Chapter 344 The Woman at Home

Tomorrow is the new year, when Fan Ke came home from school, his aunt had already prepared meals.

"Xiao Ke, eat well, there is still soup in the pot, if it's not enough, fill it up by yourself!"

Auntie Li is a distant relative of Fan Ke, who has worked in Fan Ke's house for more than ten years. This time her son brought his girlfriend home. She originally planned to go back early, but she was worried that Fan Ke would be alone at home, so she stayed until the young year. Before, ready to catch the sleeper home tonight.

"Okay, I see. Aunt Li, please be careful on the road." Fan Ke put down his schoolbag and sat at the dining table by himself.

"Yeah, Xiao Ke, I'm leaving, goodbye."

Aunt Li carried the suitcase and closed the door.

Fan Ke was the only one left in the two-story villa.

Aunt Li's cooking skills are very good, and the rice she cooks is also delicious, but Fan Ke can't eat it after a few bites.

A few days ago, Fan Ke was doing homework in his room when he heard his parents arguing fiercely outside the door.

When Fan Ke walked out the door, he only saw the back of his mother slamming the door and leaving.

Not long after, Fan Ke received a text message from her mother who was on a business trip asking her to stay at home obediently.

These days, my father also leaves early and returns late, and there is no one at all, except that after knowing that she has advanced to the biological finals, he called her several million, finally agreed to let her enter the food factory, answered another call, and left home in a hurry.

After drinking a bowl of soup, Fan Ke packed up the dishes and went upstairs with his schoolbag.

In his sleep, Fan Ke vaguely heard the sound of opening and closing the door, thinking that his father had come back from a dinner party, and fell asleep again in a daze.

In the middle of the night, Fan Ke woke up from hunger.

After not eating much for dinner, Fan Ke got up and rubbed his somewhat dry stomach, thinking about the soup in the pot, yawned and got up and opened the door.

Because parents are busy with entertainment, the lights in the corridor are always on.


There was another sound of opening the door.

Fan Ke paused as she went downstairs, then raised her head to look at her parents' room.

Seeing a graceful figure walking into the room where her parents were, Fan Ke was stunned, and subconsciously squeezed her arm. It hurt so much, it wasn't a dream.

Her father actually brought a woman home?
And let that woman sleep in his and his mother's love nest?
In fact, in the early years, the relationship between my parents was quite good, until the food factory became bigger and bigger, the two began to quarrel constantly.

But after each quarrel, the relationship between the two will get better, but this time, the father actually brought the woman home? !

Fan Ke was very angry, and drank two extra bowls of soup for this, causing him to go to the toilet almost every hour in the second half of the night, and his sleep quality was seriously affected.

"Cough, actually, you don't need to say the last sentence..." Gu Huo murmured in a low voice.

"I just want to say!"

With red eyes, Fan Ke raised his head and stared at Gu Huo.

"All right! Tell me, I won't interrupt." Gu Huo deeply understood that it was meaningless to argue with the girl at this time, so he closed his mouth very consciously.

Cen Shu lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment, then asked, "Have you seen what that person looks like?"

Fan Ke shook her head, but she only saw a figure from behind, and the door was closed.

The next day, Fan Ke got up early on purpose and stayed in the living room, thinking that her mother was not at home, and she would also act like a hostess to scare the third party away, so today she invited I took the leave of the previous few classes.

But the old man woke up and came out of the room, but she didn't see the woman.

"I suspect that the woman must have a guilty conscience, so she sneaked away in the middle of the night." When Fan Ke said this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he gritted his teeth.

Gu Huo's face twisted.

"What do you want to say?" Fan Ke raised his head and looked at Gu Huo angrily.

"You told me to say it! Cough!" Gu Huo cleared his throat and said, "I think, if that mistress can bring your daddy back home, she should There will be no feeling of guilty conscience..."

Fan Ke was silent.

After a few seconds.

"I think what you said is right, it must be because my father likes it too much, he is so charming, woo woo woo!" Fan Ke hugged Shi Fei, and began to feel uncontrollably sad again.

Cen Shu looked at Gu Huo expressionlessly.

Gu Huo spread his hands together, with an aggrieved expression on his face.

"Or, you should tell your mother about this matter. No matter what, your mother has the right to know the truth." Gu Huo scratched his head. After all, this is a matter between adults. I can't manage so much.

"I don't want it! If my mother finds out, they will definitely divorce, and I will be a child without a father or a mother, woo woo woo!" Fan Ke broke down even more.

Gu Huo couldn't think of any other way, and looked at Cen Shu for help.

Cen Shu didn't speak, took out a tissue and handed it to Fan Ke.

Fan Ke took it, wiped away tears, and murmured softly, "Shushu, I don't want my parents to divorce..."

But she knew that if she kept this matter secret, it would be unfair to the old lady.

"Well, don't think about it for now. Your mother is still on a business trip. You should calm down. This is a matter between them. You have to believe that they are capable of handling it." Cen Shu comforted softly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Fan Ke nodded and stopped crying.

"Ke Ke, you finally stopped crying." Gu Huo heaved a sigh of relief, "Think about the day after tomorrow we are going to have fun, let's be happy!"

"Yanbian Resort..." Fan Ke's voice was a little low, "Two years ago, my parents took me there before they quarreled so much every day. It was fun, woo..."

With that said, Fan Ke wanted to cry again.

Guho: ...

"Shu Shu, I don't want to go home anymore, can I stay at your house for two days~" Fan Ke's eyes were red, and his face was begging, like a big wronged rabbit.

Shi Fei bit the corner of her lips, and said in a low voice, "Shu Shu, I also want to stay overnight."

"Since you all want to stay overnight, then I..." Before Gu Huo finished speaking, he felt two death rays, and immediately changed his words: "Then I should find Wanwan to stay overnight, his house is not far from the child's house , then you can charter a car directly to go there.”

"Okay, you guys... want to go home and get your luggage?" Cen Shu nodded and looked at the two of them.

"I've already packed it. The suitcase is in the next classroom. I'll go get it now!" Fan Ke was overjoyed when he got the affirmative answer, got up and walked quickly to the second class.

Shi Fei's cheeks were slightly red, and she whispered: "I have already told the housekeeper uncle, and he will help me take it to Shushu's house when the time comes."

"En." Cen Shu nodded, then looked to the corner of the classroom, and called out softly, "Rong Meng."

Gu Huo was not surprised when he saw Rong Meng, he just froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered that the name of the senior who died in an accident last year was Rong Meng.

Although Shi Fei couldn't see it, seeing Cen Shu's reaction, she guessed that there must be a ghost there too.

"Huh?" Rong Meng raised her head from the exercises.

"Happy New Year." Cen Shu hooked her lips and revealed a faint smile.

Rong Meng was stunned for a moment, his eyes flickered slightly, "Happy New Year."

(End of this chapter)

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