Chapter 225
There are too many people in the campus bathroom, so it is naturally not a good place to chat.

On the rooftop, the wind was a bit bitter, and it hurt my face when it blew.

Cen Shu leaned lazily on the railing, not far away was the playground, and from a distance, she could see the mountain peaks.

"Actually, if possible, we can go climbing a mountain together."

'Wang Hui':? ? ?

Cen Shu withdrew her gaze, turned around, and looked at 'Wang Hui', with the corners of her lips slightly raised, "I was pleasantly surprised to see you."

'Wang Hui' looked a little distorted, she wasn't surprised at all!
Cen Shu slowly took out a talisman from his pocket, the talisman was golden in color, shining brilliantly.

'Wang Hui' took a few steps back fearfully, her eyes were full of fear, and she roared in a broken voice: "Why are you so lingering?!"

First, I gave Sun Wenwen a talisman to prevent her from possessing her body. She finally found a decent body, so why did she meet this girl again? !

Cen Shu raised her eyebrows lightly, a little strangely, "A marriage of thousands of miles is bound by a thread, this is fate."

'Wang Hui': Fuck her shit!

Cen Shu gave a 'tsk', her smile unchanged, "Since you don't cherish this fate, then..."

'Wang Hui' complexion changed, and she knelt down in front of Cen Shu with a 'plop'.

【Hey!These days, do ghosts know how to know the current affairs and be a hero? 】Is it all convoluted like this?
It was the first time for Xiao Hua to see such a well-behaved ghost, and suddenly she was not used to it.

Cen Shu looked at 'Wang Hui', but others couldn't see it. Wang Hui's body was covered with a layer of light gray soul, and her karma was not deep. Although this female ghost possessed others, she never killed anyone.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have indulged her like this.

"Why don't you go to die?"

'Wang Hui' bit her lip, and started to cry, "I don't know, I want to find my husband."

[Lang Jun? 】

Xiaohua chewed these two words repeatedly, 【Host, why do I feel weird? 】Is this female ghost staying for hundreds of years?

Cen Shu pressed the center of her eyebrows, "Don't cry, it's ugly."

'Wang Hui' shut up instantly, bit her lip, and looked at Cen Shu with tears in her eyes, looking aggrieved.

"My lord, can you help me find my husband?"

"You don't even remember your husband, how can I find him?" Cen Shu refused coldly.

When 'Wang Hui' heard this, she couldn't help sobbing again. When the ghost cried, her voice was particularly sharp, and Cen Shu had a headache from crying.

"Then do you remember how you died?"

Cen Shu couldn't see a woman crying, let alone her crying was not pleasant at all.

"My lord, the little girl's name is Liang Yue, and her nickname is Yue Ru." Liang Yue raised her eyes to look at Cen Shu, and wiped her tears with her sleeve.

Cen Shu: ...

She didn't really care.

Liang Yue looked at Cen Shu anxiously, "My lord, Liang Yue hanged herself."

Cen Shu raised her eyebrows and looked at Liang Yue. There was indeed a mark on the neck of Liang Yue's soul body, but...

"You didn't stick out your tongue." After death, the soul will automatically return to the appearance of the dead, and the tongue will stick out very long.

That is, the hanged ghost in folk rumors.

Upon hearing this, Liang Yue thought that Cen Shu was praising herself, covered her lips and smiled softly, her eyebrows and eyes curved, "I thought of this possibility, so I put a piece of cloth in my mouth to hold my tongue before hanging myself."

She is also a beautiful woman.

"Oh, you're really smart." Cen Shu said with a flat face and a flat tone.

Liang Yue responded in a low voice, "I think so too."

Cen Shu: ...

(End of this chapter)

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