Chapter 336
The cinema is on the fifth floor of Fucheng Plaza.

On Friday night, the entire square seemed to be unsealed and became full of people.

The heating in the square was fully turned on, and there was still half an hour before the movie started. Cen Shu and the others were sitting on the sofa in the rest area, while Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi walked over with a bucket of popcorn and a few glasses of Coke.

"Hey, one bucket for the little rich woman and one for the child, one bucket for the young master, just right." Gu Huo put the popcorn in Shi Fei's arms, and then snatched the popcorn from Jiang Zhi's arms.

Jiang Zhi felt wronged, "Brother Gu, what about... me?"

Gu Huo threw a piece of popcorn into his mouth, it was fragrant, sweet and crunchy, and said vaguely: "You? I'm taking you by the way, what more popcorn do you want?"

After finishing speaking, he took another sip of Coca-Cola with a satisfied face.

By the way, Jiang Zhi was staring at it so greedy, while Gu Huo wasn't paying attention, he sneakily grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth, Emma!It smells so good!

Shi Fei hugged the half-meter-high popcorn bucket and ate one by one, her cheeks bulging like a little hamster.

"How is the business of the movie theater bad today?"

Jiang Zhi didn't have popcorn to eat, holding a cup of Xiaoke, looked around pitifully, a little strange.

It stands to reason that on Friday night, the movie theater is a good place to date and pick up girls, but today is very strange, except for a few of them, there is no one else in the rest area.

"No one is good. It's so comfortable to watch a private movie with the money of four movie theaters!" Gu Huo hugged the popcorn and ate it very happily.

As soon as Cen Shu finished playing, she glanced at the time and put her phone in her pocket. As soon as she got up, a reminder for early admission came from the radio.

The ticket inspector was in uniform and looked young, like a part-time job from a nearby college student.

"Miss, you are so beautiful!"

Jiang Zhi handed over the ticket in his hand and boasted.

Yan Wu is a freshman in Xuancheng University. She took advantage of the weekend to work part-time. Tonight is her first formal job. She was inevitably a little nervous. Hearing Jiang Zhi's teasing, she subconsciously relaxed a little. She tore off the voucher and handed it back to Jiang Zhi, "Little brother, you are also very handsome."

Jiang Zhi chuckled and wanted to talk, but Gu Huo dragged him by the collar and walked towards Dolby Hall.

"Hey! Brother Gu, why are you dragging me?!"

Yan Wu couldn't help laughing as she watched the interaction of the few people.

A staff member also in uniform came out of the bathroom next to him, clutching his stomach, with an ugly expression on his face.

"Brother Du, are you alright?"

Brother Du waved his hand, "It's okay, maybe I caught a cold last night, and my stomach is very upset."

I scanned around and saw that there was no one in the waiting area, so I breathed a sigh of relief, "There are no guests to watch the movie today, right?"

Today's business is very bad. Except for the few young people who just came in, no one came to watch movies. Yan Wu sighed softly and said with relief: "We can't control things like watching movies. There are no good movies recently. Fortunately, there are still a few people who entered the Dolby Hall today."

"What?!" Du Ge's voice instantly increased, and his face became even uglier.

"What, what's the matter?" Yan Wu looked at Du Ge strangely. Could it be that there were too few people and was afraid of being scolded by the manager?
Du Yong squeezed out a stiff smile, and a layer of sweat broke out on his forehead in an instant, "No, nothing."

"Brother Du, are you okay? You don't look very good, do you want to go to the hospital?" Du Yong's face was extremely pale, and Yan Wu was afraid that he would faint.

"It's okay, I'll make a call." Without waiting for Yan Wu to speak, Du Yong walked out of the theater with his mobile phone.

Yan Wu looked at Du Yong's back worriedly, and pursed her lips.

There are many movie posters on the walls of the hallway, and the lights are a bit dim.

The movie they watched today is called "Soul".

It is the latest work of a famous foreign horror film director. In the poster, there is a family of three standing in front of a huge villa, nine dead cats hanging on dead branches not far away, a crow standing on a cross, staring at the camera with dark eyes, It looked a little cold and terrifying.

Gu Huo glanced, and subconsciously shuddered. Seeing a few people walking a little further away, he hurriedly followed them with popcorn in his arms.

There were only four of them in the corridor, and the shoes stepped on the carpet, making a muffled 'tap' sound.

After Gu Huo glanced subconsciously, there was still no one there, and the sound of a movie showing came from the nearby theater.

Following the signs, they finally came to the door of Dolby Hall at the end of the corridor. The door was open, and it was dark inside.

Cen Shu walked in the front, stopped, turned to look at Gu Huo, "Can this movie ticket be refunded?"

Gu Huo scratched his head, "The secondary vouchers have been torn up, so it shouldn't be refundable... What's wrong?"


Cen Shu didn't say much, and walked into the theater.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Zhi felt a little strange and asked in a low voice.

"How do I know, girls, there are always thirty days of mood swings in a month!" Gu Huo didn't take it seriously, and walked in happily holding popcorn.

Jiang Zhi: ...

The cinema hall is very large, with about twenty rows. In the last row, there is a person sitting in a black cloak that almost covers his whole body, and he can't even tell the difference between male and female.

The man seemed a little surprised to see them, but at this time the lights in the cinema hall had been turned off, and the movie was about to start.

Gu Huo simply glanced and then looked away. After all, these days, some people like to buy the last row of the movie theater.

The seats for the few people were in the middle of the sixth row, and there was no one in front, left or right. At first glance, Gu Huo had the feeling that he was also a private tycoon, really cool!

At the beginning of the movie, a couple and their son bought an apartment building at a very cheap price...

As a veteran horror movie fan, Gu Huo ate the popcorn and watched it with gusto.

Jiang Zhi curled up on the chair, covered his eyes, and only dared to look through his fingers.

"Shushu, aren't you afraid?"

In the darkness, with the help of the dim light from the movie, Shi Fei looked sideways, saw Cen Shu's calm face, and asked curiously.

Cen Shu glanced at the empty seat next to her, "Well, it's okay."

"I don't know why, I feel a little cold..." Shi Fei muttered in a low voice. Even though the heater was turned on, she felt that it was colder inside than in the corridor outside.

Cen Shu took out a talisman from her bag and handed it over.

"Is it still the fever talisman from that day?" Shi Fei took it, the tentacles were warm, and even the body became warm.

"Hmm... that's it."

Cen Shu rested her chin in one hand, lazily watching the movie.

Shi Fei held the talisman in the palm of her hand, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and her face turned red in the darkness.


A slight voice sounded in the cinema.

Jiang Zhi was already sensitive, and he seemed to vaguely see the seat in the front row move a bit, as if the seat shook slightly due to inertia after the person sitting on it got up.

Before he could take a closer look, he saw Gu Huo standing up from his seat suddenly.

"Brother Gu, what's the matter?"

There was a twist on Gu Huo's face.

Jiang Zhi moved his nose, his face turned blue instantly, and he squeezed his nose silently.

(End of this chapter)

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