Chapter 349 The Woman in Cheongsam
"I'm old enough to go up, there are no eyes in the grass! Come quickly, Wanwan!"

"Come here, brother Gu, sell some blood."

In the room, Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi were playing a mobile game.

There was a knock on the door, Gu Huo glanced at Jiang Zhi, kicked his calf, "Wang Wan, go, see who it is?"

"Brother Gu, the opposite jungler is coming, retreat!" Jiang Zhi manipulated the blind monk to retreat under the first tower, and escaped with a trace of blood.

There were constant knocks on the door, and Jiang Zhi was extremely irritable. He hated being interrupted when he was playing games vigorously, and shouted, "Who is it?"

Outside the door, Cen Shu's voice sounded, "It's me."

"Sister Cen?" Jiang Zhi was a little surprised. He walked to the door with his mobile phone, and just put his hand on the anti-theft chain, the phone rang, and the caller ID, Sister Cen...

Jiang Zhi was taken aback, this person is already at the door, why are they still calling?
At this moment, a chill suddenly rushed from the feet to the top of the head, and some sporadic fragments flashed back in Jiang Zhi's mind.

Jiang Zhi came back to his senses and pressed the answer button. From the corner of his eye, he subconsciously looked outside the door through the cat's eyes, "Hey, Sister Cen, what's wrong?"

"To see if you are still alive."

Jiang Zhi: ...

"I'm still alive, wait, wait, I won't be sure..." Jiang Zhi was crying, because he saw that 'Cen Shu' outside the door was still knocking on the door, and he didn't have a mobile phone in his hand! ! !


"Aww! Sister Cen, help me!" Jiang Zhi yelled, and hurriedly lifted a stool against the back of the door.

Gu Huo was still playing games, when he heard Jiang Zhi's voice, he poked his head out strangely, "Wanwan, what's wrong?"

"Gu, brother Gu, there is a supernatural power!" Jiang Zhi didn't even dare to speak loudly, for fear of being heard by the monster outside.


The monster outside the door seemed to have noticed something, and began to slam the door vigorously.


Gu Huo understood instantly, and regardless of the ongoing team battle, he dropped his phone and walked quietly to Jiang Zhi's side, "Then did you tell the child?"

"Speaking of which, Sister Cen told us to stay in the room and not come out." Jiang Zhi's voice trembled slightly.

"Then let's stay here." Gu Huo was also a little nervous.


Jiang Zhi sat on the ground holding the phone, listened to the knock on the door, swallowed his saliva, turned his head to look at Gu Huo, "Brother Gu, did our game end just now?"

"How do I know, probably not yet, it's only been 10 minutes."

Probably knowing that things outside could not get in, Gu Huo was not as scared as before, and fiddled with the straps on his clothes a little bored.

"How about we continue playing games?" Jiang Zhi asked tentatively.

"Come on!" Gu Huo stood up and took the phone over. The Second Tower fell, and there was still a chance to turn things around.

The two of them turned the volume to the maximum in a tacit understanding.

'Cen Shu' outside the door: ...

As soon as the game was over, the knock on the door sounded again.

Jiang Zhi and Gu Huo looked at each other, "Cen, sister Cen?"


Jiang Zhi was still a little worried, so he tried to make a phone call, and the bell rang outside.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, pulled away the stool, and opened the door.

"Sister Cen! You are finally here!" Jiang Zhi seemed to see a savior.

"Little rich woman, Ke Ke, why do you two have such expressions?" Gu Huo looked at the two strangely, as if they were looking at some rare species.

"You guys weren't fooled?" Shi Fei couldn't believe it.

"That thing at the door has a lot of flaws..." Jiang Zhi said subconsciously, and then he seemed to react, and his eyes widened suddenly, "Could it be that you also met?"

Shi Fei stopped talking.

"Come in and talk."

Jiang Zhi turned sideways and let a few people in.

Jiang Zhi and Gu Huo's room was on the fifth floor. There was such a big commotion, and the room next to it didn't respond at all. Fan Ke glanced strangely. In the long corridor, the carpet exuded a faint musty smell due to the heavy rain. It was mostly covered by the sandalwood in the corridor, but Fan Ke could still smell it.

At the end of the corridor, a woman wearing a cheongsam swayed by with a handbag. The bright red cheongsam was embroidered with rich peonies.

Fan Ke was stunned.

"Ke Ke, what's the matter?" Shi Fei turned her head and asked strangely when she saw Fan Ke standing there blankly.

Fan Ke came back to his senses, the woman was no longer in the corridor.

"Feifei, I seem to have seen my dad's cheating partner." Fan Ke murmured.

"What?" Shi Fei looked over subconsciously, the corridor was empty and there was no one.

"Let's go first." Shi Fei pulled Fan Ke into the room.

"Mandrill?! What is that? Is it so intelligent?"

Hearing what happened to Fan Ke and the two of them, Gu Huo suddenly widened his eyes.

"Cough!" Shi Fei coughed guiltily, "Actually, I'm not that smart..."

"Then you are still being fooled?" Jiang Zhi said frankly.

Shi Fei, Fan Ke: ...

Can we still chat happily? !
"By the way, Keke seems to have seen her father's cheating partner just now." Shi Fei wisely changed the subject.

"I'll go! So destined? Ke Ke, could it be that your dad also came to the resort? Are you sure it's the same person?" Jiang Zhi's heart of gossip began to burn.

Fan Ke hugged Shi Fei depressedly and sat on the sofa, "Even if that woman turns into ashes, I can still recognize her...cheongsam!"


Cen Shu raised her eyebrows.

"Hmm..." Fan Ke nodded, "Although I didn't see her face, the cheongsam she was wearing was very special. It was bright red and embroidered with large peonies..."

Although she didn't want to admit it, that woman was indeed quite beautiful. She had never seen anyone who could wear a cheongsam so gracefully. Just a back view could attract all eyes.

Hearing this, a trace of thought flashed in Cen Shu's eyes.

"'s been a few days, doesn't that woman change her clothes? Even though it's winter, won't she be sweating and smelly?" Gu Huo scratched his head, "Ke Ke, does your father like this?"

Everyone: ...

Cen Shu took out three talisman seals from his pocket and handed them to several people, "That thing probably won't come again today, everyone should rest early today, don't we have a picnic tomorrow?"

"Little boy, why are you still in the mood for a picnic..." How can this psychological quality be so good? !Gu Huo was envious.

Holding the talisman, Jiang Zhi glanced at Shi Fei, "Sister Cen, why are there only three? Doesn't the little rich lady have any?"

Shi Fei's cheeks were a little red, and she took out a tear-shaped crystal from her pocket, "I, I don't need it, Shu Shu already gave me this..." Shi Fei paused, then looked up at Cen Shu shyly, " It's better than yours."

Gu Huo, Jiang Zhi and Fan Ke: ...

Can we still be friends?

"By the way, Ke Ke will live with me today." Cen Shu looked at Fan Ke and said softly.

Fan Ke's eyes lit up, could this be the legendary village with hidden willows and bright flowers? !

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys, okay~
  Go to bed early, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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