Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 220 She's Really Smart!

Chapter 220 She's Really Smart!
The detector emits a calm and soothing sound.

Lu Si was lying on the hospital bed with an oxygen tube inserted between his nose. Due to excessive blood loss, his face was a little pale, his eyes were tightly closed, and his lips were bloodless. He was a little less cold and more fragile than usual.

The nurse walked in, glanced at the data of the instrument, but glanced at Cen Shu calmly from the corner of the eye, and coughed softly, "Little girl, who are you to this handsome guy?"

Niu Niu was taken home by Gu Jiuqing, Cen Shu looked away from Lu Si, raised her eyes, and said in a flat voice, "Friend."

The nurse nodded, showing an expression of 'I know it all', the young people are very shy now.

"The nurse's desk is at the place where you turn left when you go out. You can't leave this building at ten o'clock in the evening. It's only past eight o'clock. Would you like to go out for a meal?" If she remembers correctly, this little girl seems to have never After entering the ward in the afternoon, I haven't eaten anything.

Cen Shu shook her head, looked at Lu Si again, and pursed her lips.

All right... The nurse didn't try to persuade her anymore. After all, something happened to her little boyfriend, so maybe the little girl was worried too. The nurse glanced at Lu Si's hand and muttered, "Why haven't you let go yet?"

"What?" Cen Shu raised her head.

Inexplicably, the nurse was stunned to see the worry on the little girl's expressionless face, and quickly waved her hand, "It's okay, your little boyfriend is okay, I'm just surprised, his hand... seems to never let go."

Cen Shu lowered her eyes and looked at Lu Si's hand beside the bed.

Lu Si's hands are beautiful, fair and slender, but there are faint scars near the tiger's mouth, and they are clenched into fists, as if they are protecting something.

"Generally, people under anesthesia can't use any strength. It's a bit strange that he can still make a fist." The nurse explained, and seeing that Lu Si's vital signs were stable, she left the ward.

Cen Shu gently caressed Lu Si's hand. The moment the skin touched, Lu Si seemed to feel something, and slowly let go of his clenched fist.

'Click' something fell from Lu Si's palm.

Cen Shu looked at the thing and was slightly taken aback.

【Hey, isn't this the villain that the host gave you to this little black lotus? 】

"Squeaky, what do you think of this thing?"

In a boutique in a mall.

Sun Wenwen put on a pair of sunglasses, looked at herself in the mirror, and asked Cheng Zhi beside her.

Yesterday she deliberately told Master Liu about Cheng Zhi's condition. Master Liu said that Cheng Zhi should get in touch with people more and go to places with many people, so that the yin energy on his body will completely dissipate.

No, in the name of buying a gift for Cen Yanyu, Sun Wenwen pulled Cheng Zhi out of the house again.

Where could there be more people than a shopping mall, she is so smart!

Cheng Zhi forced a smile, "Wenwen, you look good in anything you wear."

Sun Wenwen couldn't hear Cheng Zhi's perfunctory, took off her sunglasses, and reached out to hold Cheng Zhi's arm, but Cheng Zhi avoided it.

"Zhizhi, do you dislike me?" Sun Wenwen instantly showed a pitiful expression.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Cheng Zhi's eyes, "I wear too many clothes today, and it's a bit hot, so I don't like to wear arms."

When he said this, Cheng Zhi glanced across Sun Wenwen's neck, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, then let's go to another store. The clothes in my closet are out of season, and I want to buy some more good-looking ones." A woman's closet is never too full.

Coming out of the boutique, Sun Wenwen took Cheng Zhi straight to a mid-to-high-end clothing store.

(End of this chapter)

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