Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 163 Did you take the wrong medicine?

Chapter 163 Did you take the wrong medicine?

Although Liu Lian felt ashamed and her face was a bit ugly, but seeing Cen Xue running out like this, she was worried and yelled.

Lin Lan got up, her face was also a little anxious.

Cen Yanyu kept looking at the little orange cat in amazement, and when he came back to his senses, Cen Xue had already run out of the courtyard gate and disappeared.

"Xue'er! You..."

Zhao Lijuan was a little pale and was about to walk into the small courtyard of the villa when she saw Cen Xue running away crying. She was a little worried and couldn't help but call Cen Xue by her nickname.

"Look at you as a mother, you don't know how to take care of it. If something happens to Xue'er, what will you do!"

Liu Lian, with her old arms and legs, couldn't catch up, so she immediately took all her anger on Lin Lan.

Lin Lan's face turned pale, and she became even more worried.

Adding friends, Frey's blue eyes are full of smiles, he has already added friends, is it still far away to accept apprentices?hey-hey!
Cen Shu looked away from Zhao Lijuan, raised her eyes to look at Lin Lan, sighed, stood up, put her hands on Lin Lan's shoulders, the little orange cat's eyes turned around, jumped lightly, and jumped into Lin Lan's arms, Cute and soft.

"Don't worry." Cen Shu comforted softly.

"It's because of your cat!" Liu Lian became angry when she saw it. In front of so many people, Liu Lian had to maintain the image of a noble lady, and she didn't want to swear, "What if something happens to Xueer? By accident, I..."

Cen Shu raised her eyes, her apricot eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, with a little coldness.

Liu Lian faced each other, inexplicably feeling a little apprehensive, and subconsciously lowered her voice, "Oh, don't worry about it, shame on me!"

Regardless of those ma friends, Liu Lian took the elevator upstairs in a panic.

After the matter was over, Frey also bid farewell, and the students in Class [-] were also sent out by Lin Lan.

"Aunt Lin, we want to eat! My mother said that the rice you cook is delicious, but I haven't eaten it yet!"

Gu Huo said carelessly, looking familiar.

Shi Fei raised her hand, "I also want to rub."

"Okay!" Lin Lan smiled. Although she was worried about Cen Xue, she was also very happy that Shu Shu had made so many friends. "You guys go to the room to play first."

"Okay, Auntie, you are busy with your work."

Gu Huo spoke casually, as if at home.

Cen Yanyu looked at Gu Huo from the side, and narrowed his eyes slightly, the boy's voice sounded familiar!
"Professor, are you going back to the hotel now?"

Inside the car, the assistant asked Frey respectfully in the back seat.

Frey gave a soft 'um', still with an excited smile on his face.

The assistant nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and the car slowly drove towards the hotel.

Frey was so excited that it was difficult to calm down. He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of his friend.

The call was connected quickly, as if...waiting at any time.

This idea turned around in Frey's mind, and then he put it behind him, "Lu! I found a peerless genius!"

The opposite party gave a soft 'um', with a little laziness.

Frey excitedly briefly described what happened just now, and then excitedly said: "Lu, that cat is so powerful, the owner must be even more powerful, right?"

There was a chuckle on the other side, the laughter seemed to come from the throat, with a hint of magnetism.

Frey froze for a moment, inexplicably feeling that his friend was a little strange today, and he had this feeling since he answered the phone...

He had never heard Lu laugh like this.

"of course."

The lazy voice on the other side was a little soft, with a little inexplicable arrogance.

Frey froze for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at the phone, it was Lu's!He hit the wrong person!

"Lu, did you take the wrong medicine?" Frey asked tentatively.


Frey: ...

 here I come~
(End of this chapter)

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