Chapter 337 Surrounded by Ghosts

Gu Huo ran out of the theater at a speed of [-] meters, and rushed to the bathroom at an extremely fast speed.

Gu Huo squatted on the toilet to release it, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and was about to click on the small game into the app, but he didn't load it for a long time, only to find that the mobile phone had no signal!
Cursing softly in his heart, there was no way, Gu Huo boredly deleted the spam text messages in his phone to pass the time.

Finally released, just about to get up, the compartment suddenly made a slight noise, and then Gu Huo heard the sound of the compartment being locked.

Gu Huo didn't think much, and walked out after flushing the toilet.

Humming a ditty, Gu Huo simply rushed forward. Gu Huo was anxious to see the next plot, and as soon as he turned around, he met a pale face, covered with wrinkles, gray hair, wearing a small hat, and wearing dark red clothes. Zhongshan suit.

Gu Huo took a few steps back in shock, "Old, grandpa, why are you walking so silently?"

The old man laughed, all the teeth in his mouth fell out, revealing the red gums, "Young man, how do you use this hand washing machine? I'm getting old, and I don't know how to use these advanced things."

Gu Huo glanced at it. The current faucets are basically sensory water, and it is normal for the elderly to not use it.

"Grandpa, look, you just need to put your hand under the faucet, there is an infrared sensor underneath, and the water will come out." Afraid that the old man would not know it, Gu Huo even demonstrated it himself.

"That's it! Thank you, young man, you have such a kind heart!"

It was the first time for Gu Huo to receive such a compliment, he felt very embarrassed, scratched his head, said goodbye, and left the bathroom, muttering in his heart, this old grandpa looks not too young, and his family members are not too young. Knowing to follow up and take care of it, what should I do if something happens?
In the bathroom, the old man finally walked to the mirror, stretched out his trembling hand, waited for a long time, but still no water came out, his smile froze on his face.

As if remembering something, the old man wiped his body with his hands, a guilty conscience flashed in his eyes, and walked out of the bathroom at a faster speed.

Gu Huo quickly walked into the movie hall, and he froze in place as soon as he entered.

I saw that the movie theater where they were the only ones 10 minutes ago was now full of people. Seeing him coming in, Qiqi turned his head and looked straight at him.

This is... collectively late?

Gu Huo was so flustered by the sight, he hurried back to his seat, took a few mouthfuls of popcorn in his arms, and suppressed his shock.

"When did these people come here?" On Gu Huo's left is Jiang Zhi, and on his right is a little girl with two ponytails and a bright red dress. The pattern seems to be the same as the one I met in the bathroom just now. Old grandpa is kind of like that.

The movie is at the most exciting place, and the horror sound effects are added to the fullest.

"What?" Jiang Zhi watched with relish through his fingers, but he was afraid and wanted to see, but he couldn't hear clearly.

The little girl next to him seemed to hear it, and turned to look at Gu Huo.

In front of others, Gu Huo couldn't ask any more questions, shook his head, and stuffed another popcorn into his mouth.

The little girl's face was a little pale, white and tender, her lips were extraordinarily red, and she looked like a doll. Seeing Gu Huo eating popcorn, she stared straight at her with fiery eyes.

Behind him, there was a little sound, followed by a low-pitched conversation.

"Old man, why did you go to the bathroom for so long? You missed your orgasm!"

It was the voice of a slightly vicissitudes old grandma.

"The current faucet is too advanced, I can't use it..." came the familiar voice of the old man, and explained the advancement of the faucet by the way.

Gu Huo couldn't help grinning as he listened.

After a while.

"No, then how do you wash your hands?" The old woman asked a little strangely.

"Just..." The old man muttered a few words, but didn't dare to speak.

"Okay you! I don't even remember to wash my hands after going to the toilet. I'm really going back as I get older!" The old woman's voice was a little loud.

"Old woman, what are you doing? In front of the younger generation, you don't know how to save face for an old man like me!" The little old man complained.

Gu Huo couldn't hold back anymore, and couldn't help laughing out loud, feeling that this is a big family watching a movie.

"Brother Gu...what are you laughing at?"

In the movie, the hero's son is killed by a ghost, and he is in grief.

Gu Huo's smile purely confused Jiang Zhi. Could it be that Gu Huo still has this unknown perverted habit?
Gu Huo felt several gazes on the back of his head at the same time, and coughed softly, "It's nothing."

Jiang Zhi: ...

Just as Gu Huo was about to concentrate on watching the movie, he noticed the increasingly fiery gaze on the right side, turned his head, and met a pair of big eyes full of expectation, fluttering like big grapes.

"Well... do you want to eat?" Gu Huo pushed the popcorn in his arms over and asked.

The little girl nodded abruptly, then raised her head to look at the narrator's mother.

The girl's mother was also wearing a bright red dress, her hair was coiled up, her makeup was exquisite, and she looked a little serious. She glanced at Gu Huo and said a few words coldly, "No!"

The little girl hung her head in frustration, and her two ponytails drooped, as if she had lost her vitality.

Gu Huo was a little embarrassed, after all, it was someone else's family business.

The movie lasted for two hours, and only half of the bucket of popcorn was eaten. Gu Huo hiccupped, feeling a little full. He quietly glanced at the girl's mother and saw that she was watching the movie intently. Gu Huo secretly Grabbed the popcorn and passed it under the seat.

The little girl's eyes lit up, she took it quickly, said thank you softly, and stuffed it carefully into her mouth.

"Brother don't watch this movie, what are you doing all the time?"

The movie is coming to an end, the horror is over, Jiang Zhi is also so scared, he puts down his hand and looks at Gu Huo strangely.

Gu Huo straightened up slightly, leaned over, and whispered to Jiang Zhi, "The kid's mother next to me is too strict, and she won't even give him popcorn when he comes to the cinema. Isn't that kind of you, sir."

Jiang Zhi didn't give a response after listening, just stared at the movie screen blankly, this Gu Huo was angry, and was about to sit back on the chair when he heard Jiang Zhi's trembling voice.

"Gu, brother Gu, where did the little girl come from? Isn't this movie theater just the four of us plus that weird guy in the last row?"

Gu Huo froze instantly.

It took a long time to react, and the voice couldn't help trembling, "Wan, Wan Wan, aren't you kidding me?"

"Fuck! Brother Gu, if I lie to you, my whole family will die!"

Guho: ...

It's ruthless!

What the hell!

Gu Huo was about to cry, so who were the old man and the child he saw?
"Wanwan cub! Your elder brother told you a joke, do you want to listen?"

Jiang Zhi: ...

"I don't really want to, thank you."

Gu Huo ignored him and said with a grin: "We are surrounded by ghosts!"

It seemed that he thought the joke was too funny, so he laughed out loud.

Jiang Zhi: ...

 The update is complete~
  Double Eleven, have you cut your hands yet?
  Hey, it’s okay, after Double Eleven, there will be Double Twelve, cough!

  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  Go to bed early, get up early and go to bed early, you will be in great shape!
  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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