Chapter 219 A Si's Kid
Xuancheng People's Hospital.

Emergency room door.

Gu Jiuqing looked at the three big characters 'in operation' and paced back and forth anxiously.

Cen Shu sat on the bench with Niu Niu in her arms, her head lowered, and she stroked Niu Niu's hair so that no one could see her expression.

After an unknown amount of time, Cen Shu raised her eyes and looked at Gu Jiuqing, "Why?"

Gu Jiuqing instantly understood the nonsensical question, pursed her lips, hesitated, finally sighed, and said, "Ah Si came to Xuancheng this time for the Immortal Talisman, and should have returned to the capital a long time ago, but... "

Gu Jiuqing glanced at Cen Shu, "The power in the capital is complicated. The Yi family seems to have made a big move recently, but it was stopped by Ah Si. Naturally, the immortal thing of the Yi family will not miss this opportunity."

As a good friend of Lu Si, Gu Jiuqing witnessed how Lu Si became the head of the Lu family from an illegitimate child spurned by everyone in the past ten years. There were several times. Lu Si's life can almost be said to have been picked up.

Gu Jiuqing once asked Lu Si why he had to be the head of the Lu family. At that time, Lu Si said that only the head of the Lu family could find the person he was looking for.

This time the assassination was on the highway, someone leaked Lu Si's whereabouts, and arranged manpower, car crashes, sniping and other assassination methods, if it was in the capital, those people would not succeed, but now it is in Xuancheng.

According to the police, the car fell off the cliff, and there is almost no possibility of survival. Fortunately, Lu Si was lucky, and the car hung on a tree on the cliff. Lu Si was not seriously injured while sitting in the back seat, but Lu Mu's stomach was pierced. He suffered a large hole and lost a lot of blood, so he was rescued in another emergency room.

When Cen Shu heard this, her eyes were slightly cold, and her red lips were stretched into a straight line.

Gu Jiuqing only felt that the temperature around him seemed to drop, so he glanced at Cen Shu, and silently moved away from Cen Shu.

Seeing Cen Shu's appearance, Gu Jiuqing felt a little relieved. Cen Shu must also care about Lu Si, but the two of them are very introverted and don't like to talk. When the time comes, they will be together, in the same room, Could it be possible for the two to communicate in sign language?
Gu Jiuqing's thoughts diverged a little.

With a 'click', the lights in the operation went out.

The door of the operating room was opened, and a doctor in surgical gown came out. He looked a bit older, about 50 years old, with a little tiredness in his eyes.

"Teacher!" Gu Jiuqing was stunned, and took a few steps forward, with a worried expression on his face, "Ah Si?"

Wen Yuanguo glanced at Cen Shu on the bench, seemed a little surprised, and said to Gu Jiuqing, "The operation was successful, don't worry, the effect of anesthesia has not passed yet, and the person has already been sent to the ward, and family members need to watch the night, you..."

Cen Shu stood up, her voice was very calm, "I will guard."

Wen Yuanguo froze for a moment, looked at Gu Jiuqing in confusion, and asked with his eyes, "Who is this little girl?"

Gu Jiuqing covered her lips and coughed softly, then turned around, "You still have to go to class, I'll tell you when Ah Si wakes up."

Cen Shu didn't speak, but looked at Gu Jiuqing with undeniable determination.

"Okay, I'll call another aunt when the time comes, so you won't be too tired." Gu Jiuqing gave up, and introduced to Wen Yuanguo: "Teacher, this is Ah Si's... friend, Cen Shu."

Wen Yuanguo nodded, with a kind smile on his face, "Hello, little friend of Ah Si."

Gu Jiuqing: ...

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

(End of this chapter)

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