Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 164 Another Woman Who Wants to Get My Attention

Chapter 164 Another Woman Who Wants My Attention

A famous mansion in Matsuyama.

The mountain road is winding, with dense trees on both sides and green crowns, and occasionally there are cicadas and birdsong.

Cen Xue didn't know how long she had been walking, her high heels broke off, and no one came after her.

Cen Xue's hatred for Cen Shu reached its peak.

Why did Cen Shu come back?Wouldn't it be nice to stay in the country and be quiet?

Cen Xue cursed in her heart, tears kept dripping down.

Not far behind her, a big black Benz drove slowly.

"Mr. Cheng, look..."

The driver looked at the barefoot girl not far ahead, a little surprised.

In the back seat, when the man heard the voice, he raised his head, revealing a handsome face with sharp eyes and wise eyes. When he saw the girl, he curled his thin lips into a wicked smile, with a three-pointed coolness. very disdainful.

"Another woman trying to get my attention."

With a contemptuous tone, he raised his chin proudly, "Don't worry about it."

These days, all kinds of scheming women are like crucian carp in the river, and he is very tired of it.

The driver responded softly, and just about to step on the accelerator, he saw the girl not far away limply fell down, and her body just fell in the middle of the road.

The driver stepped on the brakes quickly, showing hesitation.

Although the sky is bright and bright, let a girl stay in the middle of the road like this, in case something happens...

"Trouble!" The man cursed in a low voice, pushed open the car door, and got out of the car with long legs.

In the middle of the road, the girl closed her eyes tightly, her cheeks were flushed with tears, which made people feel sorry for her.

The pure white dress was stained with a little dirt, making it look pitiful.

Cheng He's eyes moved, and his expression was a little dazed. This girl... actually made him feel heartbroken for no reason.

The driver also showed concern, the girl looked so pitiful.

Just as he was about to persuade the president to send her to the hospital, he saw his own president bent down and picked up the girl himself. Before he could react, he walked towards the car.

The driver hurriedly followed, and at the same time secretly surprised, Mr. Cheng is tempted? !
Cen's villa, in the room.

Shi Fei sat on the sofa at the foot of the bed, looking around curiously, with a little blush on her face, this was her second visit to Shushu's room.

Gu Huo sat cross-legged on the carpet carelessly, playing games.

Cen Yanyu leaned against the desk, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Gu Huo dangerously.

He remembered that it was this kid who called Shushu that day, and he chatted for a long time!

Gu Huo was a little tired from the beating, raised his head and twisted his sore neck, met Cen Yanyu's gaze suddenly, froze for a moment, and asked, "Brother, is there something on my face? That look in your eyes It's kind of weird."

Cen Yanyu's face turned darker, who are you?Who is your brother! ?

[Host, the plot of the original book has been advanced! 】

Cen Shu glanced at the two people who were wide-eyed and small-eyed, and gently smoothed the cat's fur. Hearing this, she raised her eyebrows lightly.

Xiao Hua jumped out of the matryoshka doll and lay on the orange cat's forehead, [Cheng He took Cen Xue away. 】

[Cheng He? 】

Cen Shu's voice was faint, with some doubts.

[Well, it is also one of Cen Xue's many licking dogs in the original book, which will be of great help to Cen Xue's future career development. 】Xiaohua explained, 【But according to the original book, the two met when Cen Xue was in college...】

Xiao Hua couldn't understand.

Cen Shu responded softly, her lips curled up slightly, and a glimmer of gleam appeared in her eyes, she looked at Shi Fei, and called out:
"Shi Fei."

(End of this chapter)

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