Chapter 217 Obsession with You


In the early morning, the sun shines into the room, bringing a touch of warmth.

The mobile phone on the bedside rang. The girl stretched out her white arm. After touching the mobile phone, she seemed to feel the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the bed, and quickly withdrew her hand.

Pianist Frey: Dear Miss Cen Shu, I am about to return to China, the plane the day after tomorrow, so I want to take another look at my genius cat before leaving, I hope you agree! (Please please~)

Frey's Chinese condenses the recent progress of Chinese into this sentence.

Cen Shu took a look, and replied with a good word, choosing a day is worse than bumping into it, today is a good day.

The message from the other side was quick, "But, Miss Cen Shu doesn't have to go to class today?"

Cen Shu is a student, a senior in high school.

"The weather is fine." Suitable for leave.

Cen Shu's nonsensical sentence made Frey deeply feel the profoundness of Chinese. As expected, his Chinese level still needs to be improved.

After making an appointment to meet, Cen Shu threw the phone aside and lay lazily on the bed, not wanting to move.

The temperature in Xuancheng has dropped by more than ten degrees in a week, so fast that even the express delivery of autumn clothes is still on the way, and it has already entered winter here.

[Host, there are still two hours, five minutes and 32 seconds left before the meeting. ] Xiao Hua accurately reported the time.

[No hurry, I'll sleep again, call me in 5 minutes. 】

Cen Shu yawned, closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep.

Little Flower:  …

The place where the two met was a petty bourgeoisie coffee shop.

Niu Niu lay obediently in Cen Shu's arms, looking lazy and comfortable.

Frey sat across from him, looking eagerly at him.

"That..." Frey was a little embarrassed, "Can I hug it?"

Cen Shu nodded, "Of course, but I have some questions to ask you."

The orange cat is in her arms, Frey is already floating, this furry hand, these pink meat pads, these big purple eyes!

"Miss Cen Shu, tell me!" Frey said with a knowing expression.

Cen Shu took a sip of coffee, her eyes darkened, "How did you and Lu Si know each other?"

Frey was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Cen Shu to ask this.

"Is it inconvenient to say?" Cen Shu raised her eyes, seeing that Frey was silent, and asked.

"No, it's just a little strange..." Frey looked at Cen Shu and sighed deeply, "I thought Lu would tell you."

Ten years ago, Lu Si was only 15 years old, and Cen Shu was only eight years old.

Once intending to accept Cen Xue as an apprentice, Frey also deliberately investigated Cen Xue's family background.

Obviously, the two should have nothing to do with each other, so when Lu told Frey Censhu that Shanshan he had been looking for, Frey was a little confused.

Ten years ago, Frey was already well-known all over the world. Frey picked up Lu Si on the street when he was performing in country M. At that time, Lu Si was seriously injured and almost died, but his mouth But he kept calling the name Shanshan.

Frey seemed to have thought of something, and his face turned slightly pale, "Miss Cen, you may not believe it when you say it. The doctor had already given up at that time. He was able to survive because of his own obsession, his obsession with you."

Cen Shu paused slightly with her hand stirring the coffee.

"Lu seems to have a headache. When I picked him up that time, he looked crazy and looked scary. This symptom lasted for a month before gradually getting better."

Frey glanced at Cen Shu who was opposite. The girl opposite was very calm and indifferent, as if she didn't care much about anything, which was very similar to Lu.

"Last question, Professor Frey, do you still remember when you picked up Lu Si?"

(End of this chapter)

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