Chapter 346 Resort, acquaintance
The glass window was covered with a layer of water vapor, and the outside could not be seen clearly. Gu Huo wiped it casually, and only then did he reveal the whole picture of the hut.

I saw a thatched hut built with wooden boards near the edge of the cliff, and a sign was erected next to it, with two big characters 'toilet' written in red lacquer on it.

It was windy outside and the boards creaked and looked shaky.

Jiang Zhi was stunned, "Master, master, are you sure this is a hut?" Could he be blown away with the house by the wind as soon as he entered?

"Yeah, young man, aren't you in a hurry." The master put his hands on the steering wheel and grinned, "Men, you have to be informal!"

Is this an informal question?This is a question of whether his life can be saved!
Before Jiang Zhi could speak, he felt a tumbling sensation in his stomach, and his face turned pale again in an instant.

"Wanwan, you'd better solve it first, otherwise I don't think you and I will survive today." Gu Huo moved closer to Jiang Zhi and bit his ear.

Jiang Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and when he raised his head, he met three pairs of eyes full of 'love'.

Jiang Zhi: ...

Gu Huo graciously opened the door for Jiang Zhi, and even helped him with his foot when Jiang Zhi was getting out of the car slowly.

With a bang, the door was quickly closed.

With two sticks of noodles hanging from Jiang Zhi's nose, he turned his head to look at the car, and wrapped his down jacket tightly around his body.

The stomachache got worse, Jiang Zhi didn't have time for the showman, he clutched his stomach and trotted towards the latrine.

The planks were dark and covered with moss, and they creaked when walked on.

From the car, the hut seemed to be hanging on the edge of the cliff. When Jiang Zhi approached, he found that there was a gentle slope near the cliff. The wooden boards were deeply nailed.

Walking in, there is no smell inside, there is only one pit, and there is a hole at the bottom, and you can see the lush flowers and plants growing in winter when you look down.

The flowers and plants swayed in the wind, looking very happy, as if to say, fertilizer is finally coming again!

Jiang Zhi: ...

If he went to the bathroom, would this... count as a high-altitude parabolic?

Jiang Zhi Tianren fought for a second, and took off his pants decisively.

Releases are always fantastic, except for the wind blowing a little ass-cool.

"Why hasn't Wan Wan come back yet?" Gu Huo looked towards the hut, a little worried, "Do you think it's possible that there was some fugitive hiding in there, and Wan Wan was silenced as soon as he entered?"

"Well, it's possible, remember the man in black in Conan, maybe that man sneaked close to the car while we weren't paying attention..." Fan Ke lowered his voice.

Shi Fei suppressed her laughter, and said in a dark tone, "Just when you were in a hurry to open the door, you suddenly rushed up and strangled you by the throat!"

'Boom dong dong'

"Fuck!" Gu Huo was listening intently, but the sudden knock on the door did not scare Gu Huo to death. He turned his head and looked out the window, and saw Jiang Zhi standing outside the window with a pale face. like a ghost.

"Wanwan, you're going to scare the young master to death!" Gu Huo opened the door, and was about to let Jiang Zhi get into the car, when he saw Cen Shu, who had been silent all this time, handing over a bottle of water.

"Hey, thank you Sister Cen, you are still thoughtful. I have been constipated for the past few days, so I need to drink more water." Jiang went straight, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a few sips.

Cen Shu held her forehead, feeling a little helpless, "Wash your hands..."

Jiang Zhi: ...

Under the extremely disgusted eyes of several people in the car, Jiang Zhi washed his hands before he was able to get in the car.

The fog in the mountains is getting thicker and thicker, and it is almost impossible to distinguish between humans and animals within ten meters.

The master had no choice but to slow down the speed of the car, and the sky gradually darkened.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when a few people arrived at the Yanbian Resort.

There are three rooms in total, one for Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi, one for Shi Fei and Fan Ke, and one for Cen Shu.

This is still the room that Shi Fei has been staring at.

After putting down their suitcases, they came to the cafeteria on the second floor for dinner.

Finding a seat by the window and sitting down, Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi went to get food and haven't come back yet.

"Do you want to go to the hot spring after dinner?" Fan Ke was so hungry that he ordered a portion of fried rice noodles and started eating.

Shi Fei was not in high spirits. After eating the small bowl of fried rice for a long time, she didn't eat a few mouthfuls. Hearing this, she looked at Cen Shu, "Shu Shu going?"

Cen Shu raised her eyes, glanced at a certain corner, and nodded, "Well, go."

"Then I'll go too." Shi Fei said softly.

"Little rich woman!"

Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi pushed the dining car and approached, and there was an exquisite mango layer cake on the dining car, "Happy birthday!"

Shi Fei was taken aback.

"If you didn't want to make a wish for the little rich woman, the young master is now so hungry that his chest is on his back, this cake can be swallowed in one bite!"

Gu Huo put the cake on the table, and Fan Ke took out a silver crown from his bag and put it on Shi Shi's head.

"This is the cake that Wanwan and I raised funds to buy. It's too expensive. If you can't finish it today, you won't give the young master face."

In the lower right corner of the cake is a heart made of gold foil, which is the logo of Shi Fei's favorite baker.

That year.

The same cake was quietly placed on the table, and the seven-year-old she curled up on the sofa, watching the housekeeper uncle on the phone in a daze, waiting until dawn, but there was no one to cut the cake together.

Later, she saw her parents with pale faces in the hospital, lying quietly on the bed with cold skin.

At that time, Shi Fei didn't understand what death was. It wasn't until she went to school alone, ate alone, and slept alone that she realized, oh, so death is like this.

Sleep in the ground forever, and then gradually be forgotten by everyone.

Shi Fei cried, crying silently, with big tears rolling down her cheeks.

Gu Hu and Jiang Zhi looked at each other, but didn't dare to speak.

Fan Ke pursed his lips, and didn't know how to comfort him, as if at such a time, any words seemed very pale.

Cen Shu sighed softly, wiped Shi Fei's cheeks gently with a tissue, and pulled Shi Fei into her arms with one hand, "Cry, it's fine if you cry."

Shi Fei finally couldn't help it, and burst into tears.

After crying for a long time, Shi Fei's eyes were red like a little rabbit with red eyes.

"I'm sorry... I lost my composure."

Shi Fei raised her head, looked at the worried eyes of several people, and felt warm in her heart. Since that day, she has never had a birthday again, but now, she should come out.

"Cough, it's okay, young master is not very hungry." Gu Huo coughed lightly.

My stomach growled untimely.

"Pfft!" Shi Fei wiped her tears, couldn't hold back, and chuckled.

Jiang Zhi hooked Gu Huo and said a few words of taunt, but was hit by Gu Huo's elbow, and immediately shut his mouth.

Cen Shu looked at the people who were laughing together, curled her lips, glanced out the window, and then narrowed her almond eyes slightly.

At the door, a Cullinan stopped slowly, the door opened, and a man walked out with a smile, slightly fat, looking energetic and vigorous.

It was Liu Leqiang who borrowed money from Cen Yiqing that day.

(End of this chapter)

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