Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 179 This joke is not funny at all

Chapter 179 This joke is not funny at all


Cen Shu stroked the orange cat's fur, and responded casually.

"Shushu, you are so unfeeling!" Cen Yanyu complained, he was exploited by his tutor during the summer vacation and failed to come back, and finally came back for the National Day, and only had a rest for ten days before going back to school...

The orange cat glanced at Cen Yanyu with its purple pupils, then turned around silently, facing him with its butt.

Cen Yanyu: ...

"I'm going to sleep." Cen Shu picked up the orange cat and carried the heartlessness to the end.

Cen Yanyu glanced at the clock on the wall, "It's only nine o'clock, are you going to sleep?"

"Staying up late can lead to baldness, stupidity, sluggish movement, and memory loss..." Cen Shu's voice was cold and serious.

Cen Yanyu understood, walked out of the room in a hurry, and closed the door for Cen Shu by the way.

Hearing the sound of footsteps fading away outside the door, Yazi grinned in a rough and aggrieved voice.

"Woman, big brother doesn't keep promises!" He agreed to take turns possessing him, but the prisoner bull suppressed him for a whole week, just to play with that broken piano!The key is that he can't beat him!
"Second, as a god, you are too stingy."

A deep voice resounded in the room, and a huge shadow appeared in the room. The snake's body almost filled the room. The prison cow shook the faucet, and looked at Cen Shu with blue eyes.

"Little Shushu, that piano is too bad!" He didn't have to pluck a few times, the strings broke, and he wanted to complain!
The cats all over the little orange cat exploded, and grinned at the prisoner cow, "You will be punished, have you never heard of it?"

Prisoner Niu sneezed, and said in a serious voice, "Second brother, your meme is not funny at all."

Yazi: ...

Who are you kidding?what!
Cen Shu grabbed the orange cat by the back of its neck, "I'll get you a new one tomorrow."

Prisoner Bull's blue eyes suddenly lit up.

"Woman! You are eccentric!" Yazi was furious incompetently.

Ignoring the orange cat's struggle, Cen Shu raised her hand.

The prisoner cow lowered its proud dragon head.

Cen Shu looked at Prisoner Niu's eyes, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and there were little smiles in her eyes, "Niu Niu, welcome back."

Night Bar.

The most famous bar in Xuancheng has a very high threshold, only cardholders can enter, and the membership levels range from silver to black diamond.

On the dance floor, men and women sway to the dynamic music.

Various perfumes are mixed with vanilla, and the air is full of various hormones.

The second and third floors are private rooms, and occasionally the sound of howling ghosts and wolves leaks out of them.

This is the first time Cen Xue has been to this kind of place since she grew up.

Today is the birthday of a good brother of Cheng He.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, Cen Xue had already developed a good impression of Cheng He, and when Cheng He invited her to be his girlfriend, she readily agreed.

But Cen Xue did not expect that Cheng He, who had just completed his career, would turn out to be Sun Xuan, a well-known local snake in Xuancheng.

Cen Xue raised her eyes and glanced across at the man lying on the sofa, smoking a cigar, with an intoxicated expression, coughing uncontrollably due to the strong smell of tobacco in the box.

"He...cough cough..." Cen Xue stretched out her hand and tugged at the corner of Cheng He's clothes, "I want to go out and get some air."

Cheng He turned his head, looked at Cen Xue's flushed little face, his eyes flickered slightly, "Do you want me to go with you?"

Cen Xue shook her head.

"Call me if you have anything to do." Cheng He said softly.

"Yeah." Cen Xue nodded obediently, got up, opened the door and walked out of the box.

As the door of the box was closed, Sun Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, with disdain, "Brother He, did you change your taste? You actually like cabbage?"

(End of this chapter)

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