Chapter 338 Snowman's Gift

At the end of the movie, the lights in the cinema hall went on.

Shi Fei hugged the three-quarters of the popcorn left, looked at the two people who were still sitting on the chair, put the popcorn in Jiang Zhi's arms, "Please eat!"

Jiang Zhi: ...

"Thank you, thank you!" Jiang Zhi's voice was a little trembling, and he grabbed the popcorn tremblingly and put it into his mouth.

"You're welcome!"

After finishing the remaining popcorn, Shi Fei was in a good mood.

"Cen, Sister Cen, little rich woman, I have a joke, do you want to listen to it?" Jiang Zhi hugged the bucket, feeling his legs were a little weak.

Cen Shu got up and scanned the theater with a calm expression, "Well, I know, you are surrounded by ghosts."

"Fuck! Kid, did you see it!?" Gu Huo jumped up from the chair all of a sudden, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and looked at the crowd timidly, oh no, all the ghosts.

Although Jiang Zhi and Shi Fei could not see, they also sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and subconsciously moved closer to Cen Shu.

In the movie hall, most of them were old ghosts, the little girl and her mother were the exception. The little girl tilted her head and looked at Gu Huo suspiciously, as if she didn't understand why the big brother who was so kind just now Will be afraid of them.

The people in the last row stood up and approached in a hurry, revealing a pale and handsome face. They were tall, about two meters tall, and Gu Huo, who was about 1.8 meters tall, even raised his head.

"I'm really sorry..." The man's voice was a little hoarse, he looked quite tall, but he was a little weak when he spoke, and he had to cough after a few words.

After the man's explanation, they finally understood that today's movie theater was already reserved by the man, but for some reason, there was a bug in the backstage, and the tickets were released, which happened to be bought by Gu Huo.

The man was born in a Fengshui family, and every generation has done good deeds and accumulated virtues. Therefore, after the death of the family members, almost all of them went to the lower realms to work as servants. It is commonly known as the underworld civil servants. It is a family custom that the head of the family will invite them every year. horror movie...

"Will this ghost be frightened when watching horror movies?" Gu Huo was stunned, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Huo saw several ghosts looking at him in unison.

Gu Huo silently hid his head behind Cen Shu, not seeing him or seeing him.

"Sorry, I didn't expect you and your friend to see..."

The man used an honorific title to Cen Shu, and he could tell at a glance that these people were headed by Cen Shu, and the girl looked calm, he must have seen it already, and the talisman that he took out just now was full of energy, and he had the highest talent in his family No one can draw.

"I'm very sorry for frightening you. I've invited all of your movies this year. Is it okay for you to watch this?" The man looked at Cen Shu cautiously.

Cen Shu didn't speak, but looked at the three people behind her.

"No, no need, you're too polite..." Gu Huo smiled, thinking that he would never go to the cinema to watch movies again in his life.

Jiang Zhi waved his hands again and again.

Shi Fei timidly grabbed the corner of Cen Shu's clothes, "Shu Shu decides."

Cen Shu nodded, rejecting the man's apology.

"Okay..." The man was a little disappointed, covered his lips and coughed lightly, "Then I'll take you out."

Cen Shu glanced at the little girl lightly, narrowed her almond eyes, and looked at the woman behind the girl, "Forcing to stay will eventually lead to evil."

The girl's mother froze, and the rest of the ghosts looked at Cen Shu warily after hearing what Cen Shu said.


Cen Shu didn't seem to notice, waved her hands, and led Gu Huo and the others out of the theater.

Looking at Cen Shu's back, the man pursed his lips into a wry smile.


The little girl shouted crisply, and threw herself into the man's arms happily, hugging the man's long legs, very happy.

The man didn't speak, he picked up the girl, gently rubbed the girl's cheek, and murmured: "Ninny, daddy's good niece..."

Come out of the square.

With the cold wind blowing against his face, Gu Huo finally came back to his senses, looked at Cen Shu who was walking in front with a calm face, and said wryly, "Child, why can't Wan Wan and the little rich woman see it, but I can see it?"

Cen Shu paused, took a deep look at Gu Huo, and said in a serious tone, "Probably, they have a better relationship with you."

Guho: ...

"Pfft!" Jiang Zhi laughed unceremoniously.

"Fuck you!" Gu Huo directly elbowed Jiang Zhi, then looked at Cen Shu with a troubled expression on his face, "But why didn't I see it when I first entered, but saw it when I came back from the bathroom? "

This is also what he didn't understand the most. It took only 10 minutes before and after, and it felt like the world had changed!

After a movie ended, it was already around ten o'clock in the evening, and the subway entrance was crowded with people, which happened to be the rush hour for the return journey. Cen Shu looked at the crowd and slowed down, "What did you encounter when you were in the bathroom? "

Gu Huo was taken aback.

"Those errants are extremely cloudy, but when they saw us coming in, they all calmed down, so you just feel cold and have no other reaction..." Speaking of this, Cen Shu looked at Gu Huo sympathetically, "But in the bathroom when……"

"Okay! Kid, I understand..." Gu Huo covered his face in pain, blaming that damn Coke for being too tempting!

"Boy! You stepped on my foot!"

A slightly deep voice came from behind, Gu Huo glanced subconsciously, probably because he was too sad, accidentally stepped on someone else's leather shoes, Gu Huo quickly raised his foot, turned his head and said: "I'm sorry, uncle. "

The uncle looked tall and burly, and he was wearing sunglasses and a neat suit at night. Hearing Gu Huo's apology, he snorted coldly, straightened his clothes and walked towards the subway entrance.

Pretty fierce!
Gu Huo curled his lips, turned his head and wanted to say something, but saw Jiang Zhi and Shi Fei looking at him in horror.

Gu Huo touched his face subconsciously, he didn't have any acne, "Why do you have a hellish expression?"

"Gu, brother Gu, who were you talking to just now?"

Jiang Zhi moved a little away from Gu Huo, and hid behind Shi Fei, his voice trembling slightly.

"I just...wasn't that uncle..." Gu Huo paused, then his face turned pale, and he looked at Jiang Zhi and Shi Fei, "Didn't you all see that uncle in a suit?"

Gu Huo turned his head to look at the crowd queuing at the subway entrance. The uncle's height and attire could be recognized at a glance, but Gu Huo looked for a long time, but couldn't find the uncle.

"Child... what's wrong with me?" Gu Huo was about to cry. Could it be that he was infected by some kind of infection and then inspired by some kind of supernatural power?Next step is to save the world?

Cen Shu couldn't hold back, and curled her lips, "It should be a gift from the Snowman."

"Snowman'" Gu Huo stood there blankly, looking a little lonely, "What exactly is that?"

Cen Shu thought for a while, "Probably, it's similar to yin and yang eyes, and it doesn't have any effect under normal circumstances."

After all, many ghosts can't actually hurt people.

"Then... is it unusual?" Gu Huo swallowed in fear.

A smile flashed across Cen Shu's eyes, "Then we can go to your house for dinner."

Guho: ...

(End of this chapter)

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