Chapter 334 Snowman ([-])

When Gu Huo woke up the next day, he was on the ground, his buttocks pouted, and he slept soundly.

When the nurse came for the injection, she almost didn't take it.

Gu Huo really felt that his body was fine, but Ms. Zhong was worried, and she hung up the water and did a full body check. The check results showed no other problems except kidney deficiency and mild fatty liver.

It's just that after seeing the fatty liver, Ms. Zhong gritted her teeth and confiscated Gu Huo's pocket money for the next life.

After a busy day, Gu Huo was finally discharged from the hospital. Just as he was about to take a beautiful selfie and post it in the group to show off, a piece of local news suddenly popped up on his phone.

#Shock!A male corpse was found inside the Snowman of No. [-] Middle School in Xuancheng! #
Gu Huo froze for a moment, subconsciously opened the news.

There is a short video of a few seconds in the article, the snowman on the playground has been cut open, revealing the hollow inner layer, the body should have been sent to the police station, two mops lying alone on the ground, looking very lonely .

When the sun came out, the ice and snow began to melt. There was no shelter around the snowman. Although the melting speed was slow, the cleaners still noticed the abnormality.

The snowman's face melted away, revealing a small hole. When the cleaner was cleaning, he caught a glimpse of a pair of human eyes in the hole. He leaned forward to take a closer look, and was instantly frightened out of his wits.

The cleaner trembled and took out his mobile phone to call the police. The police car roared over and sent people to surround the playground.

Such a big battle naturally attracted the attention of the students who were in class, and reporters from the shock department also came in droves. After a while, the discovery of the male corpse in the snowman of Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School became a trending search.

After Sister G lost contact during her expedition, Xuancheng once again appeared in front of the people across the country, and as the best high school in Xuancheng, she was found hiding a dead body. This is simply discrediting Xuancheng. The police were required to solve the case within 48 hours.

Hurrying back to school, standing in the corridor, looking up, you can see the yellow cordon pulled up by the police.

"Hey! Brother Gu is so eager to learn. There is only one class left before school, and he still drags his weak body to study. It's really rare!"

The toilet downstairs was blocked again. Jiang Zhi came out of the toilet and passed the door of the first class, and saw Gu Huo pulling the fence, looking intently at the playground, like a watchdog.

"Wanwan, shut up!" Gu Huo was inexplicably in a bad mood, with an indescribable irritability.

"Brother Gu, what's wrong with you? Tell your brother?" Seeing that Gu Huo's expression was wrong, Jiang Zhi carelessly bumped Gu Huo's arm with his elbow.

What do you say?

Said that he inexplicably had several nightmares, and was seriously ill because of it. Not only was he not angry, but after a night of hugging, he developed a revolutionary friendship for the snowman?

Who will believe this frankly? !
"Have you confirmed the identity of the male corpse?" Gu Huo's voice was a little heavy.

Jiang Zhi chuckled and said, "Brother Gu, if you ask me, you are asking the right person!"

As the new bully of Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School, Jiang Zhi would naturally not let any gossip go.

"According to reliable sources, the male corpse seems to be Tang Guoguo, the son of Tang An, the security guard at the school gate. During the past few days when you were away, the junior high school has gone crazy. Tang Guoguo disappeared. At that time, I wondered if it was his old security guard. Dad did it, you don't know, that Tang Guoguo is also a poor child."

Jiang Zhi sighed, "Tang Guoguo's mother died a long time ago. Tang An, an old man, seems to be very talkative on weekdays, but secretly he is a domestic violence master. He drinks heavily and abuses Guoguo domestically when he is drunk. , followed by Guoguo and married the proprietress of the canteen next to the school."

Gu Huo lowered his eyes and listened from the sidelines, clenched his fists unconsciously, "Then what?"

"Then?" Jiang Zhi furtively took out a cigarette from his pocket, "It's like a raccoon dog, the proprietress herself has a son, so how can she be nice to Guoguo? Guoguo violence."

Jiang Zhi felt that this topic was very heavy, so he took out a lighter from his pocket, patted Gu Huo on the shoulder, and prepared to go to the rooftop to smoke afterward.

Without thinking about turning the corner, he met the smiling eyes of the elderly supervisor.


The lighter and cigarettes fell to the ground, and the stolen goods were all stolen.

"Come on, Jiang Zhi, let's go to the office and have a cup of tea!"

Jiang Zhi: ...


After listening to the story, Gu Huo returned to the classroom with a heavy heart, lazily lying on the table.

Cen Shu glanced lightly, but did not speak.

"Can you see it? Child! You know, right?!" Gu Huo suddenly remembered the strange invisibility talisman, and always felt that Cen Shu should know something.

Cen Shu held the hot water bottle in both hands, and responded softly.

"You really know? Then..." Gu Huo's eyes lit up, and he looked at Cen Shu, his eyes full of expectation.

"It's gone."

Cen Shu looked at the window, which was covered with a thick layer of water vapor, and the water droplets slid down, leaving a long line.

"Li, left?" Gu Huo murmured disappointedly, why did he leave?



Tang Guoguo will soon be 15 years old, but due to long-term malnutrition, he is only 1.3 meters tall and looks like a bean sprout. He sits in the first row of the classroom every day, and his teachers and classmates treat him very well.

Tang Guoguo is very satisfied to be able to happily read and write in the classroom every day.

The temperature has dropped again in the past few days. Tang Guoguo's clothes are taken from his new brother. Although they are a bit small, they are quite warm.

After class today, the teacher dragged the auditorium a little bit, Tang Guoguo hurried home to cook for the new mother and younger brother, opened the door, and found that his father was at home, drunk, his face was flushed, and he kept talking nonsense .

Tang Guoguo was very scared, because every time his father got drunk, he would be beaten again.

He was cooking carefully in the kitchen, but a huge shadow enveloped him.

When Tang Guoguo woke up with a bruised nose and swollen face, he found that he was locked out of the door, and his body was in pain, as if he was going to die. Tang Guoguo hid under a low eaves, trembling constantly , The wind blows the bones ache.

So cold so cold.

"Why don't you let Guoguo in, it's going to snow soon!"

"Let him die!"

The lights were on in the room, but the conversation stopped abruptly.

Tang Guoguo curled up, looked up at the sky, and thought of the last thought of losing consciousness, what a pity, there is no moon today.

He seemed dead.

Then it was hidden in the belly of a snowman, and everyone treated the snowman very badly, and the snowman couldn't move or talk.

He can't move, he can't speak, he seems to be...a snowman.

It was another day, and many people came to the playground again.

Just when Tang Guoguo was thinking about how to move quietly to avoid being hit by the snowball, a warm embrace embraced him.

"Come on, little rich woman, take a picture of my master and this snowman!"

This was Tang Guoguo's warmest and warmest hug since he could remember.

I really want to... hug again.

I really want to... hug my brother again.

(End of this chapter)

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