Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 202 Killing a chicken is like killing someone

Chapter 202 Killing a chicken is like killing someone

A false alarm.

However, before Xiao Gu could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a muffled hum from the bathroom.

Xu Guoqing's expression froze, and he walked towards the bathroom.

The smell of blood in the bathroom became even stronger, the floor was in a mess, and a pile of bloody chicken feathers was in the corner.

The chicken head was separated from the chicken body, and the walls were spattered with blood everywhere.

"Auntie, killing chickens is like killing people." Looking at such a bloody scene, Xiao Gu couldn't help but tease.

Xu Guoqing's frown has not yet relaxed, and his eyes are looking at the bathtub covered by the curtain.

He walked over quickly, opened the curtain abruptly, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

In the bathtub, there was a man lying on his back, his whole body was tied up, there was an unpleasant smell, and there was a layer of yellow liquid floating in the bathtub. The man closed his eyes tightly, looking at his slightly heaving chest, Xu Guoqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as Xu Guoqing bent down and wanted to untie the rope for the man, the man suddenly opened his eyes, saw Xu Guoqing in front of him, and excitedly 'wowed'.

He untied the rope and took out the rag from the man's mouth. The man hugged Xu Guoqing's thigh excitedly, "Wow! Officer! You're finally here!" The wailing looks very much like mourning.

Xu Guoqing: ...

Xiao Gu couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud, "Hey, master, what should I do with this person?"

Xu Guoqing's temples twitched, "Take it back! What else can I do! Find a cut!"

The smile on Xiao Gu's face became even brighter.

Xu Guoqing: ...


"Zhao Lijuan..."


"43 is old."


After asking the basic information, Xiao Liu crossed his hands on the table, his eyes sharp, "Zhao Lijuan, why did you kidnap Zhu Rui?"

The blood on Zhao Lijuan's body was washed off, her face turned pale, and she argued: "Officer, I didn't kidnap him, you saw it today, those people are here to collect debts, Zhu Rui is my younger brother, how could I kidnap him? "

Xiao Liu looked at Zhao Lijuan's expression that didn't seem to be lying, and frowned, "Do you know that restricting personal freedom is illegal?"

Zhao Lijuan shook her head, looking anxious, "Illegal? How could it be illegal? Zhu Rui is my younger brother. I tied him up to prevent those people from finding him. I did it for his own good!"

After all, without waiting for police officer Xiaoliu to ask any further questions, Zhao Lijuan continued, "Officer, I'm just a rural person. I haven't studied for a few years. I don't know the law. Can I go back now?"


The door of the interrogation room was opened, and Xu Guoqing walked in from the outside, "How was the question?"

"It's all here." Xiao Liu got up and stepped aside. Xu Guoqing came to the side of the recorder and glanced at the screen.

"It's exactly the same as Zhu Rui's confession." Xu Guoqing's voice was very soft, "and Zhu Rui expressed understanding to Zhao Lijuan." In other words, Zhao Lijuan can leave now.

Xiao Liu nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Print a copy of this and give it to me now." Xu Guoqing ordered to the recorder.

The recorder responded, and swiftly printed out the confession and handed it to Xu Guoqing.

"Zhao Lijuan, you can leave now." Xu Guoqing said with a straight face and a stern tone, "Remember, restricting other people's personal freedom is a violation of the law, and you can't do it in the future."

"Okay, okay." Zhao Lijuan stood up, with a smile on her face, and said again and again, "Then sir, my brother..."

"Your brother can't go, theft, repeat offender."

 The update is complete~
  I’m in a bad mood today, I want to cry o(╥﹏╥)o
  So, let the beef confess to the cuties!This book can be written because of the support of the cuties, because you are here, so the beef is here.

  Really super super love you, thank you for your comments, your votes, your rewards, thank you for everything.

  I love you guys~ I can’t repay you, let’s give you some beef~ Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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