Chapter 186 You are so pitiful

[House, host...] Xiaohua's voice trembled a little.

Although Xiaohua sympathizes with Li Ting's experience, she doesn't want to stay here for a moment, it's too scary!Beep!

There was a slight twisting sound of bones, and Li Ting, who was lying on the bed, turned her head and stared at Cen Shu with bloodshot pupils.

【Mommy! 】Xiaohua screamed in horror, didn't dare to look at it anymore, and rolled back into the system space.

Li Ting stood up slowly, the blood on her head flowed down to the ground, one drop or two.

Barefoot, she walked to the living room and stood in front of Cen Shu.

Grinning, blood trickled down the corner of her mouth, "Cen Shu, you are very powerful, I can't do anything to you."

Li Ting's movements were very stiff, and the flesh inside was faintly visible from the hole on her head, "But I will not let any of your family members go! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be what I am today!"

"Cen Shu! I hate you!" Li Ting's voice was sharp, as if something was scratching against frosted glass, which was particularly unpleasant.

Li Ting looked crazy and stared at Cen Shu.

Cen Shu took a step back to prevent the blood from splashing on her body. Although this was a dream created by Chi Kiss, Cen Shu has a cleanliness habit.

Looking at Li Ting, Cen Shu's voice was calm and unwavering, "What do you hate?"

Li Ting had already fallen into madness, screaming and shouting: "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been demerited by the school. My dad wouldn't have given up on me, and he would have taken me away when he ran out of debts, and I wouldn't have encounter these things!"

"Cen Shu, it's all your fault, it's you! It's you who made me what I am now! It's you who killed me!"

Cen Shu looked at Li Ting with pity in her eyes, "You are so pitiful."

The voice is flat, without the slightest emotion.

Li Ting was stunned, and then became even more frenzied. She pointed at Cen Shu, her bloodshot eyes were full of hatred, "You are the eldest lady of the Cen family, of course you don't know those of us who are troubled by money."

"My dad has always favored boys over girls. I finally found a few rich friends in Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School, and he treated me better, but because of you, my dad completely gave up on me, woo woo woo..."

Li Ting suddenly broke down and hugged herself, squatted down, and cried dryly, but there was no tear.

The soul and body have no tears.

Cen Shu looked at Li Ting, her voice was cold, "Are you comparing yourself?"

In this world, there are still people who are living in poor food and clothing, and there are still people who are physically handicapped, but they work hard to live and live wonderfully.

As if she understood what Cen Shu said, Li Ting fell silent.

The black air on his body still radiated out, thick as ink.

Cen Shu sighed and asked, "Want to see a different ending?"

Li Ting was taken aback, "What?"

Cen Shu raised her hand to close the door, the purple light flashed away, and the scene in front of her changed again.

It was still the familiar villa. After the man in black left, the 'Li Ting' in the house didn't look for someone to rent a house in a panic like before.

Instead, he found all the valuables at home, carried them on his back, and took a taxi to the police station.

Cen Shu and Li Ting stood in the lobby of the police station, watching 'Li Ting' make a statement.

Li Ting crossed her arms and snorted coldly, her voice full of disdain, "So what if you call the police, those forces are no longer under the control of these little policemen."

Cen Shu ignored it.

After 'Li Ting' made her statement, she was arranged to live in a hotel near the police station by a gentle policewoman.

The policewoman's voice was gentle, and she kept comforting her.

Li Ting stood in the corner of the room, staring at this scene, stunned.

 Happy National Day~
  Don't stay up late on National Day, good night~
  Thank you for your votes!Love you guys!love~
(End of this chapter)

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