Chapter 351 That person is dying
"Since life is so bad for you, don't be sad, don't cry, just lie down and enjoy it... Wang Zha! I've lost all my cards!"

This text message from the resort undoubtedly caused panic among all the tourists in the resort. Gu Huo took a sip of milk tea to calm down the shock, glanced at the tourists who were about to make a noise at the front desk on the first floor, and said softly, "Which batch is this today?" gone?"

After receiving the text message, the few people didn't have much reaction. After all, it doesn't matter where to spend the winter vacation. Without the little kid at home, Gu Huo is still happy and relaxed. Except for the lack of signal, everything is good here.

"It should be the fifth batch." Jiang Zhi said without turning his head while holding a hand of cards.

There is a lounge on the second floor, and you can see the panorama downstairs at a glance. There is no signal on the mobile phone. Gu Huo took out a deck of playing cards from the suitcase, and several people took turns to play cards.

"Life is not easy!" Gu Huo sighed with emotion.

"Bomb, I'm second!" Fan Ke's mouth curled slightly, looking at Jiang Zhi gloatingly, "Wan Wan is No.1 from the bottom again, shuffle the cards!"

Cen Shu was sitting by the window, playing a small game that came with her phone. The window was slightly opened, and the damp and cold air was blowing in, carrying a hint of coolness.

Some tourists just planned to play for a day or two. Unexpectedly, the heavy rain caused mudslides, and the mountain was closed. In addition, there was no Internet, and many people collapsed instantly.

Jiang Zhi wailed, and began to shuffle the cards resignedly.


The vase hit the ground with a crisp sound.

"What kind of broken resort!? I have a very important meeting tomorrow, and now I don't have the internet, and I can't get out. My project is worth [-] million yuan. Will you compensate me?"

The heating was fully turned on in the hall. A man was wearing a white T-shirt, a large patterned underpants on his lower body, and slippers, with a livid face.

Beside the man is a broken decorative vase.

"That's right, it's obviously your hotel's fault, so why should we bear the loss? It's only a [-]% discount for one night. What a broken hotel, I won't come here again."

"That's right, why open a resort if you're so stingy, it will close down sooner or later."


Other bystanders also began to discuss.

Seeing this situation, the front desk could only keep saying comforting words.

"Everyone, all passengers, please be safe and don't be impatient!"

At this time, a man in a suit with neatly combed hair came over, followed by several staff members in the same suit and leather shoes.

The man raised his chin in disdain, and looked at the visitor with an unfriendly expression, "Who are you? Can you make the decision? Don't use that disgusting rhetoric, I'm tired of hearing it."

"Good morning everyone, I am the person in charge of this resort, Liu Leqiang." Liu Leqiang had a modest smile on his face, "I can understand everyone's feelings, and the resort has already sent staff down the mountain and down the mountain Docking, I believe the mountain road will be cleared soon."

"The front desk of you said that yesterday. Only ghosts believe your words. So what about the loss of us?"

Hearing that Liu Leqiang was in charge, the man lost his arrogance just now, but he was still aggressive.

The smile on Liu Leqiang's face remained unchanged, "The resort didn't expect this incident, but in order to enhance the customer experience, I, someone from Liu, made the decision. Everyone will be exempted from the room fee from today until the mountain road is smooth. It’s also a little bit of kindness from someone Liu, I hope everyone can understand and support.”

Hearing Liu Leqiang's handling, most of the people stopped talking. The man in the shirt glanced around and frowned, "Then what should I do? My project of [-] million is in vain like this?"

Liu Leqiang showed a look of embarrassment, "Well, the hotel has tried its best to compensate you, and we are all in small business, so we couldn't expect this natural disaster..."

The shirt man's face was livid, and he glanced at it. When he saw the off-road vehicle parked at the door, his eyes lit up, "Is this the car from your hotel? Didn't you send staff to pick it up? I'm going down the mountain now!"

"Sir, the rain is so heavy now, and the situation on the mountain is complicated. We don't know if there will be another landslide. Our hotel must not take this risk." Liu Leqiang said righteously.

"I don't care!" The man in the shirt was very irritable, his eyes were red, "You send someone to send me down the mountain now!"

Liu Leqiang stood there in embarrassment, and the others couldn't stand it any longer, and tried to persuade him one after another, what's the use of earning so much money, even if they lost their lives.

The man in the shirt didn't listen to a word, he stepped forward and grabbed Liu Leqiang by the collar, "Don't let your hotel be responsible, what happened, I will take responsibility for it myself, and you don't need to send someone, I can just drive it myself!"

Liu Leqiang had no choice but to sigh.

The staff behind him understood instantly, stepped forward a few steps, and handed over the car keys.

The man grabbed the key, carried the small suitcase he had packed long ago, put on his down jacket, got into the car in a hurry, started the car, and with a roar, the off-road vehicle quickly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"This... just leave?"

Jiang Zhi was a little taken aback, did he really want money rather than his life?

Fan Ke watched Liu Leqiang say a few words to the staff, and walked towards the open-air hot spring alone, frowning slightly.

"What's the matter, Keke? Do you know that person?" Seeing Fan Ke's expression was wrong, Shi Fei asked strangely.

Fan Ke nodded, "This is what I told you, the friend my dad knew is also the owner of this resort, but..."

"Ke Ke, you're so hesitant, I'm almost dying of anxiety!" Gu Huo said vaguely while eating pork jerky.

"It's just that he looks much younger..." Fan Ke came to this resort with her parents three or four years ago, when she met Liu Leqiang, the wrinkles around Liu Leqiang's eyes were very serious.

But looking at it today, the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes have almost disappeared, and the spirit of the whole person is also very different from before.

Fan Ke glanced around and lowered his voice, "You guys say, could it be that thing from last night?"

Gu Huo and the others wouldn't have thought much about it before. After all, medical beauty is so developed now. As long as you have money, it shouldn't be a big problem to get rid of a wrinkle. But after last night, they are all a little helpless now.


Cen Shu's faint voice made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's fine if it's not, it's fine if it's not." They were almost psychologically shadowed, and now everyone felt that they were not human.

"But..." Cen Shu held the milk tea and looked out the window.

The hearts of several people who had fallen down instantly lifted up again.

"That man is dying."

A gust of cold wind blew, and several people shivered subconsciously.

Cen Shu looked out the window, her eyes were slightly cold, and she stopped talking.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, chubby!

  Good night, go to bed early~
(End of this chapter)

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