Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 212 Combing Husband and Wife

Chapter 212


Yongqiang actually wants to say that there is nothing ghostly about this thing, and it can still be worn after a lot of drying in the sun. The hair quality is quite good and smooth. What shampoo is it.

Sun Wenwen sent her to the door of the villa, and looked up at the window on the second floor. Cheng Zhi was not feeling well, so he didn't go downstairs, and was standing on the window sill looking at them.

Yongqiang raised his head, thinking of the warm and fragrant nephrite just now, his nose felt hot, and he felt that the nosebleed was about to flow down again, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Cheng Zhi again.

"Master Liu, let's add a WeChat account." Sun Wenwen can boast about what she saw today for a long time, and there is definitely no harm in having one more friend.

Liu Ying thought for a while, nodded, took out her mobile phone, and with a beep, Liu Ying added her as a friend, casually glanced at Sun Wenwen's screen, and saw Sun Wenwen's top WeChat——Cen Shu (get the plan).

It looks like it's a girl's name, and... it's done...

Liu Ying glanced at Sun Wenwen strangely, took a few steps back, and opened the distance between the two. Are young people in this big city so open?

Liu Ying called Shang Yongqiang and walked away.

Yong Qiang reluctantly glanced at Cheng Zhi on the second floor, waved his hand, "Goodbye, miss."

Cheng Zhi raised his hand, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips, looked at the backs of the two people who were drifting away, glanced at the stack of talismans on the table, hummed softly, and combed his short hair .

"A husband and wife with ten combs and two elders will grow old, and grow old..."

"What dead man's hair? Is there something wrong with you? How can you be sure that you bought it from my store? Do you have any evidence?"

A store that sells wigs.

Tang Yun came out of the bathroom after washing her hands. There was no paper towel, and she casually shook her hands, only to hear the shopkeeper growl in a low voice angrily.

This time, the people's livelihood team received a request from a female helper, saying that the wig shop's products were falsely advertised, and she wanted a refund, and wanted to refund all the remaining money in the recharge card.

Tang Yun followed Reporter Hu to this store. It was a coincidence that she had a bad stomach the day before, so she came here aggressively, so she borrowed a toilet.

The store is very large, with all kinds of mannequins and wigs of various shapes on the display cabinets. The bathroom is in the warehouse, and the rows of shelves are full of wigs.

The owner of the shop is from the Mediterranean, and he wears a wig with a killer hairstyle, which looks very fake at first glance. When he saw Tang Yun, he immediately hung up the phone and smiled flatteringly, "Little reporter, didn't you hear that just now?" what?"

Tang Yun: ...

If she said she heard something, would she be silenced?
"Cough..." Seemingly realizing that his way of asking is a bit strange, the shopkeeper coughed, "In our business, others say it's profiteering. , I have long been used to it."

The shopkeeper's voice was a bit vicissitudes, and he felt tired of fighting and killing in the rivers and lakes.

If he didn't know that the store's membership card started at [-] yuan, and a wig cost tens of thousands, Tang Yun would really believe him.

"That... I am an intern reporter, you should explain to my master." Tang Yun whispered.

"Oh, that's it." The smile on the owner's face disappeared immediately, with a hint of arrogance, "The toilet is also used up, can the little reporter get out of my warehouse?"

Tang Yun: ...

 Cough, I was afraid you would get scared watching it in the middle of the night, so I passed it on first, am I being considerate? (squinting smile)
(End of this chapter)

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