Chapter 350 Nightmare Peony
In the end, Cen Shu stayed with Shi Fei in a double room.

In the second half of the night, the rain became heavier, crackling on the windows, making a lot of noise.

Fan Ke tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, the woman's back kept appearing in her mind.

Shi Fei beside her fell into a deep sleep, and the curtains of the balcony were pulled up, revealing a small crack, and the light from who knows where came from hit the curtains, mottled with a few shadows.

Suddenly, a small spot of light appeared in the gap.

Fan Ke was taken aback.

The light spot gradually enlarged, making it extremely dazzling.

Fan Ke was stimulated to shed tears and closed his eyes subconsciously.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that she was no longer in the resort, but was standing in front of a European-style villa, the courtyard was full of peonies.

Fan Ke looked around suspiciously, pinched his face, felt pain, wasn't she dreaming?

At this time, a seductive gaze fell on her, Fan Ke raised his head, and suddenly met a pair of black eyes.

On the second floor of the villa, a woman, wearing a red cheongsam, was leaning against the railing, holding a glass of red wine with her slender fingers painted with red nail polish. A hearty smile.

is her? !
This is the woman who seduced her father!
Anger covered up fear, Fan Ke rolled up his sleeves and approached the villa, just as he was about to talk to a woman, but saw a dignified woman suddenly ran out of the villa with disheveled hair, barefoot, her face full of panic, not the same as before Elegant and gentle.

Before Fan Ke even had time to react, he saw a man walking out of the villa with an ax in hand.

The man didn't seem to see Fan Ke, and walked towards the woman with a ferocious face. The ax rubbed against the cobblestone ground, making a piercing "sizzling" sound.

The woman was injured and fell to the ground within a few steps, dragging her body and crawling towards the gate.

Fan Ke had long been frightened by this series of changes, and stood there dumbfounded.

"No! No!"

The woman had no time to escape, so she could only change direction and struggled to climb towards the peony bushes.

The man grinned grinningly, dragging the axe, as if he was playing with the woman, and approached slowly without being in a hurry.

The peonies are lush, almost half the height of a person. The woman's body is almost hidden in the flowers, and a road is dragged by the woman behind her.

The flower branch fell to the ground, and the petals scattered all over the ground, stained with the woman's blood, becoming more and more colorful.

"no, do not want!"

The woman's scream brought Fan Ke back to reality. Fan Ke came back to his senses, looked at the two of them, and then his eyes widened suddenly.

I saw the man raised the ax high and then dropped it heavily.


The ax is sharp, and Fan Ke can almost hear the sticky sound of the ax passing through the flesh and...the sound of bones breaking.

The woman died.

The boss stared at Fan Ke when he died.

The man's movements still did not stop, countless blood flowed out, and the man laughed ferociously, as if he had fallen into a bewilderment.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but after absorbing the woman's blood, the peony flower seemed to become more vivid.

Just as Fan Ke was staring at the peony, he suddenly heard the man's shrill scream.

The peonies in the courtyard tightly wrapped the man's body, and when Fan Ke realized it, he only saw the man's terrified eyes.

The wind blows gently, carrying the aroma of peony, mixed with the sweet and greasy smell of blood.

The man... is gone.

Only the clothes the man had just worn remained on the ground.

Fan Ke looked at everything in front of him with a pale face, and a nameless fear filled the air.

On the ground, the woman's eyes were still open, and a tear of blood slowly flowed from the corner of her eye.

The petals of the peony flower slowly fell, covering the woman's body.

The sticky sound of flesh and blood resounded, especially loud in this silent environment, and Fan Ke couldn't ignore it.

Suddenly, under the petals, the woman's body moved!

Standing up slowly in an extremely twisted posture, the blood almost stained the peony flowers on the woman's cheongsam, the woman's eyes were fixed on Fan Ke, and she approached step by step.

The surrounding air was distorted, and Fan Ke found that she couldn't move, she could only watch the woman approaching step by step, her throat seemed to be strangled by an invisible big hand, and she couldn't make the slightest sound.

The woman was close at hand, and the strong smell of blood rushed into his nostrils, and Fan Ke couldn't help wanting to vomit.

The woman slowly opened her mouth, and a peony flower made of flesh and blood bloomed in the woman's mouth, with barbed stamens extending towards Fan Ke.

Just when Fan Ke closed his eyes and gave up struggling, a golden light burst out with a strong light.

The woman screamed horribly.

"Fan Ke, wake up!"

A cold voice sounded in the ear.

Fan Ke opened his eyes in a daze, "Shu Shu? What's wrong?"

Shi Fei breathed a sigh of relief from the side, "Ke Ke, are you having a nightmare?"

At dawn, Shi Fei was woken up by Fan Ke's movement. Fan Ke hugged the quilt tightly beside her, her body was shaking constantly, and she couldn't wake up no matter what.

Shi Fei was so frightened that she hurried to call Cen Shu.

"Ke Ke, you're really scaring me to death!" Shi Fei hugged Fan Ke lightly, and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly.

Only then did Fan Ke come back to his senses, and glanced at the balcony, there was nothing there, as if everything he saw just now was just a dream.

"Shu Shu..." Fan Ke raised his head and looked at Cen Shu, still terrified.

Cen Shu raised her hand and touched Fan Ke's head, "Well, it's all right."

The still plain words dispelled Fan Ke's fear well.

"Ke Ke, your clothes are all wet, go take a shower first, and we'll go down to have breakfast later." Shi Fei said.

"Well, good." Fan Ke nodded, and she also felt sticky and uncomfortable.

Seeing Fan Ke walk into the bathroom, Cen Shu walked to the balcony, opened the sliding door, and felt a sticky, reddish-brown sticky texture, like blood that had dried up for a long time, and the imprint was printed from the inside of the door .

Cen Shu glanced outside the balcony, took out a wet towel from her pocket, wiped her hands carelessly, and then wiped off the blood stains on the doorknob.

"Shu Shu, what's the matter?" Shi Fei asked strangely after seeing Cen Shu's movements after changing her clothes.

Cen Shu threw the wet tissue into the trash can and said calmly, "It's okay, it's still raining."

When the balcony was opened, a wave of damp water vapor poured in, with the smell of rotting vegetation, which was not very pleasant.

Shi Fei lit the sandalwood provided by the hotel and placed it in the corner, and the green smoke rose upwards, covering up the wet smell.

"I can't have a picnic again today..." Outside the window, the rain was heavy, and it didn't mean to get smaller.

Shi Fei sighed, "Obviously I've checked everything, it should be sunny in the last few days."

Cen Shu touched Shi Fei's head comfortingly, but did not speak.

'Ding! '

In the room, several people's mobile phones rang at the same time. It was a text message from the resort.

"Dear passengers, I'm sorry that some landslides have been caused by the heavy rain recently, and some sections of the road cannot travel. At present, the relevant departments are sending more people to repair the road section. Please rest assured and wish you a happy life."

(End of this chapter)

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