Chapter 348

Before Fan Ke and Shi Fei rushed into Cen Shu's embrace, they heard Cen Shu's calm voice, "You opened the door again and let me in."

Fan Ke, Shi Fei:?

The expressions of the two looking for comfort froze on their faces like this, looking quite hideous.

"Shushu... are you real? Don't scare us!"

Fan Ke hugged Shi Fei tightly, stepped back subconsciously, looked at Cen Shu vigilantly, with a bitter expression on his face.

Cen Shu didn't speak, went to the balcony and closed the door, lazily leaning on the sofa, "I found something."

'gu dong'

Fan Ke subconsciously swallowed her saliva. This damn dialogue always made her feel a little familiar.

"Very, very tricky?" Shi Fei asked cautiously.

Cen Shu rested her chin with one hand, looked at the two little white rabbits, a hint of amusement flashed in her eyes, "Well, a little bit."

'den den den'

Shi Fei and Fan Ke took several steps back, leaning against the wall.

Cen Shu couldn't hold back, and chuckled, "You guys, why are you so cute?"

"So... Shushu, are you real?" Both of them were about to cry.

"Well, it's cooked."

Shi Fei, Fan Ke: ...

Shi Fei seemed to remember something, and slowly touched her pocket. At some point, a bead in the shape of a water drop appeared in her pocket, and the tentacles were cold. She remembered that when the monster's tentacles approached them just now, it was this bead. Blocked that attack for them.

Shi Fei approached tentatively, but the beads remained unchanged.

"Shu Shu, you're scaring us to death!" Shi Fei heaved a sigh of relief, and sat next to Cen Shu, her eyes were slightly red, like a wronged little rabbit.

Fan Ke's legs were a little weak from the fright, and he sat on the ground slowly, panting heavily, "Shushu, that monster just now...what the hell is it?"

Before just now, Fan Ke always thought that he was living in a little sweet drama, but just now, the painting style suddenly changed, and it suddenly became suspenseful and supernatural? !

Cen Shu said lightly.

"Mandrill?" Fan Ke got up from the ground and sat next to the two of them, "Then why didn't I meet my parents when I came here before?"

Cen Shu raised her eyes and raised her eyebrows lightly, "How do you know you didn't meet?"

Fan Ke: ...

A lot of things, after knowing it, I am terrified when I think about it carefully.

Since this kind of monster can turn into Cen Shu's appearance, it can also turn into other people. Thinking about it carefully, Fan Ke seemed to have noticed something wrong from some scattered memories, and suddenly his hair stood on end.

"Shushu, aren't we in danger now?" Fan Ke hugged Shi Fei tightly, trembling.

Cen Shu didn't speak, she got up and looked out of the balcony. At a glance, the endless darkness seemed to swallow people up, and there seemed to be some unknown danger hidden under the heavy rain.

"Generally this kind of mandrill will not actively attack humans, and..."

"And what?" Fan Ke asked.

Cen Shu turned around, and there was something similar to sympathy in her eyes, "And generally they are not wise..."

Fan Ke and Shi Fei looked a little stiff.

Cen Shu paused, "Well, in short, it's similar to mental retardation."

Fan Ke, Shi Fei: ...

"But, why was that monster just now..." Fan Ke decided to ignore the fact that they were not as mentally retarded, and changed the subject.

Shi Fei was also puzzled, thinking of the scene just now, she still had lingering fears.

"Well, this is also the tricky part..." Cen Shu's eyes flashed with thought, "There must be some accident in the middle." It's just that she hasn't discovered this accident yet.

Shi Fei seemed to think of something, "Shu Shu! If that monster finds us, what about Gu Huo and the others?"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Huo's screams sounded like killing a pig outside the corridor.

Shi Fei and Fan Ke turned pale.

'Boom boom boom! ' There was a knock on the door.

"Little rich woman! Open the door, help!" Gu Huo's wailing sounded outside the door.

"Shu Shu, Gu Huo is also in danger!" Fan Ke stood up anxiously, walked to the door, and was about to open the door when Cen Shu grabbed his wrist.

Cen Shu's hands were a little cold, but Fan Ke came back to his senses. Looking at his hands on the anti-theft chain, he was slightly taken aback, and looked at Cen Shu blankly, "Shu Shu, what's wrong with me? ?”

"Open the door! Open the door!"

Gu Huo's voice began to distort, from knocking on the door to slamming on the door.

Cen Shu pulled Fan Ke to sit on the sofa, shook her head, and heard no movement in the room, the knocking on the door finally stopped.

Fan Ke and Shi Fei finally let go of their concerns.

"Shu Shu, what happened to me just now?" Fan Ke's face was a little pale. She didn't understand what happened to her just now. There was a voice in her heart urging her to open the door. If she didn't open the door, something bad would happen. occur.

Cen Shu raised her hand, stroked Fan Ke's head, and stretched out her hand to tear off a piece of Fan Ke's hair.

"This is?" Fan Ke touched his head without any pain.

Before Cen Shu could speak, the hair that had been hanging down suddenly started to squirm. Upon closer inspection, it was found that it was not hair at all, but composed of countless small tentacles, struggling to escape.


Fan Ke couldn't hold it back, he just felt nauseous, got up and ran to the bathroom to vomit.

Shi Fei also looked at Cen Shu's hand in horror, "Shu Shu... I can't take this hand!"

Cen Shu: ...

At this time, Shi Fei felt that the beads in the pocket seemed to be slightly hot, even through a few clothes, she could feel the scorching temperature.

Shi Fei took it out of her pocket, but the tentacles were still cold, as if it was just an illusion of hers.

"Shu Shu, what is this?"

The beads are teardrop-shaped, only the size of the fingernail of a little finger, white and transparent, and look like a teardrop.

"This is... the tears of a sad person." Cen Shu looked at her and said calmly.

Sad tears?

"It's very sad to hear. Did Shushu give it to me?" Although it was very small, Shi Fei played with it in her palm and liked it very much.

"Well, a birthday present."

Shi Fei's cheeks flushed, and she held it tightly, with a smile on her face, "Thank you, I like it very much!"

Fan Ke came out of the bathroom after rinsing her mouth, her little face was pale, she almost vomited out all the food she ate at night, seeing that Cen Shu was still holding the little tentacles in her hand, her face turned pale again, " Ahh! Shushu, let it go quickly!"

Cen Shu gently pinched the tentacles with her fingertips, and the tentacles immediately flattened, and then returned to their original shape in less than a second, "Don't you think it's fun?"

Fan Ke: ...

"As soon as I saw it, I wanted to vomit!" Fan Ke looked away, struggling to hold back the desire to continue vomiting.

The tentacles seemed to understand Fan Ke's words, and countless tentacles clung to Cen Shu's fingertips, as if begging for comfort, seeming aggrieved.

Fan Ke: ...

Are you sure this is retarded?
Also, why is it wronged?She vomited all her dinner, and she was wronged!
(End of this chapter)

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