Chapter 335
Tang Guoguo's interpersonal relationship is very simple. After detailed investigation, the police quickly identified the suspect.

When Tang An was arrested, he happened to be on duty, and it was the big class break. Many students bought cakes from small stalls beside the fence.

It was rare for Gu Huo to sleep in the classroom and was dragged by Jiang Zhi to buy pancakes. The two were about to walk back when they saw two policemen in plain clothes rushing into the security room and pressing Tang An on the table.

On the table in the security room, there was a handful of melon seeds, and the most popular soap TV series was playing on the mobile phone. Tang An shouted and struggled, cursing Tang Guoguo continuously, without any regret .

In Tang An's heart, Tang Guoguo's son was not as good as a stranger, even an enemy.

Yesterday, Gu Huo had a good night's sleep and had no dreams. The snowman never appeared again. The hug that night, now it seems that the snowman may be saying goodbye to him.

Gu Huo watched from a distance, clenched his fists, the pancake in his hand was about to be crushed, Jiang Zhi looked at it from the side, his heart ached to death, but he didn't dare to speak when he saw Gu Huo's expression was not good.

"Brother! My brother!"

Seeing Tang An being pulled into the police car, Gu Huo looked away, sighed softly, and seeing Jiang Zhi's distressed expression, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Zhi quickly picked up the pancake crumbs with his hands, "What's the matter, I haven't eaten a single bite of this pancake, you know it's a shame to waste food!"

Only then did Gu Huo see the shapeless pancakes, turned his grief and anger into appetite, and took a bite, "It's so fucking delicious!"

Jiang Zhi: ...

When the snow melted, the temperature in Xuancheng dropped to the lowest.

It happened to be Mrs. Sun's funeral.

Lin Lan and Cen Yiqing were also invited to attend. Mrs. Sun had been kind and friendly all her life, and many people attended the funeral.

The mourning and music kept ringing, and chrysanthemums were placed beside the ice coffin. As the only relative of Mrs. Sun, Sun Wenwen rushed back from abroad.

Wearing a black dress and standing on the family seat, with a small white flower pinned to his chest, his eyes were red, and he looked very haggard.

Lin Lan stepped forward and hugged Sun Wenwen gently, without saying a word. It seemed that at such a time, any comfort would not be of much use, it would be better to cry a good cry.

Cen Shu came to Sun Wenwen and sighed softly, "Sister Wenwen, my condolences."

The moment she saw Cen Shu, Sun Wenwen seemed to have turned on a certain switch, and couldn't bear it anymore, she stepped forward to hug Cen Shu tightly, and began to cry in a low voice.

Sun Wenwen knew from an early age that she was different from other children. Other children had parents, but she had only her grandma by her side.

Grandma treats her very well, and Sun Wenwen also works hard. To her, grandma is not only a grandma, but also the most important person in her life.

Sun Wenwen actually thought that maybe one day grandma would leave, but she didn't think that this day would come so early and so suddenly.

Hot and humid tears fell on the down jacket and seeped into the inner shirt.

Cen Shu patted Sun Wenwen's back lightly, but did not speak.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew in.

Cen Shu raised her eyes and looked not far away. Mrs. Sun was standing not far away in a bright red shroud, looking at Sun Wenwen, her eyes were full of love and distress.

The sad atmosphere seemed to infect the surroundings, and the others looked at Sun Wenwen, and their eyes were red.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are not controlled by humans. This is probably the saddest thing. No one knows, which will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

Old Mrs. Sun seemed to sense that Cen Shu could see her, and walking tremblingly to Cen Shu with a cane, she raised her hand to touch Sun Wenwen's head, lifted it in the air, and then slowly lowered it down.

"Girl Cen, Wenwen likes you, can I ask you to take care of her more? She is a sensible child and won't trouble you a lot. I just hope she can be safe and healthy."

Cen Shu responded softly, "Okay."

Mrs. Sun showed a relieved smile on her face, "Then I can rest assured."

Mrs. Sun has no obsessions at all, and she has returned to her soul for the first seven times. She is just worried about her only granddaughter, and she is alone. Wenwen, this girl, is too sensible.

After getting an affirmative answer, Mrs. Sun's figure gradually faded, her soul body became transparent, and then disappeared into the air.

"Shushu, I'm sorry, I lost my temper." The accumulated emotions finally vented, Sun Wenwen sobbed and wiped her face, looked at the water stain on Cen Shu's shoulder, and said embarrassedly.

"It's okay." Cen Shu raised her hand and pinned Sun Wenwen's somewhat messy hair behind her ears, "It's fine to cry."

Sun Wenwen looked at Cen Shu and nodded, determination flashed in her eyes. Although Mrs. Sun passed away, the property of the Sun family is still there, the business of the Sun family is still there, and there are still many things waiting for her to deal with, "Thank you."

Cen Shu curled her lips and said nothing.

The funeral was still going on, and Sun Wenwen seemed to have grown up overnight, handling all matters calmly.


It was a WeChat message from Cen Yanyu.

Cen Shu clicked on it.

Silly brother: Well... is she okay?
Cen Shu's almond eyes narrowed slightly, her fingers curled slightly, she tapped her knees one after another, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

The case of the snowman hiding the corpse caused quite a stir in Xuancheng, and the final truth is also embarrassing.

After learning about Tang Guoguo's experience, many netizens spontaneously came to Xuancheng No. [-] Middle School to offer flowers.

On the playground, many flowers were placed where the snowman used to be.

Gu Huo stood in the corridor looking at the playground, and murmured: "Tang Guoguo, reincarnate well, and you will be very happy in your next life."


Xia Qing's face was as gloomy as the sky, the class bell had been ringing for so long, Gu Huo acted as if he didn't hear it, standing there like a stone.

"Yes!" Gu Huo came back to his senses in an instant, looked around blankly, and found that the whole corridor was very quiet. In the classroom, everyone in the classroom looked at him in unison, their eyes full of sympathy.

"Still going back to the classroom?" Xia Qing said helplessly seeing Gu Huo's dazed look.

"Yes!" Gu Huo ran back to the classroom through the back door.

Take out the biology textbook from the drawer and put it on the table, "Child, little rich woman, why don't you two remind me?"

Gu Huo was angry, he had no revolutionary friendship at all!

"I can't bear to disturb you when I see you sad." Shi Fei said somewhat vaguely with a toffee in her mouth.

"Fuck! Are you still eating candy?"

Gu Huo looked at Cen Shu accusingly.

Cen Shu glanced at him blankly, and continued to play games under the desk with her head down.

Guho: ...

"By the way, a horror movie was released recently. I heard that the response was quite good. Are you interested in watching it together? I'm treating you, sir!"

Gu Huo took out four Friday night movie tickets from his pocket, and said, "If you don't go, the money will be wasted..."

Seeing that the two didn't respond, Gu Huo sighed heavily, "Oh, what a pity, this is the Dolby Hall, the 5D visual experience is equivalent to several meals, it's a waste, isn't it just a waste of food."

Cen Shu paused slightly while playing the game, "I bought everything."

Shi Fei took a ticket from Gu Huo's hand, "Then let's reward the face."

Guho: ...

(End of this chapter)

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