Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 201 Still slipping through the net?

Chapter 201 Still slipping through the net?

"Brother Wen, Brother Wen, what should we do now?" Little brother A's voice trembled a little, this aunt must be too scary.

Wen Ren was also a little frightened, but in front of so many younger brothers, he couldn't lose face and raised his chin lightly, "You are Zhao Lijuan, right? Do you know where your brother Zhu Rui is now?"

Zhao Lijuan's face darkened instantly, "What Zhu Rui, what are you talking about? I don't know Zhu Rui at all!"

With that said, Zhao Lijuan was about to close the door.

The flesh on Wen Ren's face trembled, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He raised his foot and kicked the iron door. The iron door was severely deformed and the lock became loose.

Zhao Lijuan turned pale and screamed, "What do you want to do? If you do this again, I will call the police!"

Wen Ren grinned, and unceremoniously kicked up again.

With a 'boom' sound, the iron gate fell, raising a cloud of dust.

Zhao Lijuan pointed the knife at them, and said sharply, "I'm calling the police, don't come here, I have a knife in my hand!"

Wen Ren sneered, "Call the police? You report it! Do you think the police will soon..."

"Don't move! Don't move! Put your hands up!"

Before Wen Ren could say anything, a group of heavily armed special police quietly appeared outside the door.

The room is relatively narrow, the younger brothers are all crowded in the living room, there is only one exit at the door, and the surrounding doors and windows are also sealed, there is no way to escape.

A sternness flashed across Wen Ren's eyes, but he still obediently raised his hand and squatted down on the ground.

Seeing that the police really came, Zhao Lijuan's face became even uglier. She put down the kitchen knife in her hand and shrank in a corner, reducing her sense of presence.

They were quickly brought under control. Xu Guoqing led his young apprentice into the house, and was startled when he saw Zhao Lijuan covered in blood, "Auntie, are you okay? The blood on your body..."

Xu Guoqing frowned, and called Xiao Liu, and a policewoman named Xiao Liu walked in, "Xiao Liu, take your aunt to check and see if there is any injury. If not, you can make a record by the way."

"Okay, Captain Xu." Xiao Liu responded, and came to Zhao Lijuan's side. He didn't dislike the blood on her body, and wanted to help Zhao Lijuan.

Zhao Lijuan avoided subconsciously, but when she saw Xu Guoqing, she subconsciously avoided staring at him, and was helped out of the room by Xiao Liu.

Fortunately, the special police came up in time, and the furnishings and furniture in the house were not damaged. Xu Guoqing and his apprentice were just about to leave when they suddenly heard the sound of something hitting the wall.

Xu Guoqing paused, frowned slightly, and looked at his apprentice, "Did you hear any strange sounds?"

Apprentice Xiao Gu shook his head, "No, master, what's wrong?"

Seeing Xu Guoqing's solemn expression, Xiao Gu also became vigilant. Could there be a fish that slipped through the net?

Xu Guoqing listened carefully for a while, and the sound of the impact seemed to disappear again, "Maybe I heard it wrong."

Just as he was about to leave, there was a 'woo hoo' sound again, which was more obvious than before.

Xu Guoqing raised his head, looked at the half-hidden kitchen, walked over, pushed the door open, and a strong smell of blood rushed towards him.

The kitchen is an old-fashioned kitchen, which is connected to the toilet. On the kitchen chopping board, there are a few pieces of internal organs, and the dark red blood is pooled on the chopping board.

Xiao Gu stepped forward to examine it carefully, heaved a sigh of relief, and showed a relaxed smile, "Master, it's chicken blood."

(End of this chapter)

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