Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 160 It's a pity not to play the piano

Chapter 160 It's a pity not to play the piano

Accustomed to Lu's indifference, it was the first time he saw such an enthusiastic Chinese person, and Frey found it quite novel.

Liu Lian arranged to sit in the main seat, and Cen Xue sat on the side to accompany her.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps on the second floor.

Frey looked up, slightly startled.

The girl was dressed casually, with a face so beautiful that Frey didn't even know how to describe it.

It's just that the girl looked a little cold, with a bunch of purple bracelets on her thin white wrists, and her expression was indifferent.

"This is…"

Frey looked at Cen Xue who was on the side.

"Mr. Frey, this is my older sister. She doesn't usually like music very much..." Cen Xue didn't continue, watching Cen Shu sit in the temporary auditorium on the right, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes.

"That's it..." Frey glanced across Cen Shu's hands, such beautiful hands, it's a pity not to play the piano.

Liu Lian took a seat on the left, glanced at Cen Shu's carefree appearance, curled her lips, it was really impolite, as the host, she didn't even know how to dress formally.

Cen Yiqing was temporarily called to the company by an emergency call.

Lin Lan was well dressed today, sitting next to Cen Xue, listening to Cen Xue talking happily with Professor Frey, she was also very happy.

"Shu Shu, you haven't come to school for several days."

On the other side, Shi Fei held Cen Shu's arm, coquettishly, with an aggrieved voice.

"Hey, kid, don't forget what you promised me..." Gu Huo coughed lightly, showing his presence.

"Why are you all here?"

Cen Shu glanced around, seeing familiar faces.

"Hey! Why else, let's show off." Gu Huo glanced at Cen Xue, who was having a good chat with Frey in the middle seat, and curled his lips, "You know, not everyone is as low-key as the young master. !"

Cen Shu nodded, a rare expression of agreement.

Hearing all kinds of envy and appreciation for Cen Xue from behind, Cen Shu raised her eyes to look at Cen Xue.

[Host, this Frey is very famous in country M. He held his own concert in Berlin when he was 12 years old. He often performs in various European countries, and now he lives in country M. 】

Xiaohua flipped through Frey's resume, a little bit tut-tsk, and then a little surprised.

[Such a famous pianist would go to Xuancheng, a small city, to accept apprentices in person? ! ] This is too incredible.

Cen Shu looked away, playing with the beads on her wrist, 【Anything is possible, not to mention...】

Cen Shu glanced at the sky outside the window and paused.

【What? 】 Xiaohua is curious.

【nothing. 】 Cen Shu's tone was light.

Little Flower:  …

It's this kind of up and down again, the most annoying!Very angry jpg!

In the center of the living room, there is a piano that Cen Xue often practices.

"Mr. Frey, then I will make a fool of myself."

Cen Xue got up and said softly.

Frey nodded, a trace of seriousness flashed in his blue eyes.

The original whispering voices also disappeared, and the living room fell silent in an instant.

Cen Xue sat on the piano bench, took a deep breath, and placed her slender fingers on the piano.

"Boom! Boom!"

Different from the melodious ditty that Cen Xue practiced on a daily basis, the sound of the piano is magnificent and impressive.

Frey closed his eyes and tapped his fingers on the armrest along with the tone.

The sound of the piano is cadenced, with ups and downs, giving people a sense of grandeur.

"Memories of Don Juan by Liszt."

A whisper sounded in Cen Shu's ear, and Cen Shu looked sideways at Shi Fei, her eyebrows raised slightly.

Seeing Cen Shu look over, Shi Fei's cheeks turned red, "Shu Shu..."

(End of this chapter)

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