Chapter 231
"Okay, Miss, take a look, how does this look look?"

Jia Ren looked at the hairstyle on the dummy's head, showed a satisfied smile, looked at the girl, and asked.

The girl put the phone back in her pocket, glanced at the shiny green Shamat wig, and smiled with satisfaction, "That's it, very good."

Jia Ren was overjoyed when he heard this, and suddenly felt like he was looking for a bosom friend in a foreign land.

"Bole! We hit it off as soon as we met, so I'll give you a small change. This wig plus shampoo, conditioner and hair dye for styling, a total of 1 yuan. I'll count it as your 950 yuan."

Jia Ren waved his hand, with a look of 'I think you are Bole who is so generous'.

The girl took out her mobile phone, checked the balance, said 'Yeah', and hooked her lips, "Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that there was only 100 yuan left in this card."

His expression was playful, and he couldn't see the slightest embarrassment.

The smile on Jia Ren's face froze for an instant, and he looked the girl up and down, "Are you just here for free?"

The girl put the phone back in her pocket, sat back on the sofa, narrowed her almond eyes slightly, "I remember, it seems that Xicun is still buried."

Although the national policy requires cremation, some old-fashioned villages do not accept this method and allow burial. Xicun still maintains the custom of burial.

Jia Ren's complexion changed, a little gloomy, "You know?"

The girl pursed her lips and smiled, with a playful look on her face, but said nothing.

'Boom! '


The door of the warehouse, which was originally ajar, was slammed shut with a loud noise.

Today, the weather is fine and windless.

Jia Ren's heart beat violently, and he shouted loudly, "Guan Nan!? What are you doing in there?"

No one responded.

Jia Ren glanced at the girl vigilantly, his voice trembled slightly, and he was no longer as angry as before, "You, what do you want to do?!"

The girl played with the pompom on the backpack, and said in a cold voice, "Do you know how many years you will be sentenced for insulting a corpse?"

"You know everything?!"

A glint of sternness flashed in Jia Ren's eyes. He came to the door of the store and pulled down the roller shutter. The store was instantly dark, except for the faint light flickering from the constantly rotating haircut sign light.

"Since you know all about it, then I can't keep you."

Jia Ren showed his fierce face, rolled up his sleeves, exposed his tattooed arms, and laughed a few times.

"Ah! Don't come here! Don't come here!"

There was a loud noise in the warehouse, and the man let out a scream.

The door of the warehouse was made of frosted glass, and a figure could be vaguely seen behind the door. The man kept beating on the door, as if he had seen something terrible.

Jia Ren's pupils shrank suddenly, he looked at the girl, glanced at the girl's shadow projected on the wall, heaved a sigh of relief, saw the girl sitting, did not move, boldly walked to the warehouse door, stretched out his hand and tried to push , can't be pushed away at all.

"Guan Nan! Don't press the door! Are you an idiot?!" Jia Ren swears.

But before he could say anything, the warehouse suddenly fell silent, and there was no shadow on the glass door.

The surroundings seemed to be quiet in an instant, so quiet that it was frightening.

Jia Ren called again, but still no one answered.

Looking at the girl sitting on the sofa, Jia Ren felt ruthless in his heart, and his eyes flashed fiercely, and he took out a switchblade from the back pocket of his trouser pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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