Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 213 I have learned to answer quickly

Chapter 213 I have learned to answer quickly

An embarrassing voice sounded, Tang Yun covered her stomach, and said 'Ouch', "Sorry, shopkeeper, I might have to borrow the bathroom again."

The shopkeeper covered his nose in distaste, and took a few steps back, "Hurry up, and my warehouse is equipped with surveillance cameras."

The shopkeeper glanced at the small backpack behind Tang Yun, and his voice carried a warning.

"Okay, thank you, the shopkeeper." The sky is big and the earth is big, and the toilet is the biggest!Since being transferred to the Minsheng Group, Tang Yun has seen dozens of these face-changing monsters a week.

The shop owner snorted coldly, pushed open the door, and saw Reporter Hu and the camera in the shop, with a bright smile on his face, "Oh, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting, I just got a call at home, It’s more hasty than lazy.”

Across the door, Tang Yun couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when listening to the shopkeeper's words, as expected of a face-changing monster.

Thinking about it, he casually glanced at the shelves in the warehouse, thinking of what the shopkeeper said just now, the dead...hair?
Tang Yun shuddered abruptly, feeling sticky all over her body, and then ran to the bathroom again, clutching her stomach.

"Kid, don't you think extinction is very wrong?"

After standing up and answering questions five times in one class, Gu Huo finally couldn't take it anymore. Since he came back from the National Day, he didn't know that the tendon was wrong, and he couldn't let him go. Embarrassed!

Cen Shu yawned lazily, lying on the table, spinning the pen boredly, leaving an afterimage in her hand.

Gu Huo's attention was diverted instantly, "You're pretty good at playing handkerchief."


Xia Qing saw Gu Huo talking on the podium, and frowned.

"Yes!" Gu Huo stood up, his voice full of helplessness.

"Listen to the class carefully and don't talk!"

Xia Qing glanced at Cen Shu who was lying on the table, her temples twitched, but she didn't speak.

Gu Huo responded, and sat back on his seat with a sad expression on his face, "Why didn't you mention Extinction." Obviously Cen Shu went too far!

Cen Shu didn't speak, took out her phone from the drawer, and clicked on the League of Legends mobile game.

Guho: ...

As soon as I logged in, a message popped up on WeChat, from Sun Wenwen.

Sun Wenwen: Hello Cen Shu, do you have time tonight, can we have a meal together?
Words are full of caution.

Cen Shu thought about it, and said hello.

A happy emoji was sent on the other side.

Cen Shu hooked her lips, as if thinking of something, took a screenshot, and sent it to 'Silly Brother'.

Cen Yanyu returned quickly.

Silly brother:? ? ?

Silly brother: What do you have to eat with her?The food at home is not good?What an unhealthy meal outside! ! !
Cen Shu: Well, it’s not tasty.

'WeChat transfer 250. '

Silly brother: Be good, take the money and go out to eat by yourself. The two girls chatted after eating. Where can I eat?

Cen Shu: ...

'Wechat transferred another 250. '

Silly Brother: Short of money or an errand?Sister, I beg you!

Ever since Cen Yanyu returned to school without saying a word, he has received hundreds of WeChat attacks from Liu Lian every day, and he is very tired.

Cen Shu typed casually, "People must keep their promises." She agreed.

Silly brother:! ! ! ? ? ?
Silly brother: Can I still recover the transfer?

'250 has been received. '

'Another 250 has been collected. '

Cen Yanyu: ...

"Cen Shu!" Xia Qing stood on the podium, endured and endured, and called out Cen Shu, "This question..."

"Choose C." Cen Shu stood up with a calm voice.

Hey!Have you learned to answer quickly?

(End of this chapter)

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