Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 180 Women will only hinder your speed of drawing the knife

Chapter 180 Women will only hinder your speed of drawing the knife
Cheng He tugged on his tie and frowned, "Xue'er is different!"

"What's the difference? Or do you prefer the smaller one?" Sun Xuan sneered, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and he held the cigar between his rough fingers, "I heard...she is the daughter of the Cen family?"

"What do you want to do?" Cheng He's eyes flashed with vigilance.

"Tsk, this is the protection?" Sun Xuan looked at Cheng He with a warning voice.

"Brother He, there are so many famous ladies in the capital, you can choose as you please, the boss will not let you be with the daughter of Xiaoxiao Cen's family, let alone just a woman..." As you can imagine, there are many tricks.

Cheng He frowned and did not refute.

Sun Xuan glanced at it, and slowly exhaled a white smoke ring, "Brother He, women will only hinder your speed of drawing your sword."

Cheng He: ...

"I beg you, give me a few more days! Brother Wen! I really have no money now!"

There were shrill screams coming from the terrace. The sidewalk was directly below the terrace. People were coming and going, and the loud horns of various snack bars completely covered up the screams.

The terrace is a place for guests to relax and ventilate. There are several benches and a swing, which are warmly arranged.

At this moment, several big men were standing on the terrace, surrounded by a person.

The leader, Brother Wen, had a long scar on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was wearing a black undershirt, bulging, revealing the tattoos on his arms, with a stern smile: "Forgive you? Who will forgive me?! "

"Brother Wen! I'm already thinking of a way. I've already asked my sister to borrow money. Brother Wen, please tell Brother Sun for me. I will definitely pay back the 20 I owe!"

Zhu Rui's face was pale, his forehead was covered with dense sweat, his face was terrified, even though it was autumn, his back was already soaked.

Brother Wen sneered, "20? You misremembered, it was 50!"

"Five, 50?!"

Zhu Rui's voice was sharp and unbelievable. He obviously only owed 15 yuan, and the interest was only 20 yuan. How could it be 50 yuan? !

Brother Wen took out a switchblade from his pocket and pressed it against Zhu Rui's throat, "I'll give you another week, if you still don't make it, it's not as simple as 50, huh?"

'gu dong'

Zhu Rui was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, swallowed his saliva, and said with a dry smile: "Brother Wen, I misremembered, it's 50, don't worry, I'll make it up for you! We have something to talk about..."

Brother Wen gently patted Zhu Rui's face, "My surname is Zhu, I will give you another chance, otherwise..."

Zhu Rui nodded again and again, "I know, I know, thank you Brother Wen!"


A woman's exclamation sounded, and several people looked up.

Cen Xue just wanted to find a place to breathe. When she came to the terrace and saw people surrounding her, she glanced curiously, but when she saw that Brother Wen, the leader, had pulled out a knife, she panicked. She was about to leave, but was caught by her high heels , accidentally fell to the ground.

"The little girl is quite upright." Brother Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, and his lewd eyes flicked across Cen Xue's bare shoulders.

Lying on the ground, Zhu Rui breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at Cen Xue who was not far away. At first glance, he felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Cen Xue supported the wall and stood up, her back pressed against the wall, her face pale.

"Brother Wen...this is the second sister-in-law." The younger brother reminded in a low voice.

"So it's Brother He's woman..." Brother Wen withdrew his gaze, with a hint of regret in his voice.

"Brother Wen, after that incident, Brother Sun asked you to restrain yourself..."

(End of this chapter)

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