Chapter 345 Paid Content
The two followed Cen Shu home like two little rabbits.

Lin Lan is very enthusiastic and very happy. In one semester, Shushu can make so many friends who can share the same bed.

Since Liu Lian got itchy Gu, her face has also been scratched, leaving a few scars, and she doesn't go to worship Buddha every day. She spends almost all day in the beauty salon. Aunt Wang sent the food upstairs, and went upstairs with various skin care products.

"Shushu, is that your grandma?" Fan Ke sat on the sofa, obediently waiting for dinner, glanced at the second floor, and asked in a low voice.

Cen Shu was playing matchmaker, so she responded softly.

"It feels like she doesn't like us very much..." Fan Ke twisted the corner of his clothes a little awkwardly.

Shi Fei nodded in agreement.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Cen Shu said calmly.

The sound of the car was heard outside, Cen Yiqing walked in with a briefcase, patted the snow on his body, saw the three people on the sofa froze, and then smiled, "Good evening, children."

"Hi Uncle~"

"Good evening, Uncle!"

Fan Ke and Shi Fei greeted each other obediently.

Cen Shu put away her phone, "Is it snowing again?"

Cen Yiqing took off his coat and hung it on the shelf, "Well, it started to fall on the way back, and it's quite big."

Lin Lan came out from the kitchen, holding an apron in her hand, "Are you back? Didn't you say you have a meeting?"

Cen Yiqing took a few steps forward, and took it very naturally, "It's already young, and everyone's thoughts are not there, it's better to get off work early, and it's the same if we start tomorrow."

Lin Lan stood behind Cen Yiqing and tied the belt for him.

Seeing such a warm scene, Fan Ke's eyes flashed with envy. Her father and mother have not shown such affection in front of her for a long time.

Shi Fei watched and pursed her lips, looking a little lonely.

Cen Shu raised her hand and touched Shi Fei's head.

Shi Fei raised her head, looked at Cen Shu, and leaned her head lightly on her shoulder. The day after tomorrow was her birthday, but it was also the anniversary of her parents' death...

There were guests at home, and Lin Lan prepared a very sumptuous dinner.

During this period, the three of Cen Shu didn't eat much, but they ate a lot of dog food.

After dinner, Fan Ke and Shi Fei were a little embarrassed. They wanted to help clean up the dishes, but Lin Lan drove them back to their room.

"I'm so envious of the relationship between Shushu's parents!" After eating and drinking enough, Fan Ke hugged the struggling Yazi and pulled the cat's fur vigorously.

"Meow meow meow!" Yazi yelled angrily, if you squeeze me again, I will be bald!
Fan Ke didn't understand, and thought that Yazi liked her touch, and he became more excited.

Yazi: There is nothing to love in life jpg.

Little Lihua lay obediently in Shi Fei's arms, her bi-color eyes narrowed slightly, and she even snored.

Shi Fei's mood has been a little depressed. Hearing Fan Ke's words, she echoed in a low voice, "Well, I'm so envious..."

Only then did Fan Ke realize that she had heard about Shi Fei's family before, and the day after tomorrow is Shi Fei's birthday, so why not...

"I'm sorry, Feifei, I shouldn't..." Fan Ke cursed himself inwardly.

Shi Fei shook her head, and a smile appeared on Baby Fat's face, "It's been so long, it's okay. By the way, Keke, you've been to that resort, how was it? Was it fun?"

"Yeah, it's quite fun. I remember that my dad seems to know the owner of that resort. When we went there, we experienced almost all the entertainment items. The resort is on the mountain, and we can go to picnics and barbecues at that time." !"

When it comes to playing, Fan Ke's words can't stop.


The door of the bathroom was pushed open, and Cen Shu came out wiping her hair. The two of them looked at the past in unison, and they both blushed by coincidence.

Cen Shu is wearing a nightgown, with a large area of ​​fair skin exposed at the neckline. The porcelain is as white as jade, and her long legs are white and straight. Is this a scene they can see without paying?

"What's wrong?" Cen Shu raised her eyebrows and looked at the two of them.

"Cough, it's nothing. Shushu finished washing, so I'll go wash it." Fan Ke put down his clothes, took out the clothes from the suitcase, and fled in despair.

Shi Fei's ears were red, and she got up, "I, I'm going to the bathroom..."

Before Cen Shu could speak, Shi Fei opened the door and walked out of the room.

Cen Shu:?
"Son, is your big star back yet?"

With a heavy snowfall, the temperature, which had risen somewhat, began to drop sharply, and it has fallen below zero.

Gu Huo helped Fan Ke put the suitcase into the trunk, got in the car, looked at Cen Shu and asked.

Yanbian Resort specially arranged a car to pick her up, and Cen Shu sat in the back row. Hearing this, she raised her eyebrows lightly, "Why, you have a crush on her?"

"Master, we're all here, we can go." Gu Huo closed the door and snorted softly, "What a joke! I'll fall in love with her, she's not a relative's kid, I like that Yan Susu character, filter Hou, I know I'm in the same class as Cen Xue, and yesterday I followed my butt all the time, crying and crying, it's really annoying!"

"Forget it, let that little kid cry for a few days, and forget about it in a few days." Gu Huo couldn't imagine himself holding Cen Xue's still photo and asking her for an autograph. Thinking about it, he felt like he was watching a horror movie!

The master responded and started the car.

It snowed for two days in a row, and today it was a little lighter. The tires of the car creaked when they pressed against the snow on the road.

Yanbian Resort is located on the top of the mountain in the southern district of Xuancheng, and is built around natural hot springs.

The car turned around and drove into the winding mountain road.

In this kind of weather, the road conditions are not generally bad, and there are hardly many vehicles on the road.

"There are still villagers living on this Zaoshan Mountain." Gu Huo stood beside the car window and looked out the window. Although there were only a few scattered tile-roofed houses, it could be seen from the white smoke curling up from the chimney mouth that it was obviously still there. inhabited.

"Really!" Jiang Zhi also leaned his head over, and then his face was a little distorted, he clutched his stomach, and his face turned pale.

"What's the matter with you, Wanwan?"

As soon as Gu Huo turned his head, he saw Jiang Zhi's face was frighteningly pale.

"I, my stomach hurts!" Jiang Zhi blushed, "Gu, Gu brother, it's all your fault, grab my quilt!"

"Cough..." Gu Huo was a little guilty. He had dinner at home that day when he was young, and he was entangled by those children, so Gu Huo went to Jiang Zhi's house to spend the night, "You just snatch it back, I fell asleep I don't feel it at all..."

"You!" Jiang Zhi was so angry that he ouched again, "What should I do, family members, I really can't hold it anymore..."

At this time, the mountain began to fog up, and the sky began to snow again.

"Master, is there any public restroom near here?" Gu Huo also became anxious, in case...

Gu Huo felt that the children would probably just kick them down the mountain.

"Young man, please bear with me. I remember that there seems to be an old toilet nearby, but it is relatively old..." The master often drives this road, but the fog is a bit heavy, and he can't see the surroundings clearly.

"Ah, it's right there!" The master pulled over and stopped the car, pointing to the dilapidated hut built with wooden boards not far away.

 Cough, try to change the update time back today. If the change is successful, it should be updated at almost zero every day~
(End of this chapter)

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