Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 230 Someone Jia's Wig Shop

Chapter 230 Someone Jia's Wig Shop
"Sell! Hey, miss, what do you need?"

Jia Ren got up and patted off the melon seed shells on his body, and put the wig on the table on his bald head, "The wigs are also layered. You can see that this kind of hair is softer and more natural when worn. It has nothing to do with real hair. the difference."

When he came to the girl, Jia Ren tried his best to recommend the wigs in the cupboard, and looked at the girl's hair, "Miss, I think your hair is pretty good."

The girl scanned the store, "Oh, I bought it for a friend."

Jia Ren showed an expression of "I understand". After all, these days, no one wants to face the fact that they are bald.

"Actually, we also have a special treasure in our store." Jia Ren lowered his voice in a mysterious manner.

The girl seems to be attracted, "Where?"

Jia Ren poured a cup of tea for the girl, and put some candies with melon seeds in front of the girl, "Wait a minute, I'll go to the warehouse to get it."

After speaking, Jia Ren opened the door of the warehouse and walked in.

The girl sat lazily on the sofa, glanced around, with a little carelessness.

After a while, Jia Ren came out of the warehouse with several wigs, and put them in front of the girls, "Look, how about these? Guaranteed to feel the same as real hair."

The girl glanced at the wig, pointed to the slightly shorter one in the middle, "That's it, boss, can you do hairstyles here?"

The smile on Jia Ren's face became brighter, "Yes! Of course I can. What hairstyle do you want?"

The girl hooked her lips and smiled, "Let's just have your hairstyle, boss, and then dye it green, and the length should be about the same as yours."

"Okay, eat some melon seeds and drink some tea first, and I'll get you done right away." He is familiar with this hairstyle and has done it no less than a hundred times.

Jia Ren found a dummy and put it on the dressing table, and pressed the wig on it.

Hot dyeing, rinsing and dyeing.

The time is not too short, the girls have been playing matchmaker.

At this time, there was a sound of a car rolling over the road at the door, the girl paused while playing the game, and looked up at the door.

I saw a small van parked at the door. The van looked old, the tires were covered with mud, and even the windows were splashed with some mud.

The trunk was opened, and a dark-skinned man stepped down from the driver's seat. The man was dressed in a non-mainstream style, and he was wearing Martin boots. Somewhat dirty.

From a man's point of view, you can't see the inside of the store.

The man carried a suitcase from the trunk, walked straight into the store, and complained as he walked, "Xicun keeps talking about building roads, but never does. Damn it, it's okay when it's sunny, but when it's raining, what's the point?" The road is just a puddle of mud, Lao Jia..."

The man walked into the store and was stunned when he saw the girl, "There are customers."

Jia Ren impatiently said 'hmm', "Just put the things in the warehouse, and you can tidy them up for me."

The man said hello, showed a handsome smile to the girl, opened the door of the warehouse, and then remembered something, stopped in his tracks, and looked at Jia Ren, "Recently, the goods are getting less and less. .”

"Got it, let's get it done, don't you see any guests?" Jia Ren smiled dryly at the girl.

The man didn't understand Jia Ren's thoughts, he clicked his tongue in his heart, and walked into the warehouse with the box in his arms.

 The update is complete~
  Go to bed early, little cuties, it’s getting colder and colder today, I hope tomorrow will be sunny!
  Good night~ whata!
(End of this chapter)

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