Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 218 Ah Si Had a Car Accident!

Chapter 218 Ah Si Had a Car Accident!

"Thank you, Si Shi, if it wasn't for you..."

In the ward, Tang Yun drank porridge, looking like she was about to cry, her face became a little red because of the fever, and her eye sockets were also red.

Si Shi was sitting by the hospital bed, looking at Tang Yun's appearance, a little at a loss, Si Shi had never been with a girl before, of course Master was not considered a girl.

"Well, when you're away from home, friends should take care of each other!" Si Shi thought for a long time, and only came up with this sentence.

Tang Yun looked at the silly boy, pursed her lips, and said softly, "Is it just a friend?"

Si Shi stared at the window in a daze, unable to hear clearly, "What?"

Tang Yun shook her head, "The porridge is too sweet."

"Really? Then I'll ask Aunt Dafan to put less sugar later." Si Shi answered it naturally.

Tang Yun's cheeks blushed inexplicably, and she gave a soft 'hmm' sound.

The atmosphere froze for a moment.

"Um...how did you suddenly have a fever?" Si Shi rubbed the back of his head and found a topic that he thought was not so boring.

Tang Yun turned pale, glanced at the other people in the ward, lowered her head and lowered her voice, "Si Shi, I seem to have stumbled."

A few days ago, Tang Yun only had diarrhea, but since returning home from the interview the day before yesterday, Tang Yun felt uncomfortable everywhere in her body.

Coupled with the sudden high fever in the middle of the night, Tang Yun became more and more sure of her guess.

Si Shi was taken aback, he had never thought about it before, after Tang Yun reminded him, Si Shi began to observe Tang Yun carefully.

Tang Yun's Palace of Fate is fairly flat, but at this time it is bluish black, not too dark.

Tang Yun felt uncomfortable being watched by Si Shi, her ears were slightly red, and she murmured, "What are you looking at?"

Si Shi withdrew his gaze and asked calmly, "Why do you say that?"

Tang Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then she recounted all the things she encountered in the wig shop that day, and said angrily, "There must be something wrong with the owner of the shop."

Si Shi nodded, did not comment, but took out his mobile phone and started typing.

Tang Yun glanced, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, is it the girl from that day?

"Then... I'll go first."

Frey's eyes were glued to the cat in Cen Shu's arms, with deep reluctance.

Want to abduct.

At the entrance of the coffee shop, Cen Shu nodded with a calm expression and said coldly, "Goodbye, Professor Frey."

Frey slammed into the sky, and finally hid his face and left.

Cen Shu looked at Frey's back, and stroked the orange cat's fur.

It was still early, and Cen Shu was standing at the door of the coffee shop with Niu Niu in her arms, looking at the distant scenery and feeling a little lost.

At this time, the phone in the bag vibrated a few times, it was Si Shi's WeChat.

He briefly described what happened to Tang Yun, and finally added carefully, "Master, do you want to visit the hospital?"

Cen Shu ruthlessly refused, "Don't go, solve it yourself, if you can't solve it, don't come back."

Si Shi was in the hospital, and when he saw this sentence, he almost lost his grip on the phone. Why did he feel... Master seems a little irritable today?

Just as Cen Shu was about to put the phone back, an unfamiliar call came in. It was a local number in Xuancheng.

Cen Shu thought for a while and pressed the answer button.

"Cen Shu, it's not good, Ah Si had a car accident!"

It was Gu Jiuqing's voice, but instead of the usual indifference, it was full of anxiety and worry.

Cen Shu's eyes were slightly cold, "I'll be right there."

"Okay, don't worry too much, now that Ah Si has entered the operating room, don't let anything happen to you." Gu Jiuqing warned worriedly.

Cen Shu gave a soft 'um' and hung up the phone.

Xiaohua stood on Cen Shu's shoulder, seeing Cen Shu's appearance at this time, couldn't help shaking her little body, oh my god, it's scary when the host is angry!
 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes. Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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