Chapter 339

The next day.

The sun shines into the house through the screen window, the window is opened a slit, the wind blows in, and the bed curtain moves lightly.

The wound on Xiaolihua's body is almost healed, but one eye is left disabled.

Yazi yawned boredly, grabbed the pole of the cat teasing stick with his paws, and kept teasing the little raccoon.

Cen Shu opened her eyes, with sleepiness in them, turned around, and buried her face in the quilt.

Seeing that Cen Shu had woken up, Yazi said, "Woman, something dirty seems to have entered your house."

Cen Shu lazily replied and sat up from the bed.

When Xiao Lihua heard Cen Shu's voice, she happily jumped onto the bed, and obediently lay beside Cen Shu, her green eyes full of anticipation and longing.

"It's really flattering!" Yazi pursed his lips, and snorted coldly, the prisoner cow was finally quiet for a while, and another little guy came to fight for favor.

Cen Shu raised her hand to smooth her hair, got up to wash.

After preparing cat food for the two little guys, Cen Shu opened the door and walked out.

In the living room, Cen Yiqing was sitting at the head of the sofa, and Shen Yue was sitting with another strange man. The man was holding a painting in his hand, but it was covered with a red cloth so that the content of the painting could not be seen clearly.

Cen Shu's footsteps were very light, and the people downstairs didn't hear her. Cen Shu leaned lazily on the railing, looked at the man, and narrowed her almond eyes.

"Brother Cen! I beg you to help me, we have been brothers for so many years, you also know that if it is not a last resort, I will never trouble you!"

The man was in a black wool sweater, a little fat, with a lot of white hair, his voice was crying, and he looked at Cen Yiqing imploringly.

Shen Yue sat on the side without saying a word.

Cen Shu seldom sees Cen Yiqing smoking, but at this time he held a cigarette between his hands. Hearing the man's cries, he sighed heavily and said, "Le Qiang, it's not that I won't help you, it's just that the new year is coming soon. The son wants to get [-] million working capital out..."

Liu Leqiang's hotel business has chain hotels almost all over Xuancheng, and he even opened a few resorts near the suburbs. He and Cen Yiqing are from the same hometown, and they have contacts on weekdays.

But in the past few months, two or three hotels suddenly caught fire. The guests were not injured, but several employees were seriously injured and are still in the intensive care unit. Liu Leqiang not only has to bear the medical expenses of the employees, but also Responsible for post-disaster building repairs.

The company's liquidity was suddenly stuck, and the daily turnover of money went out. In addition, the Sifang Hotel was caught on fire several times. All kinds of unfavorable remarks were flying everywhere, and the occupancy rate of the hotel also dropped.

At the same time, he had to deal with various inspections by various departments. Liu Leqiang was physically and mentally exhausted. In just a few months, his hair was almost completely white.

"Brother Cen, do you think this will work? I still have a villa under my name, with a market value of [-] million, and I'll sell it to you for [-] million!" Liu Leqiang didn't want to do this if it wasn't a last resort. The bank refused to mortgage it because of the company's reputation. , Liu Leqiang is really desperate.

Cen Yiqing flicked the cigarette ash and said, "Le Qiang, it's not about the house. With our friendship, if I can really help, you don't need to tell me. I really can't afford it!"

"Look at this, I will lend you 2000 million in my own name, not counting your interest, and I will pay you back when you have more money." Cen's Group is not just Cen Yiqing's company, Cen Yiqing can't make fun of the company.

Liu Leqiang lowered his head. Hearing this, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes. In his opinion, Cen Yiqing is a real estate predator, with a mere 2000 million yuan. Is the [-] million yuan just to send off beggars?
Shen Yue sighed, and reached out to pat Liu Leqiang's shoulder to comfort him, but Liu Leqiang dodged it.

Liu Leqiang got up and lifted the red cloth covering the main picture frame, his face was full of gratitude, "Brother Cen, I really don't know how to thank you, this painting, I want to give you as a thank you gift!"

In the painting is a woman wearing a cheongsam, but there is only a back view. The woman is wearing a bright red cheongsam embroidered with peonies, and she is swaying towards a villa.

"This is... the one you took four months ago?"

Cen Yiqing took a look and was vaguely impressed. At that time, the two of them participated in a charity auction. This painting was bought by Liu Leqiang at a price of 100 million. As a lot.

"Brother Cen really has a good memory. Even that painting is not worth a lot of money. Don't refuse, or in my heart..." Liu Leqiang took a step forward, wanting to put the painting beside Cen Yiqing.


Cen Shu opened her mouth and called softly.

Cen Yiqing quickly pinched his cigarette, got up and turned on the fresh air system in the living room, and then looked at Cen Shu with a gentle smile, "Why does Shushu wake up so early? Don't you sleep more on weekends?"

Cen Shu responded softly, walked downstairs, looked at Shen Yue, "Hello, Uncle Shen."

"Hello, Shushu." Shen Yue liked this 'cute' girl very much, and there was a slight smile on his serious face.

Sitting next to Cen Yiqing, Cen Shu looked up at Liu Leqiang who was standing there, with some doubts, "Dad, this is..."

"This is Uncle Liu, a good friend of Dad's. He happened to be on a business trip on your birthday, so Shushu has never seen him before." Cen Yiqing introduced to Cen Shu.

Liu Leqiang had long heard that Cen Yiqing had brought his biological daughter back from the countryside. When he knew about it, he was gloating. look better.

But when he saw Cen Shu, especially those eyes, Liu Leqiang was inexplicably embarrassed, and twitched the corner of his mouth, "You are Shu Shu, you are so beautiful, brother Cen, you are so lucky! Two caring little padded jackets."

Hearing that Cen Shu was being praised, Cen Yiqing couldn't hide the smile on his face. He raised his hand and touched Cen Shu's head with a gentle voice, "Are you hungry? Aunt Wang prepared porridge and it's still simmering in the kitchen."

Cen Shu nodded, but didn't move, she hooked her lips, "The two uncles probably haven't eaten, do you want to have some together? Aunt Wang's cooking skills are very good."

"Yes, Le Qiang, do you want to eat something? Don't worry about money. Your body is more important." Cen Yiqing was distracted instantly and asked.

Liu Leqiang waved his hand, "No need, that... Brother Cen's painting..."

Cen Yiqing shook his head, "Le Qiang, don't be so polite between us, write me the IOU, and I will remit the money to you later."

"Okay..." Liu Leqiang took the painting back reluctantly, "Brother Cen, Brother Chen, I'm leaving first, the company still has a lot of things waiting for me."

Cen Yiqing didn't want to stay, looked at Liu Leqiang's back, sighed softly, felt a little sad for no reason, then turned his head to look at Shen Yue.

"A Yue, you are not too young..."

Shen Yue:?
"Hurry up and find someone to marry."

Shen Yue:? ? ?
Cen Shu: Pfft!

 The update is complete today~
  Thanks for the little cuties who voted, love you so much!

(End of this chapter)

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