Chapter 222 Newton Deceived Her

Sun Wenwen walked in a hurry, and bumped into the girl who had just come out of the bathroom. The girl fell to the ground with her head down, unable to see her expression clearly.

"Sorry, you're not hurt, are you?"

Sun Wenwen stretched out her hand, trying to help the girl up, but the girl avoided her, "It's okay, it doesn't matter, I'll just get up by myself."

The girl's voice was a little weak, and it sounded inexplicably uncomfortable.

Sun Wenwen didn't force her anymore, "I'm sorry, I'm looking for my friend, so I'm a little anxious, are you injured?"

The girl shook her head, "It's okay."

After speaking, the girl got up and walked outside.

Sun Wenwen looked at the girl's back, frowned, and touched the girl's shoulder just now, it didn't hurt too much, didn't it mean that the effect of force is mutual?Had Newton lied to her?
This thought passed through his mind for a while, and then was forgotten by Sun Wenwen.


Walking into the bathroom, Sun Wenwen reached out and knocked on the only door that was still closed, "Cheng Zhi, are you constipated, have you been to the bathroom for so long?"

She originally wanted to wait in the store for Cheng Zhi to come back, but she didn't expect that the store was about to close, and Cheng Zhi hadn't come out of the bathroom yet.

With a 'click', the latch of the door was opened, Cheng Zhi supported his waist, his face was a little pale.

"Zhizhi, are you okay?" Sun Wenwen was a little worried.

Cheng Zhi waved his hand, "No, it's just that my legs are numb after squatting for a long time."

Sun Wenwen: ...

Cheng Zhi stretched out his hand, "Come on, little mosquito, come and help me."

Sun Wenwen looked at Cheng Zhi suspiciously, raised her hand, and gritted her teeth, "You're finally back to normal."

Cheng Zhi was supported, and half-turned to the sink, the water was splashing, "What's wrong with me?"

She doesn't know what's wrong these days, she's always dizzy, she shouldn't have done anything radically stupid, right?

"It's nothing." Seeing that her friend was finally back to normal, Sun Wenwen didn't want to mention the past. Seeing that Cheng Zhi had washed his hands, she wanted to walk out, but was stopped by Cheng Zhi.

"What's wrong? Is my leg numb again?" Sun Wenwen turned her head angrily.

Cheng Zhi dried his hands with the dryer, "No, I didn't wash my hands when you helped me just now, so I don't want to remind you."

Sun Wenwen: ...

Coming out of the bathroom, the girl in Hanfu and her companion seemed to have just finished their clothes and were about to leave.

"Huihui, why do I feel that you suddenly look better?" The companion's voice was not low.

"Really? Maybe I just touched up my makeup in the bathroom." The girl's voice was soft.

"Well, especially the eyebrows, I remember that it wasn't Liu Yemei that I helped you transform, oh, I don't remember, anyway, you just look better..."

The two held hands and drifted away.

In the middle of the night, moonlight shines into the ward through the window.

The nose was filled with the smell of disinfectant, Lu Si opened his eyes, his eyes were clear.

The room was very quiet, and occasionally the sounds of nurses walking around outside the room could be heard.

The slender fingers moved slightly, but they touched the warm skin, Lu Si was startled suddenly, and looked to the side of the hand.

A small head was lying on its stomach, breathing evenly, and the shallow breath sprayed on the back of Lu Si's hand, causing a burst of numbness.

Lu Si's eyes were dimmed, and he looked at Cen Shu, with hot emotions surging in his eyes.

Lu Si's movement was not big, but it still woke Cen Shu up. Cen Shu raised his eyes, and the two looked at each other. With the moonlight, Cen Shu looked into Lu Si's eyes at a glance.

 The update is complete~
  I feel that my hair loss has been severe recently, woo woo woo, I want to go to bed early and never stay up late again.

  Little cuties go to bed early too, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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