Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 223 The Obsession Is Too Deep

Chapter 223 The Obsession Is Too Deep
Cen Shu coughed lightly, staggered away, got up, and turned on the light.

Lu Si lowered his eyes, his slender eyelashes trembled slightly, looking a little pitiful.

Cen Shu pursed her lips and asked, "Are you hungry?" The doctor said that Lu Si could eat some liquid food, and Gu Jiuqing asked the nanny to cook it and keep it in a thermos.

Lu Si shook his head, his voice was hoarse because he hadn't spoken for a long time, "It hurts, I don't want to eat."

Cen Shu frowned, and her voice was full of worry that she didn't even realize, "Where does it hurt? I'll call the nurse."

After that, he turned around and was about to walk out of the ward, but was stopped by Lu Si, "Shanshan, I miss you."

Cen Shu paused, her eyes flickered, she sighed softly, and sat back in her chair.

The room fell silent for a moment.

"This painting..." Cen Shu unfolded the portrait that was folded into a triangle, and it was also something that Lu Si had been holding in his hand. The corners of the portrait were stained with blood, "Is it very important?"

It's just a painting.

Cen Shu uses the painting as a talisman, and the spiritual power on it can ward off bad luck once, but why would she rather not even use her life?

"This is from Shanshan..." Of course it is important.

Lu Si looked at Cen Shu with undisguised heat in his eyes.

Cen Shu narrowed her eyes, her voice fluctuated slightly, "Little Lotus, did you have a favorite boy in your previous life?"

Lu Si was taken aback for a moment, his expression seemed a little stunned.

【Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! ! ! ] Xiao Hua has been standing on Cen Shu's shoulder, not holding back, laughing wildly.

Cen Shu seemed to understand something, inexplicably agitated, and said annoyedly, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Lu Si hurriedly reached out and grabbed Cen Shu's wrist, his fingers felt cool, and because of his excessive movements, he touched the wound, and coughed in a low voice.

Cen Shu held him down, and said in a fierce tone, "Don't move."

Looking at Cen Shu, Lu Si couldn't help curling his lips, his long and narrow eyes were full of smiles.

"What are you laughing at?!" Cen Shu tilted her head unnaturally, a trace of unnaturalness flashed in her eyes.

Lu Si's voice was a little heavy, "You look good."

Cen Shu opened her eyes sideways, her voice dry, "I know."

Lu Si couldn't hold it back, and chuckled out loud, wrapping Cen Shu's little hand with a hand with clear bones, "Shanshan, you guessed it, right?" His girl is so smart.

Cen Shu frowned, sat back in the chair, and said with a bit of hatred in her tone, "Little Lianhua, I am not a homophobic person."

Lu Si: ...

Xiao Hua laughed so hard that she almost fainted when she heard this, it was the first time for Emma to feel that her host was stupid and cute.

Its non-human system can tell that this little black lotus should have been a legendary lady-clothing boss in her previous life, and her emotional host doesn't even know it yet.

This time its clever IQ finally took over!

A trace of helplessness flashed in Lu Si's eyes, "Shanshan."

Cen Shu hooked her lips, "Have a good rest."

Lu Si nodded and closed his eyes. After a while, his even breathing sounded in the room.

This operation, Xiaohua is confused, so does her host know or not? !
As if hearing Xiao Hua's inner voice, Cen Shu lazily leaned back on the chair, her voice became flat again, 【You think I'm you? 】

Xiaohua:? ? ?
So after a long time, the clown turned out to be himself?
Cen Shu looked at Lu Si, and suddenly recalled Frey's words in her mind.

He said, "It was the first time I performed in Country M that day, so the image was relatively deep. It seemed to be October [-]nd, and it seemed that every year on this day, Lu's headache would attack."

Frey said that there is only one explanation for the headaches in the world that cannot be found in medicine, and that is too deep obsession.

October [-]nd was the day of Cen Shu's death in her previous life, and it was also her birthday in her previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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