Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 224 Going to the toilet together?

Chapter 224 Go to the bathroom together?

"Hey! Can you sit up in a day?" Tsk, is this the power of love in the legend?

Gu Jiuqing walked into the ward with the lunch box, put the porridge on the bedside, and glanced, "Where's your kid?"

Lu Si lazily leaned against the head of the bed, looking at the phone with soft eyebrows.

"She went to school."

When he said this, his expression was natural, with a slight smile on his lips.

Gu Jiuqing: ...

There is a feeling that I can't hold on without breakfast.

It's because he didn't sleep on duty all night, these two are fine, hum!

Gu Jiuqing opened the lunch box, and the aroma of porridge overflowed in an instant, "Lu Mu is fine, he has been rescued for ten hours, and his life is safe."

Lu Si's eyes dimmed, and he responded softly.

"Miao has already found someone. It is indeed the Yi family, but the Cheng family is also involved. It seems that the Cheng family has made a big move in Xuancheng recently." Gu Jiuqing took out some porridge and handed it to Lu Si.

Lu Si took it, "Has Miao come back?"

Gu Jiuqing nodded. After knowing about Lu Si's accident, that guy bought the nearest plane ticket and came back from abroad. After calculation, the time should be almost up.

Lu Si gave a faint 'hmm' and didn't speak again.

The bell rang for the first class.

Just as Cen Shu was about to step into the classroom, her footsteps paused, her brows were slightly frowned, and she glanced towards the front row of the classroom.

At a glance, he met the death ray projected by Xia Qing who was walking towards him, and walked into the classroom from behind with a calm expression.

Xia Qing: ...

Xia Qing stepped back into the classroom from the front door, stood on the podium, glanced at the back row calmly, and started class.

"Child, you've been a little arrogant recently!" Gu Huo crossed his legs and complained, asking for leave frequently these three days, didn't he know that he was a senior in high school?
Cen Shu glanced at the row in front of her. Cen Xue's seat was vacant, and even her usual textbooks were taken away.

In the back seat of Cen Xue was Wang Hui. There was a small mirror on the table, and she used a comb to comb her hair from time to time.

Xu Shi Cen Shu couldn't hide his gaze, Wang Hui paused, turned his head, and met Cen Shu's smiling eyes.


The comb in Wang Hui's hand fell on the desk, making a loud noise, and her face instantly turned pale.

"Wang Hui? What's wrong with you?"

Xia Qing was interrupted from teaching, she frowned, looked at the things on Wang Hui's desk, and said in a stern voice, "It's the third year of high school, listen to the class carefully, and don't engage in such petty tricks."

In the past few weekly exams, Wang Hui's grades were getting worse and worse. Xia Qing could not help worrying about Wang Hui seeing it.

Wang Hui nodded, not daring to look at Cen Shu anymore, and put everything on the table into the drawer.

"Kid, what are you laughing at?" Gu Huo was very dissatisfied with Cen Shu's ignoring his words, and went to see others instead, "What's so good about that Wang Hui, although she does look a little better today, but don't feel inferior, kid , you are still a little bit prettier than her."

Cen Shu withdrew her gaze and glanced at Gu Huo lightly, with 'I don't want to talk to fools' written all over her face.

Guho: ...

One class, 45 minutes, the get out of class bell rang.

Just as Gu Huo was about to lie down, he saw Cen Shu getting up from his seat, and he lost all sleepiness instantly. Hey, the sun came out from the west today. Sleeping King won't sleep? !
Wang Hui was surrounded by a few boys, who looked like they were asking about their health, this kind of treatment was commonplace when Cen Xue was around.

Cen Shu walked to Wang Hui's side, and the boys around him subconsciously made way for Cen Shu.

Cen Shu's white and slender fingers curled slightly, and she knocked on Wang Hui's table, her voice was light, "Go to the toilet together?"

Guho:? ? ?
A group of others: ? ? ?
Shi Fei:! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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