Chapter 333 Snowman ([-])
"Huo, Huo Huo... are you okay?"

Zhong Yi took a few steps forward and asked cautiously.

Gu Huo stared blankly at the ceiling, and it took a few seconds for him to react, grinning his teeth, "Mom, why does my face hurt."

Zhong Yi: ...

"Huh? Kid, why are you here?"

Gu Huo seemed to notice Cen Shu who was standing by the bed just now, with a surprised expression on his face, "Aunt Lin, little rich woman, why are you all here? Are you playing mahjong at the same table?"

He just came to the hospital to hang water, why did he mobilize so many people all of a sudden? !

Just as Gu Huo wanted to get up, he found that his body was tied up and he couldn't move. He looked at his own Ms. Zhong in horror, "Mom! What's wrong with me? Why are you tying me up?"

Zhong Yi frowned. Seeing Gu Huo like this, he was sure that he didn't remember what happened before, and his heart trembled slightly. Could it be that Gu Huo really had some intermittent disease that wasn't detected during the physical examination?
"You wanted to jump off the building just now, and we almost went to your house for dinner." Cen Shu said in a flat voice.

Why did he feel that the child's tone seemed rather regretful.

"Mom, ask someone to let me go, I want to pee." Gu Huo said a little embarrassedly in front of so many people.

Zhong Yi: ...

Seeing that Gu Huo had returned to normal, Zhong Yi asked the doctor to make sure, and then loosened the restraint on Gu Huo.

After Gu Huo finished his injection, he stepped on his slippers and walked into the bathroom.

In the ward, Dr. Zhong Jian frowned, and his heart skipped a beat, "Doctor, what happened to Gu Huo?"

The doctor is just a surgeon. After thinking for a while, he said in a tactful tone: "Well, don't worry, we may have a consultation with neurologists to discuss the specific cause of Gu Huo's illness."

Zhong Yi's face turned pale, as if all the strength in his body had been taken away, "Doctor, I'm sorry."

Gu Huo came out of the bathroom in his trousers. He was in a good mood. As soon as he looked up, he met three pairs of eyes full of sympathy and pity, especially his own Ms. Zhong, who was loving and compassionate, as if she was looking at a mentally handicapped person.

"Mom... why are you looking at me like this?" Gu Huo's voice trembled.

"Huo Huo, tell Mom what you like in the future, and Mom will satisfy you! There is no limit on pocket money..."

Zhong Yi took a few steps forward, and gently touched Gu Huo's head.

Gu Huo was shocked, "Mom, I don't have some incurable disease, do I?"

"No... our family Huo Huo is so smart, woo woo woo..."

Zhong Yi covered her lips, her shoulders trembled slightly, and her eyes turned red.

Guho: ...

It made it hard for him not to believe that he was about to die.

[Host, what should I do, I'm going to die laughing! ] Xiaohua rolled on Cen Shu's shoulder.

Cen Shu's eyes were also stained with a bit of a smile, and she coughed softly, "Aunt Zhong, I think Gu Huo is fine, it might be a nightmare."

Hearing the word 'dream', Gu Huo subconsciously shook his body.

"Nightmare?" Zhong Yi was puzzled.

Gu Huo got back under the quilt, looked at the fruit basket on the bedside table, wiped out a banana from it, and ate it with relish.

"Well, because I can't tell whether it's a dream or a reality, I will act strangely, probably..." Cen Shu glanced at Gu Huo, "It may be a more terrifying nightmare."

"Then..." Zhong Yi was still worried, looking at his silly son who was eating happily.

"Auntie, if you are worried, you can ask him to have an examination." Cen Shu said with a smile.

Zhong Yi nodded, "You haven't eaten yet, Auntie treats you, there is a nice restaurant nearby."

"Xiaoyi, I'll stay here, just in case can just pack something." Lin Lan was still worried, knowing that her friend was suffering, thinking that perhaps going out to eat could change her mood.

"It's okay, let's go together. The bodyguards are outside the door. Let's go out and let them come in and watch."

Zhong Yi finally calmed down and became Ms. Zhong again.

Just like this, Gu Huo watched helplessly as several people walked out of the ward with a smile, arm in arm, and went to have a big meal. He was left in the same room with a few big men, and the banana in his hand was instantly stale.

In the dead of night, it's a good time to kill and set fire.

A crescent moon hangs high in the sky, the clouds are very light, the moonlight is bright, and the road not far away can be seen. Occasionally, a few modified motorcycles roar past, making roaring noises.

Gu Huo gnawed on the apple, curled his lips in disdain, thinking that he was much cooler than this when he was still a chasing boy.

The sequelae of sleeping too much during the day is that you can't fall asleep at night.

The light in the corridor projected the figure of the big man on the glass of the door, and Gu Huo felt a little relieved. Although he didn't remember what dream he had, he subconsciously didn't like being alone in the space.

Sitting on the bed, looking at the scenery outside the window, gnawing on an apple, humming a song... This is not at all like something Gu Xiaoye would do!

Is it because the game is not popular anymore, or the live broadcast lady is not good enough?
As if realizing something, Gu Huo slapped himself hard, it didn't hurt at all!

What the hell!

When did he fall into the dream?

Yesterday's dream flooded his mind like a flood. Gu Huo wrapped his quilt tightly and looked around vigilantly. The heating in the hospital was very good, but Gu Huo felt that the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower, and his upper and lower teeth kept shaking .

"You, who are you?"

Gu Huo tried to shout.

No one answered, and the surroundings seemed to have fallen into a dead silence. The shadows of the trees outside the window were still moving, but there was no sound of wind.

Gu Huo trembled even more, "Please don't pester me, okay? I don't have much meat..."

With a 'creak' sound, the window opened a gap at some point, and the wind squeezed into the ward, like a baby crying.

A snowman's head appears outside the window, with a carrot's nose pressed against the glass, looking comical.


Gu Huo covered his face and began to scream, pulled off the quilt and got out of bed, only to find that the ground was covered with snow, reflecting cold light under the moonlight.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Gu Huo's voice trembled slightly, but he wasn't so scared anymore. Although this snowman looked a bit shabby, he didn't seem to have any malicious intentions towards him.

The snowman climbed in from the window, stared straight at Jianguhuo without saying a word.

Just when Gu Huo couldn't take it anymore, a surge of anger was in his heart, and when he was about to pretend to be dizzy, he heard the snowman's hoarse voice.


Gu Huo looked at the snowman's body that was about to freeze, and subconsciously shuddered.

Gu Huo's hesitation seemed to irritate the snowman, and the snowman opened his mouth again, and countless blood spewed out, this time the voice was full of anger, "hug!"

"Okay, hug!"

Gu Huo wanted to get dizzy but couldn't do anything cruel, so he stepped on his slippers and approached the snowman, and hugged it with his arms wide open.

It seems that it is a little more comfortable than he imagined...

The snowman swung the mop happily, almost didn't fall off, and the sound was pleasant.

"Brother! Hug brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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