Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 158 Waiting for the next life

Chapter 158 Waiting for the next life

"Xueer, is this true?"

Lin Lan was surprised.

Cen Yiqing also turned his questioning gaze to Cen Xue.

That's the kind of gaze... There was a hint of pride in Cen Xue's drooping eyes, she glanced at Cen Shu calmly, and nodded, "Well, it was the assistant of Professor Frey who sent an email saying that Professor Frey will leave tomorrow. will come."

"Professor Frey's assistant said it himself, it must be true."

Liu Lian took Cen Xue's hand, with a look of relief, and said: "Xue'er, prepare well and win this opportunity! You will belong to a bigger stage!"

Originally, Liu Lian's heart was a little shaken when she heard that Cen Shu got the first place in the exam. After all, Cen Shu can be regarded as her own granddaughter.

But looking at the gentle and generous Cen Xue in front of her, Liu Lian became firm in an instant. No matter how good the exam is, what's the point? With Cen Shu's temperament, she will only be a boring gourd when she enters the society, it's useless!
Cen Xue's cheeks were slightly red, she nodded obediently, "Yeah."


Claimed International Airport.

The roar of the plane flying at low altitude sounded continuously, Frey was wearing a mask, and his assistant followed behind pushing the suitcase.

There are not many foreigners who come and go to the airport every day, blond hair and blue eyes are even more common.

Frey's arrival did not attract much attention.

As soon as the phone was turned on, Frey made a call to his long-time friend.

The other end of the phone was quickly connected.

A deep, hoarse voice came from the other end.


Frey's eyes lit up, "Lu, your beautiful voice, as always, are you sure you don't want to consider the bass?"

There was some silence on the other side.

Frey didn't mind, and said in broken Chinese: "Lu, I'm in Xuancheng. I just got off the plane. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Do you have time? We can get together."

Ever since he picked up a stray Lu on the streets of Country M ten years ago, Frey has been trying to lure Lu into his music team.

However, Lu is too rich.

Frey's words were full of longing.


The voice on the other side was cold-blooded and ruthless.

"I'm going to Cen's house in Xuancheng tomorrow, do you know Lu?" Frey wasn't sad at all, he knew that Lu was a knife-mouthed bean curd.

"The Cen family?"

There was a slight ups and downs in the voice on the other side.

"Yes, do you know Lu? I saw a video of a girl named Cen Xue on the Internet. She is very talented. She is the most talented girl among so many people I have seen."

Frey got a little excited.

"Lu, actually, the purpose of my coming to China this time is to meet you, and the apprenticeship is just by the way..."

Frey sighed regretfully, not realizing how charming the words were.

There was complete silence on the other side.

"Lu, have you found the person you are looking for?"

Everyone thought that Frey was a musician, with the arrogance unique to musicians, but in fact, Frey was a chatterbox, and he was also a chatterbox who didn't speak very well.

Back then, when Frey picked up Lu on the street, Lu had more than a dozen stab wounds all over his body and fell into a coma, but he kept calling a girl's name.

Later, when Lu returned to China, he seemed to be a different person.

Frey has been paying attention to the affairs of the Lu family.

"I found it." The voice on the other side suddenly became soft, with a hint of magnetism in the deep.

"Really!" Frey was also happy.

"Lu, are you happy now? Will you agree to be my apprentice once you are happy? In fact, I was wrong just now. You are the most talented person in music I have ever met!"

The other side was silent for a moment, speaking coldly.

"Next life."

Frey: ...

(End of this chapter)

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