Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 352 Grave Grass 3 Meters High

Chapter 352 Grave Grass Three Meters High
"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Guo Zhen drove the car and tried to call the outside number over and over again, but he couldn't get out at all.

The wipers brushed the windshield quickly, and the rain gurgled and flowed down the line of the car.

Guo Zhen was playing the reverse wheel with one hand, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was staring straight ahead.

There was a lot of fog in the mountains, coupled with the heavy rain, it was almost impossible to see the scenery 20 meters away.


The car seemed to have hit something, Guo Zhen's face turned pale, and he subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

However, due to the speed of the car, the wheels slipped, and the car body slammed into the guardrail of the mountain uncontrollably. Guo Zhen didn't even have time to react, the airbag popped out, and his head hit the airbag heavily.

Guo Zhen was sitting in the driver's seat, with bright red blood running down his cheeks, the hood of the car was lifted, and the off-road vehicle was emitting white smoke.


Guo Zhen pushed the door and got out of the car. The raindrops hit his body and it hurt. He went around the car to check and found that there was no blood at all in front of the car. In addition to the weather, Guo Zhen thought that the thing he hit just now should be a branch that rolled down the mountain. some type of.

The car was scrapped, and the temperature outside was extremely extreme. Guo Zhen didn't bring any thick clothes when he came to play, and it became colder after getting wet in the rain.

Guo Zhen returned to the car tremblingly, and tried to start the car again, but after trying several times, the car didn't respond at all, and now he couldn't go to the village or back to the shop, he had to do something, otherwise he would freeze to death in the here.

It has been nearly an hour since he drove away. It is definitely not a wise move to walk up the mountain now. Guo Zhen looked around and saw that the surrounding scenery was very strange.

If he goes down the mountain, he may still meet the staff of the rescue team, but the most important problem is that he doesn't know how far he is from the place where the mudslide happened. He is hungry and cold now, and he regrets it...

Guo Zhen slammed his fist on the steering wheel and cursed in a low voice.

"After a farewell, the two places love each other. Only three and four months, but who knows five or six years. The lyre has no heart to play, the eight-line script has nothing to pass on, the nine-link ring is broken from it, and the ten-mile long pavilion is eager to see through..."

At this time, the faint tune sounded, very soft and soft, echoing in the valley, with a touch of ethereal, but it seemed a bit weird because it appeared out of time.

Guo Zhen shook his head, thinking that he had auditory hallucinations, but the voice was getting louder and louder, making it impossible for him to ignore it.

Not far away, a graceful figure was vaguely reflected in the rain curtain, gradually becoming clearer from far to near.

The woman holds an oil-paper umbrella with one hand, her eyes are bright and her teeth are bright red, her lips are extremely red, and a big red cheongsam wraps her body, exquisite and exquisite, like a splashed ink landscape painting, and a woman is the only one in the endless black and white world That unique color.

Guo Zhen was stunned for a while, what a, what a beautiful woman.

The woman approached, looking at Guo Zhen with glazed eyes, and said in a low and charming voice, "Hello, do you need any help?"

'boom boom'

A few bolts of lightning streaked across the thick clouds, followed by thunder.

"Don't play anymore, it's not interesting at all!" Jiang Zhi had already lost several hands, and he threw away the cards irritably, and began to play tricks.

Gu Huo let out a light 'tsk', "Wanwan, you can't afford to lose!"

Jiang Zhi scratched his head, looked at Cen Shu, "Sister Cen..."

Cen Shu turned her head and raised her eyebrows lightly, "What's wrong?"

"Sister Cen, if we persuaded that person just now, wouldn't that person die?" As soon as Jiang Zhi said this, the rest of the teasers fell silent. Obviously, they thought the same way, after all It's a living life...

They clearly know the ending, but they don't do anything, and they always feel uneasy.

"I don't know..." Cen Shu said lightly, "I guess."

Everyone: ?
Cen Shu spread her hands, her face expressionless, "I also need to charge money for reading pictures, and I usually don't look at those who haven't been paid..."

Gu Huo swallowed with some difficulty, "Then you just said that that person will die..."

"Isn't there a lot of TV dramas? Generally, the graves of people who do things different from everyone else at this time are three meters high." Cen Shu said solemnly.

Everyone: ...

Well, it makes sense, and they couldn't refute it for a while.

"Is it possible that the man found that he couldn't get out at all, so maybe he drove back." Fan Ke comforted.

After all, they came out to play happily, and they didn't want to witness a fresh life disappear like this.

Cen Shu glanced at the few people, pursed her lips, and did not speak.

[Host, why don't you tell them the truth? 】Xiaohua slept for a long time, woke up to update the information, and saw that Cen Shu's expression was not right, so she asked curiously.

Cen Shu propped her chin with one hand, 【Tell what? 】

[Is that person not going to die? 】Xiao Hua jumped onto the table, looking at the cake on the table, feeling a little greedy for no reason.

[Who said that person would die? 】Cen Shu poked the light spot with her fingertips, always felt that after this hibernation, the light spot seemed to be bigger than before.

Xiao Hua was poked and almost fell into the cake, and looked at Cen Shu with aggrieved eyes, 【Host! 】

[Well, what's the matter? 】 Cen Shu's tone was light.

【No, nothing...】Xiao Hua hugged Cen Shu's fingertips, 【That person...】

[Do you think someone will let him come back? 】Cen Shu spoke calmly, raised her eyes to look out the window, and said nothing more.

Xiao Hua froze for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Cen Shu, but she could only see her calm profile.

"Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily out of service area, please call again later..."

A repetitive mechanical sound came.

in the study.

Lu Si stared at the phone, his eyes were dark, and he squeezed the phone tightly with his fingertips. Because of too much force, it was faintly white.

"Lord Lu, I found out that the only mountain road leading to the Yanbian resort was blocked due to mudslides, and the signal tower on the mountain also failed..."

Lu Mu opened the door and came in. When talking about the back, he looked up at Lu Si cautiously, "It's not yet confirmed whether it is natural or man-made."

If it's a natural disaster, it's okay, if it's a man-made disaster...

Lu Si got up, with a nameless chill all over his body, "Get ready for an off-road vehicle!"

Lu Mu was startled, "Master Lu, it's still raining heavily, and the mountain road is complicated..."

A blush appeared in Lu Si's eyes, and he glanced at Lu Mu lightly.

Lu Mu's words of persuasion stuck in his throat, and he sighed softly in his heart, "Yes, I'll go get ready."

'dong dong'

There was a knock on the door.

"Master Lu, someone is looking for you at the door." The housekeeper stood respectfully at the door and said.

Lu Si squeezed the center of his eyebrows, "Who?"

The butler looked distressed, and stammered: "He didn't say his name, so he asked me to tell you that he wanted to talk to you about Miss Cen Shu."

Lu Si closed his eyes, and slowly let go of his clenched fists. All the blood in his eyes faded, and his voice was low, "Please come in."

(End of this chapter)

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