Chapter 181 You?Can't move

"Okay!" Brother Wen interrupted impatiently, looked at Cen Xue, and licked his lips, "Little girl, if Brother He can't satisfy you, you can consider brother!"

There was a flash of cold light, Brother Wen raised the knife and dropped it.


Zhu Rui howled like a pig, clutching his severed little finger, howling continuously on the ground.

"One week..." Brother Wen casually wiped the blood from the knife on Zhu Rui, grinning at the corner of his mouth, his face full of flesh, "Next time, it won't be as simple as hands."

Zhu Rui's face was covered with cold sweat, the pain was so painful that he could hardly speak, "Thank you Brother Wen, thank you Brother Wen."

Cen Xue was just a student, she had never seen this kind of battle before, she barely stood firm by holding on to the wall.

Brother Wen came to Cen Xue, smiled disdainfully, whistled, slowly retracted the switchblade, and left with a group of younger brothers.

Brother Wen's arrogant laughter faded away, and Cen Xue collapsed limply on the ground, clutching her chest, panting heavily.


"Cen Xue! Cen Xue?!"


Someone poked her back with a pencil, Cen Xue came back to her senses, met Xia Qing's gaze, and pursed her lips.

Cen Xue has always been a good girl, and her grades are among the best. Xia Qing couldn't bear to scold her, and sighed, "Everyone, don't stay up late at night, go to bed early, so that you can be energetic. The college entrance examination is a long-term battle. Don't get overwhelmed." Body."

After finishing speaking, Xia Qing's eyes landed on the head of someone who was still sleeping in the last row.

"The National Biology Olympiad is about to begin. I hope everyone will sign up with class representative Cen Xue..." Xia Qing narrowed her eyes slightly, "In view of the results of the last monthly exam, I have already signed up for Cen Shu. "

"Pfft!" Unable to hold back, Gu Huo laughed out loud.

Cen Shu raised her head in a daze, with a little confusion on her face.

"Okay, students, let's continue to read early."

Xia Qing carried the collected test papers and left the classroom on high heels. Cen Shu scratched the messy hair on her forehead and looked at Gu Huo coldly, "You're out of candy."

Guho:? ? ?


Gu Huo came in from the outside carrying a big bag and a small bag.

It was lunch break time, and most of the people in the classroom had gone to the cafeteria to eat.

"I'm treating guests today. Wangjiang Tower's signature dishes are Braised Lion Head, Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs, Fish with Pickled Cabbage, and Corn Pork Ribs with Dangshen Soup!" Gu Huo took out the lunch box and placed it on Cen Shu's table .

Cen Shu stopped playing the game, raised her eyes and glanced at Gu Huo lightly, "It's nothing to be courteous..."

"Either rape or steal!" Shi Fei leaned over to take a look, and added.

Guho: ...

Are you singing together?

"Cough! It's not that Ms. Zhong has taken a fancy to your clever little brain and wants you to take me with you and bring me up to study!" Gu Huo coughed softly, it feels so good to have money in his pocket!
In order for him to please the child, Ms. Zhong specially gave him his pocket money for the next life.

He's a rich man now too!

Cen Shu casually glanced at Gu Huo, raised her eyebrows lightly, and said in a serious tone, "You? You can't take it."

Guho: ...

"Come on! Eat! I ordered three servings, if you don't eat, it's a waste of food!" Gu Huo pushed a box of lunch in front of Cen Shu.

Cen Shu froze and accepted the threat.

Seeing that Cen Shu started to move, Shi Fei also became polite. Using unused chopsticks, she quickly picked up a lot of vegetables into Cen Shu's lunch box, "Shu Shu, you are too skinny, eat more."

The tone is natural, anti-customer-oriented.

Guho: ...

(End of this chapter)

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