Chapter 159 The Complete Social Death Scene

#Shock!Xuancheng Haunted House case has another hidden story! #
Ouya's death added a touch of mystery to the already shocking case.

In the early morning, a trending headline that shocked the news department quietly climbed to the middle of the trending list.

The case many years ago reappeared in front of the public. Since the last hot search, some people have been paying attention to this case. Until the early hours of yesterday, someone discovered that the legal documents of the high court judgment had been secretly withdrawn from the official website.

All of a sudden, various speculations emerged.

"That's why you called early in the morning?"

Cen Shu felt aroused from getting up, and was quite heavy. When she looked at Si on the opposite side of the video, her almond eyes narrowed slightly.

"Master, my heart hurts! My left eyelid started to twitch a few days ago, I'm afraid..."

In the room of the apartment, Si Shi was sitting on a chair, covering his chest with his hands, his face wrinkled into a ball.

"Next week, I will take you somewhere."

When Cen Shu looked at Si, her voice was slightly lowered.

Si Shi was taken aback for a moment, his heart stopped hurting instantly, "Master..."

For so many years, Si Shi didn't ask or read, and devoted himself to cultivating his mind, but he knew in his heart that he cared more about what happened back then than anyone else.

Si Shi's life was saved by Cen Shu, and if Cen Shu wouldn't let him see it, he wouldn't.

But every morning in the mountains, Si Shi woke up from the nightmare. After waking up, he couldn't remember the scene in his dream.

It just feels empty.

Si Shi pursed his lips for that feeling, he never wanted to experience it again.

But at this time, Cen Shu agreed, but Si Shi was a little scared. Back then...what happened?

The atmosphere was a bit heavy, Cen Shu glanced at the orange cat curled up and still sleeping, and raised her brows lightly.

I saw a layer of lavender light floating on the orange cat's body, which was very faint, and others would not be able to notice it unless they looked carefully.

There is some noise outside the room.

"Si Shi!" Cen Shu called softly.

"Yes! Master!" Si Shi came back to his senses and almost stopped at attention.

"That girl is cute."

When immersed in sadness, Zhong Si's face was covered, "Huh?"


"Professor Frey, please come inside."

Ever since she knew that Professor Frey was coming, Liu Lian arranged for someone to turn the living room of the Cen's villa into a small concert overnight.

He even invited all the Ma friends over.

Cen Xue deliberately dressed up today, wearing a small dress and exquisite makeup.

As soon as Frey stepped into the villa, Liu Lian greeted him with a bright smile.

"Welcome! Welcome! Warm welcome!"

There is a red banner hanging on the forehead of the gate of the villa, 'Warmly welcome Professor Frey'.

The servants were also dressed in festive clothes, standing on both sides of the road, and kept shouting welcome.

Getting out of the car, Frey and the assistant behind him were instantly confused by the enthusiastic atmosphere.

This... The Cen family is quite enthusiastic.

"Damn it! This is a complete social death, little rich woman, do you think if I post this paragraph on the Internet, will I be popular?"

Gu Huo sat on the sofa in the living room, turned his head to look at the door, with the face of an old man in the subway.

Shi Fei's eyes were locked on the second floor, and she couldn't hear clearly, "What?"

Gu Huo rolled his eyes angrily, "It's nothing, just keep reading yours and ignore me."

Shi Fei nodded, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and looked towards the second floor. Has Shu Shu not gotten up yet?

Guho: ...

Cen Xue invited almost all the students in Class [-] to her home this time, and led Frey into the villa. Hearing the whispers of surprise and envy around her, a smug flash of pride flashed in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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