

Tang Yun tried her best to recall, but she couldn't remember where she saw this beautiful girl.

She couldn't remember it well, but if she saw such a beautiful face, she would never forget it.

Cen Shu took out the camera and work card from her bag and handed them to Tang Yun, "Are these yours?"

"Ah! Camera!"

Tang Yun took it with a look of surprise, "Thank you, I thought I would never get it back!"

In the few days after the camera was lost, Tang Yun was so uncomfortable that she couldn't even eat.

In addition, she recklessly lost her badge on the first day of work, and the leader of the anecdote and weirdness program group fired her in a fit of anger. Fortunately, she stayed in the 1919 people's livelihood program group through the money ability of her best friend.

Holding the camera, Tang Yun raised her head to thank the beautiful girl, but only saw a slender figure walking into the elevator.

Tang Yun was taken aback for a moment, feeling that the figure from the back looked a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere...

As if suddenly remembering something, Tang Yun's face turned pale, and she flipped through the photos in the camera.

strangeness!All the photos taken at the villa that day are gone.

She remembered clearly that she lost her camera in the villa.

And the last photo taken at that time was the white figure on the second floor.

She finally remembered where that familiar feeling came from.

The back of that pretty young lady just now gradually merged with the figure on the second floor at that time...

For a moment, the spine felt cold, and the body couldn't help shaking.

"Hey! Tang Yun, why are you staring blankly at the door?"

Behind him, a colleague patted Tang Yun's shoulder lightly and shouted strangely.


The camera in Tang Yun's hand was lost and fell to the ground. Tang Yun came back to her senses and quickly squatted down.

"Sorry, Tang Yun, did I scare you? Is the camera okay?" the colleague asked apologetically.

Tang Yun held the camera in her arms and shook her head, "It's all right, it's just me being careless."

The face with a little baby fat was pale.

"Lijuan, did you come back from grocery shopping so early today?"

Bauhinia Garden Community, located in the west district of Xuancheng, is an old community, and most of the residents are older.

There is an open-air activity room for the elderly in the middle of the community. In the early morning, many elderly people are doing morning exercises.

The old man was wearing a vest and was beating the spinning top with a whip, making quite a noise.

Occasionally, there are a few young people who also wear sportswear and run around the community in the morning.

Aunt Liu of the neighborhood committee would perform Yangko in the activity room at seven o'clock every day, wearing brightly colored clothes and earphones, colorful and trendy.

From far away, I saw Zhao Lijuan upstairs walking towards her with a vegetable basket in her left hand and a large plastic bag in her right. The plastic bag was bulging, and she seemed to have harvested a lot.

"Aunt Liu, are you dancing again?" Zhao Lijuan greeted her as she approached with a smile on her face.

"That's right, my grandson woke up late, I'll dance for a while before he wakes up." Aunt Liu twisted her waist, her voice was loud and full of energy.

Zhao Lijuan looked envious, "I really envy you, your daughter is filial and caring."

Aunt Liu laughed, "Lijuan, I'm not talking about you. I haven't seen your daughter come back to see you after you've lived here for so long. Young people can't be like this. No matter how busy they are, they have to come back and see you. Are you a mother?"

The smile on Zhao Lijuan's face froze a little, and she sighed, "Young people, it's still important to make money. Aunt Liu, I bought fish here, so I won't talk for now. See you later!"

Aunt Liu made an OK gesture, "See you later!"

(End of this chapter)

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