Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 187 Walking into Hell Step by Step

Chapter 187 Step by Step into Hell

"It's just a trick of these people to deceive people."

The corner of Li Ting's mouth was full of sarcasm, but from the corner of her eye she kept looking at the policewoman sitting beside the bed who kept comforting her, a little lost.

The scene changed again. These days, 'Li Ting' did not go to other places, but the school and the hotel in front of the police station.

Finally, came the day of her death.

After school in the afternoon, 'Li Ting' walked towards the bus stop with her schoolbag on her back. Before arriving, she was surrounded by several big men. At this time, the rush hour for school dismissal had passed, and there were not many people at the school gate.

Occasionally, a few pedestrians saw this kind of battle, watched their noses and noses carefully, and hurried away. No one wanted to cause trouble.

"Look, human nature is selfish." Li Ting watched, with disdain in her bloodshot eyes.

At this time, at the school gate not far away, Wang Hui came out while playing with her mobile phone, and obviously saw this scene, her face turned pale instantly, and she lowered her head to pretend not to see it.

The blackness on Li Ting's body became more intense, "Everyone is like this, selfish..."

Suddenly, Li Ting's words got stuck in her throat.

At the school gate, Wang Hui stopped before taking a few steps, and then quickly ran to the security office at the school gate, calling the police while running.

"Impossible! You faked this to lie to me! What? Do you want to lie to me and tell me the beauty of this world?! I don't need it!" Li Ting didn't want to watch anymore, and yelled at Cen Shu .


The scene continued, and soon the police came to the scene. Some of the gangsters ran away, and some were restrained.

Things went smoothly. Some of the arrested people had committed crimes and had criminal records. The police soon found out their relationship network, and the leaders were all arrested.

With the remaining money, 'Li Ting' changed schools, studied in a small remote place, was admitted to a good university, and lived a life of ordinary people.


The scene disappeared in a flash, leaving only a white space.

Li Ting stared blankly at the place where the scene disappeared, as if in a dream.

In the last scene, 'Li Ting', who was admitted to university, was sitting in the classroom, the sun was just right outside, it was commonplace, but it was a life she could never touch.

Li Ting knelt on the ground, hugged her head, and laughed in a low voice, then turned into a big laugh. The bright red blood flowed from the hole in her head, miserable and crazy.

"Hehehehaha! Cen Shu, you won."

Cen Shu pursed her lips and moved her fingertips slightly.

A talisman flew out of the backpack, wrapped Li Ting's body, and turned into a set of clean and tidy clothes.

Li Ting was stunned, her blood-colored eyes still frantic, "Don't think that this little charity of yours will make me feel grateful to you."

Cen Shu raised her eyebrows lightly, her eyes lightly passed over Li Ting, her voice was calm, "I think you misunderstood, it's just your figure..."

Cen Shu paused, "It's really hot."

Li Ting: ...

Before Li Ting could speak, Cen Shu hooked her red lips, her almond eyes narrowed slightly, with some unclear meaning, "Want to see it?"

The voice is bewitching, as if it wants to arouse the deepest darkness in the heart.


Li Ting looked up.

"Of course I saw it with my own eyes... how those people walked into hell one step at a time..." Cen Shu hooked her hair with her fingertips, her eyes darkened.

Li Ting's bloodshot eyes flashed a trace of resentment, she looked up at Cen Shu, "Think!"

After death, I think about it all the time.

Cen Shu took out a talisman from her bag, the talisman was shining with a strange purple color, and her voice was captivating.

"Then, come in."

(End of this chapter)

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